DIY paper carnation - 5 manufacturing options with a detailed description

Carnation is an extraordinary flower that combines delicate beauty and strict line geometry. Each petal has a spectacular carved structure. Many lovers of creating paper crafts do not even try to reproduce a work of nature itself, thinking that this is a very troublesome and time-consuming task.

However, there are several ways to make a carnation out of paper with your own hands, some will be easier to master, others really have several time-consuming steps. In the article, we will figure out how to make such a spectacular flower, both voluminous and flat. You can make a magnificent bouquet from the first and put it in a vase or give it to your girlfriend for a holiday, and attach the other to a cardboard sheet, creating a holiday card.

One thing is for sure, be sure to try to make a clove of paper with your own hands, after a detailed explanation it will turn out to make it with ease.

Corrugated Paper Flower

For such a voluminous clove, you need corrugated paper in two colors. In the photo below, red is selected for the bud and green for the stem. However, a flower can be made in absolutely any color. Cloves are white and purple, burgundy and blue, pink and yellow. What all flowers have in common is carved leaves. How to make a clove of paper with your own hands, read on.

how to make a clove from paper

Red paper is cut into wide strips, which are folded into several parts, and the edge on one side is formed by small triangles. Try to make all ends the same. Then the tape is unwrapped and the most time-consuming part of creating the craft is performed, namely, folding with a small "accordion", each face of which corresponds to a cut corner. Some people omit this process, but after folding, a self-made paper clove has a more natural appearance.

Attachment to the shaft

After processing, the edge of the workpiece is smeared with PVA glue and attached to the edge of the stick. You can take a thick wire, but before wrapping the paper, bend its upper edge with a hook so that the flower holds on to the stem more tightly. When winding, the paper is picked up by hands, and in the end everything is fixed together with threads.

Further work is done on the stalk. Using a strip of green, the lower part of the flower is first glued, and then it gradually descends along the entire wire. The edges are also smeared with PVA glue. From thin strips, you can draw leaflets and weave them into the base.

Tissue Paper Flowers

DIY paper cloves can also be made by a simpler method. You will need thin paper, thread, sharp scissors or tongs. They immediately take a bunch of rectangular leaves folded together. They are folded with an accordion 1 cm wide. Then, using sharp scissors, the ends of the workpiece are cut into corners.

accordion carnation

The nylon thread is tightly tied up exactly in the middle of the accordion and tied with a tight knot. All that remains is to carefully level each layer individually with your hands, lifting the parts up.

Making cloves from circles

Do-it-yourself blanks for creating cloves from colored paper do the same. These are circles carved according to a single pattern. Then each part is folded in half, then again. The resulting triangles are not completely cut into four parts. Cut a small central point. And the outer edge of the scissors is processed so that it turns out many small corners.

step-by-step instruction

Then the circle is folded "accordion" by sector. When deploying the workpiece, a relief part is obtained. Thus, 5 or 6 elements can be made. Assembly is carried out alternately. All the petals are worn one after another on a wire with a rounded bottom edge. In the end, they are pressed with their fingers so that the ends look up. The lower part of the craft is wrapped with threads.

how to collect a flower together

Between the layers of paper, PVA glue is applied to the center of each circle. It remains to wrap the bottom of the strip of green paper and draw the stem stem similarly. Now you know how to make paper carnations with your own hands.

The easiest option

Such a clove is collected from a strip 4 to 5 cm wide. In order for the flower to have rounded wavy petals, you need to press and stretch the fingers to give an unevenness to one edge of the workpiece. Attach the prepared strip to the rod of wire with a curved end. You can use a pair of pliers to bend the loop or simply twist the edge around the axis. This will further prevent the flower from sliding off the stem.

the easiest paper clove option

Then the lower edge of the flower is tied with thread and wrapped in green paper, like the whole wire to the very bottom. Use PVA glue to attach.

Quilling card

A voluminous postcard with carnations can be presented to a veteran on Victory Day or to dad on February 23. Quilling strips are selected with the same width. Bright shades are bought for the petals, and green for the leaves. If you are not familiar with the technique of quilling, then recall that this is twisting from strips around the rod, the function of which can be trusted with a toothpick or a thin wooden skewer. If you like to create crafts, then get yourself a special hook with a slot on the end.

quilling clove

How to make original paper cloves with your own hands? Read on for a step-by-step job description. Petals are made by winding onto the shaft freely. The edge of the strip is glued to the PVA glue to the last turn. Then each detail must be taken with your fingers, creating a heart shape. They are glued on cardboard cards in two rows. The bowl for the petals is made of tight wrap. After attaching the edge, you need to press the middle a little. The dented part is the detail to the petals. It remains to make twigs and leaves. They are performed by winding on a thick rod. You can use a marker or a bottle of medicine. After attaching the edge, the leaf is squeezed from two sides and bent by a wave.

The article gives samples of the manufacture of a favorite of many flowers with step-by-step instructions and photographs. Try creating a paper clove yourself. This is not difficult. Good luck in your work!


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