Gauleiter in fascist Germany - who is this? Hierarchy of the NSDAP

The history of fascist Germany is short-lived, but very bloody. It began with the Great Depression, the global economic crisis that began in 1929 and particularly affected the countries of big capital: the USA and Canada, Great Britain, France and Germany. In 1933, he destroyed the Weimar Republic and contributed to the coming to power of Adolf Hitler.

Rise to power

Six million unemployed, the general growing discontent of citizens generated a sharp radicalization (extreme uncompromising commitment to certain views) of society. Many supported the Communists (almost 17%), but there were almost twice as many supporters of the Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler destroyed on his way to power both his own and those of strangers, as a result of which on January 30, 1933 he became Chancellor of Germany.

Gauleiter in fascist Germany it

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state with a one-party system (like all similar regimes), the state policy of which was internal terror and external expansion.

Fascist state

In the occupied territories, and all Europe was enslaved, dotted with concentration camps, terror became the norm and the law. Nazi Germany died with its possessed Führer, but officially the Third Reich ceased to exist on May 23, 1945, at the moment when the Flensburg government, headed by Karl Dönitz, was dissolved. The destruction and discrimination of enslaved peoples is the official policy of this vampire state, which lasted 12 years. Who controlled the vast conquered territories, who was responsible for the establishment and observance of the “new order” in the lands entrusted to him?

Nazi Germany

Administrative unit

Gauleiter in Nazi Germany is an official burdened with all power in that administrative-territorial unit, or “Gau”, where the Führer personally appointed him. Actually, this is the head of the district. In 1933, he was the head of the constituency, of which there were 33. Subsequently, when the conquered territories appeared, districts (non-constituencies) became 43. Back in 1925, after the failed “beer coup”, the NSDAP was reorganized, as a result of which the post of Gauleiter appeared. And in 1928, this post was included in the list of party ranks, and its emblem was two oak leaves in buttonholes.

Hierarchy in the Third Reich

Gauleiter Germany
Ranks in fascist Germany, like ranks and signs, were army, SS, party. Since the leader of the Gau belonged to the latter structure, it is necessary to consider in more detail the party structure of the Reich. The Reichsleiter (the highest after Hitler) had the highest rank at the imperial level, then, naturally, the Gauleiter went to the Gau level, the Chrysler represented the district level, and the Ostruppenleiter was the main one at the local level. It can be stated that the Gauleiter in fascist Germany is the head of the NSDAP in the territory given to him for undivided use, that is, he occupies the highest party position in this area. His power there was undivided, before him stood only the task of the Fuhrer. He had his own structure of power, his subordinates, namely: immediately after the gauleiter was his deputy, to whom the guardhouse was subordinate, or a responsible executor for internal party affairs. Then, in order, they went amtsleiter, haptstellenleiter, stellenleiter and miterbeiter.

Party title

As already noted, the Gauleiter in fascist Germany is one of the highest ranks in the National Socialist Workers Party of Fascist Germany. Until 1939, the Gauleiter was both a position and a title, after - only a position. So is the deputy Gauleiter - after 1939 functionaries with the rank of Befelsleiter and Hauptdinsteiner could occupy this post. They were required to wear an armband confirming their position. The party hierarchy of the Third Reich is rather confused. Hitler created a unitary state, the government and party apparatus in which grew together as much as possible.

Who is the Reich Commissioner

Gauleiter in fascist Germany is at the same time an imperial governor. He was a kind of chief president of the “Gau” entrusted to him. That is, the most important thing does not happen. The provincial government, appointed by the Führer Gauleiter, was completely subordinate.

However, there were still posts of Reich commissars or governors. In fact, the Reichskommissar acted as a government without being a member of it, and was directly subordinate only to the Führer. The most striking example is Hermann Goering as Reich Commissioner of Aviation. But as the enslavement of more and more lands, these posts began to be introduced in new territories for the implementation of imperial policies on them. Its only purpose was the following: at the first stage - to squeeze everything possible out of these regions, mercilessly exploiting economic and human resources, at the second - to clear out, completely destroy or turn into working cattle the local population and prepare the territories for German settlers-colonists.

Territorial division of enslaved territories

To maximize the enslavement of annexed lands, the following Reich Commissariats were created: the Netherlands, Norway, Ostland, Ukraine (formed on August 20, 1941 with the capital in Rivne), Muscovy, the Caucasus and Turkestan. The last two were only planned, Muscovy was established, but for known reasons dissolved. Ukraine was less fortunate - in 1942, Gauleiter Koch took over as Reich Commissioner for this country.

Gauleiter Koch
Who is he - Erich Koch, above which there was only the sun, and cooler - only Hitler? There were plenty of posts and titles. In this regard, it should be noted that, in addition to all of the above posts, titles, ranks, implying one single thing - unlimited power, there was also the position of head of the civil administration, and it was also held by Erich Koch (Bialystok district).

All holding koch

In addition, this Obergruppenführer SA (Army Lieutenant General) was a Gauleiter and Oberpresident of East Prussia. He stayed at the post of Reich Commissioner of Ukraine until 1944, while combining all of the above posts. And in all posts he was extremely rude, and cruelty superior to all other Nazi executioners. This major Nazi functionary is more famous than others in our country precisely because he was the master of Ukraine, although his name is associated with the disappearance of the Amber Room and the arrival of the Ribbentrop delegation in Moscow in 1939.

Nazi bonza

ranks in fascist Germany
Erich Koch literally was not a Gauleiter of Ukraine, he was the Reich Commissioner, because the title of “Gauleiter” was abolished in 1939. Most likely, in public consciousness, this term was inextricably linked with the concept of the owner, exposed by unlimited power, which he used to the full. Although in some articles it is called "Gauleiter of the Reich Commissariat of Ukraine." In a word - a slave owner who, in relation to the Russians (or rather the Soviet ones), was not going to be him. Koch declared that for Great Germany the life of this people was unprofitable, therefore they were not talking about any colonization and exploitation, they would all be simply destroyed. We can add that this inquisitor spent 36 years in a rather comfortable prison built by him himself, and the Soviet government did not demand his extradition. He lived to be 90 years old.

Sprouts of neo-Nazism

The Gauleiters of Germany were the most loyal dogs of Adolf Hitler. After the war, this title was remembered in the 50s in connection with the “Naumann Circle”, or the “Gauleiter Circle”.

history of fascist Germany
Then in this country the movement of neo-Nazis very much revived. Rallying around Werner Naumann (Minister of Press and Propaganda of the Third Reich), former fascist functionaries wanted to infiltrate the highest legislative and executive bodies of Germany.


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