Savelovsky station: how to get to it? History of Savelovsky Station

The proposal to create the Savelovskaya branch was first put forward by S.I. Mamontov is a famous philanthropist and entrepreneur, who is a member of the Moscow-Yaroslavl Railway Company.

Railway line construction

The year 1897 has come. It was at this time that the Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk Railway began to build a branch from the village of Savelovo, located near the Volga, to the capital. The length of the new line was only 130 kilometers - a little, but it came in handy. True, then the workers did not even begin to build Savelovsky Station. The trading village called Kimry, through which the branch passed, was famous at that time for shoe makers. Also nearby was the ancient village of Kashin. Soon it was decided to pave the way to Rybinsk, Uglich and Kalyazin.

The branch was built on both sides - from Savelov and from the capital. The rails were taken only made at Russian plants - Bryansk, South Dnieper, Putilovsky.

The beginning of the construction of the station

It was worth thinking about the future station building. The choice fell on Butyrskaya outpost, located in the backyards - there the cost of land was quite acceptable. The Savelovskaya line was extended to the Kamer-Kollezhsky shaft from the station called Beskudnikovo.

Savelovsky station
But for the construction of the station, it was still necessary to obtain permission from the Moscow Duma. This process dragged on for a long time. However, when, finally, permission was obtained, the workers delivered building materials, including stone and sand, to the Butyrskaya outpost. They began to build Savelovsky station, but it so happened that soon the construction was stopped.

End of station construction

At the end of autumn 1900, work on the construction of the building continued. The construction was supervised by an engineer named Sumarokov. It is believed that it was this person who created the project of the station. The building turned out to be unremarkable, there was not even a main entrance. Basically, it consisted of one floor, and only in the middle was the second one, on which office apartments should be located.

how to get to Savelovsky station

At some distance from the passenger station was a building called the military hut. It was much larger than the station building. Barack was supposed to serve as a temporary station for passengers. Not far from it was also a cargo yard. Although Savelovsky station looked modest enough, people still paid attention to it.

The celebration of the opening of the station

The building was erected in 1902, in the spring. On March 10, Sunday, the station was consecrated, which was called Butyrsky. On the same day the first squad drove away from him. The Moskovsky Listok newspaper reported that the newly-built building and all the space around it was decorated with numerous plants and flags in the morning. At about noon from Yaroslavl station, a staff arrived with the chiefs and representatives of some railways, who were specially invited to the celebration. The celebration began with a prayer service performed in front of icons taken from a nearby church. Then the station was sprinkled with holy water, after which all the guests followed into the first-class room: expensive alcohol was served there. For a long time Moscow has not seen such a magnificent celebration! Savelovsky station was the perfect reason for this.

Savelovsky station Sheremetyevo

People set to work ...

Entrepreneur Gustav Liszt erected a new plant near the station, suggesting that people living in the suburbs would get settled here. Metropolitan homeowners took up the matter. They, hoping that a flood of people would flood, erected dozens of new buildings in the district. With lightning speed, the value of land has risen. Many became interested in how to get to Savelovsky station.

The inclusion of Butyrka in Moscow

The building, as mentioned above, was erected outside the city, not far from the capital. But the Moscow Duma was well aware that this area has become promising. Therefore, in 1899, papers were drawn up for a new distinction between the capital and the county. After 12 months, some suburban areas began to be considered Moscow. This is how people whose houses were located in a country village called Butyrka began to be considered Muscovites - the station and the railway line helped them in this. The circumstances were successful for them. They thanked fate for Savelovsky station. The metro, by the way, is now very close to it.

Repair and restoration

For a long time, the Butyrsky station (a little later called Savelovsky) functioned properly, however, as the number of traffic increased, it began to age and lose its beautiful appearance.

Moscow Savelovsky Station
In the 80s of the twentieth century, it was decided that the building should be restored and properly repaired. The project was compiled by the staff of the Moszheldorproject Institute, which was led by Shamray. Repair dragged on for years. However, the trains still traveled by rail - there were no barriers for this. Ticket offices at this time were located in temporary buildings.

In 1992, on the first day of autumn, the building, which received a new life, reopened its doors. At present, Savelovsky Station is, without exaggeration, an impeccable passenger complex providing visitors with a wide variety of services.

How to get to the train station?

You can get to Savelovsky Station by metro. You should leave at the station of the same name Serpukhovo-Timiryazevskaya branch. You can walk from the metro to the station in about two minutes. You can also come here by car. You need to get to the TTC in the Suschevsky Val area, and then turn to the station square.

Savelovsky metro station
A lot of people go on long trips involving transfers. Especially a lot of tourists in the summer. Some as a transit choose Savelovsky station. Sheremetyevo - this is the place in which crowds of people who have come here are striving. They should take the train and go to the Lobnya station, after which they will transfer to the company bus, which will take them to the airport.


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