Rest in sanatoriums and rest homes. Summer holidays with children

In the summer, I want to have a good rest, regain my strength after a long cold winter, save up health, and just chat with my family, otherwise all the work, work all year round ... Many go on a trip abroad or travel “the savages” across the south of Russia. But there is still rest in sanatoriums and rest homes - quiet, calm, wellness and completely safe, which is important in our turbulent time.

Where is the best place to relax?

When people go to rest in other countries, this is usually associated with such inconveniences as changing time zones or acclimatization. When a person is young and full of energy, perhaps all this does not present a particular problem for him. But older people and children suffer all of the above quite hard.

Rest in sanatoriums and rest houses

Why expose the child to unnecessary stress? Perhaps you should prefer Egypt or Turkey to rest in sanatoriums and rest homes, which are literally next door? For example, there are so many beautiful scenic spots in the Moscow Region with clean air and lovely Russian landscapes! No stress for the body, just come and relax! You can walk through the woods, pick berries and wildflowers, sunbathe, swim in the river or lake. And the sun here is not so fierce as in the south, which means that the heat is not so strong, and the risk of sunbathing by sunbathing on the beach in central Russia is much lower than on the coast of the southern sea.

But this does not mean at all that one cannot have a good rest in the Crimea or in the Krasnodar Territory. There are also sanatoriums and recreation centers, modern and comfortable. And if you go south with the children, then it is better to settle in some boarding house than to try to relax in the "wild way".

What to choose - a sanatorium or a holiday home?

People who consider themselves healthy, do not need any treatment, can safely buy a ticket to the holiday home. There is a free daily routine, and boring diet meals are not served in the dining room for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Yes, and entertainment in the holiday home is much more. The tasks of the boarding house include providing guests with housing, high-quality tasty food, domestic services and various entertainments.

Sanatoriums of the Russian Federation

It is a completely different matter if a person feels that he needs to thoroughly improve his health, and therefore wants to use his summer vacation for this. Then you can go to the resort to the sanatorium, which you need to choose in accordance with medical indications. On the spot, the doctor will prescribe treatment and preventive procedures and a diet to the new guest. In such institutions, there is usually a special daily routine, a quiet hour, etc.

Sanatoriums of the middle strip of Russia

In Russia there are a huge number of such recreational facilities. And resort and sanatorium institutions located in Tula, Vladimir, Pskov, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Novgorod, Ryazan and Kaluga regions are considered one of the best. In these areas, more than a dozen protected recreation areas are concentrated, each of which offers specialized types of treatment.

Sanatoriums and recreation centers

It is no secret that now there is an increase in bronchopulmonary diseases throughout the world. The resort area of ​​central Russia is very favorable for people with the indicated pathology. Many of the local sanatoriums of the Russian Federation were opened during the years of the USSR. Some of them have the status of balneological resorts, since mineral waters from local sources can save people from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as raise immunity and improve the metabolic processes of the body. In central Russia, it is recommended that people suffering from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, etc. have a rest.

Sanatorium-resort areas of southern Russia

The healing properties of the southern sun, sea water and coastal climate are not in doubt. South is a traditional recreation area and the concentration of many pensions and resorts. And if in the middle zone of Russia it’s good to rest in the summer, then in the south you can do it any month of the year. This is facilitated by a warm and mild southern climate. By popularity today, of course, the leading resorts of the Krasnodar Territory are in the lead . Sochi, Anapa, Tuapse, Gelendzhik have a huge network of institutions specifically designed for spa and recreation and treatment.

Gelendzhik holiday resorts

On the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory there are many healing springs and places where there are healing mud. In Anapa and Gelendzhik, the climate is similar to the Mediterranean, and the air is saturated with volatile pine trees and other conifers and plants. If you are interested in the topic: "Gelendzhik: rest, sanatoriums", then first of all it is worth paying attention to such health resorts as "Rainbow", "Arkhipo-Osipovka", "Volcano", sanatorium them. Lomonosov - these recreation areas are among the most beloved among Russians.

In the Tuapse area, the medical resorts Avtotransportnik Rossii, Belaya Rus, Lermontovo, Zelenaya Dolina, Yamal, Nebug, Zelenaya gai are operating. A huge number of sanatorium facilities are located in the Sochi region: Yunost (mother and child), Aurora (military), Blue Hill ... In total, 101 sanatoriums operate in Sochi. However, I want to pay special attention to Anapa.

Children, leisure, summer, Anapa

Anapa region is traditionally considered one of the best places for children. A large number of recreation camps for children have been opened in the region: "Solnechny", "Kolosok", "Kavkaz", "Chernomorets", "Globus", "Pearl of Russia", "Ural gems", "Change", "Vesnyanochka", " Space "," Elbrus "," Falcon "," Priazovets "," Birch "," Scarlet Sails "," Young Petrochemist "- this is not a complete list of all resorts for children open near Anapa.

Children rest summer

Thousands of families with children come to Anapa every year to relax. In summer, there is always a whole sea of ​​children of various ages, from very tiny kids to teenagers. Where are the best beaches, the most gentle and fine sand, the most gentle and clean sea? Naturally, in Anapa!

Sanatoriums of the North Caucasus

When it comes to rest in sanatoriums and rest homes, it is impossible not to mention the North Caucasus with its unique mineral springs and clean mountain air. Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk - these famous names always evoke associations with resorts.

Summer vacation

Here, people with disruptions of the digestive tract, diabetics, hypertension, patients with diseases of the endocrine system, and so on, improve their health every year. Local mineral waters produce a truly miraculous effect. And, of course, not only patients are shown to rest in the North Caucasus, but healthy people also do not interfere with spending their holidays there, because there is never much health!

Rest in Karelia

Rest in sanatoriums and rest houses of Karelia is also very popular. Beautiful places, beautiful nature and developed tourist infrastructure make a trip to these places pleasant and certainly good for health. Vast Karelian forests are usually called the "lungs of Europe", so do not be surprised that Karelia breathes so well and freely.

In Petrozavodsk, the famous sanatorium "White Keys" operates , in Prionezhie - "Marcial Waters". Both institutions can boast of comfortable living conditions, excellent health-improving programs. Summer holidays in the North in recent years has become especially popular and in demand due to global warming. Sometimes the heat becomes so unbearable even in central Russia that people prefer not the southern resorts, but the northern ones, where even in the summer months you can treat yourself to a pleasant coolness.

Pension Crimea

The Crimean peninsula is another tourist mecca. They welcome guests here, both in winter and in summer. By the number of boarding houses and sanatoriums, this place is considered the leading one. In the Soviet Union, it was decided to travel annually to rest in the Crimea. After all, the absolute majority of citizens at that time did not dare to dream of traveling to Turkey or Egypt.

Guest house rest

Unfortunately, after the restructuring, many Crimean sanatoriums and resort bases built under "developed socialism" were abandoned. In 2014, Crimea returned under the wing of Russia, and now we can hope that gradually the Russians will be able to restore the civilized tourist infrastructure of the Crimean peninsula. In the meantime, today many people prefer to rest in the Crimea in a "wild" way. True, it is not difficult to find a good guest house there. Rest on the Crimean Black Sea coast is also good because it is inexpensive compared to abroad.

Kaliningrad region receives guests

In the Kaliningrad region, you can also relax. In the resort towns of Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk there are many boarding houses and sanatoriums. Amber Coast, Otradnoye, Seagull, Maisky, Troika, Olympus, and Amber are waiting for their guests. Although the Baltic Sea remains quite cold even in summer, the local climate and comfort more than make up for this shortcoming.


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