Wide-angle lenses - specifications and instructions

This article will discuss how to use wide-angle lenses correctly. Some features of their work are also considered. Very often, wide-angle lenses are used for the following purposes:

  1. When landscapes want to expand with a large space, for example, taking a view of the city.
  2. When a photographer wants to go unnoticed by shooting on the street.

wide angle lenses

Canon wide-angle lenses have a diagonal field of view of 100 degrees and a width of 88 (a normal 35 mm frame).

How do wide-angle lenses work? Their features

- They have a large capacity of space. Therefore, the objects depicted in the photograph are halved. This is the difference between shooting from a regular regular lens. Simply put, the wide-angle should not be used for shooting mountain landscapes, because it is very large.

wide angle lenses for canon

You can solve this problem. It should be added to the frame some large objects that appear in the foreground. It can be:

  • bushes;
  • puddles on the roads.

Thus, an active spot effect will be created, which the viewer can catch on to.

- When using wide-angle lenses, optical distortion may appear in pictures. These are barrel-shaped distortions (distortions). They appear on the periphery of the frame. But do not say that the quality of the photo is deteriorating due to this effect. Sometimes it’s the other way around. The composition in the picture looks more comfortable with the help of barrel distortion. If you would not like to bend the space, then take a closer look so that there are no trees or corners of houses along the edges. They are strongly bent. The camera needs to be held exactly horizontal, because there will be blockages of verticals.

canon wide angle lenses

- Wide-angle lenses have increased "glare". Therefore, you need to monitor the location of the sun when shooting on a sunny day. Use a hood if possible. If your equipment does not already have it, then a little difficulty awaits you. Due to the large size of the wide-angle (77 mm and more), it is difficult to choose a hood and filter. If you find them, they will cost you a decent amount.

- Wide-angle lenses for Canon, combined with a short-focus lens, have the specifics of using a polarizing filter. Since the sky has an uneven polarization at a wide angle, a dark blue spot will appear on it. If you want to take a horizontal landscape with the sky, then the wide-angle is not recommended for use with a polarizer. If you still want to try, then you should opt for polarizing filters with a narrow band ring. They are made specifically for wide-angle lenses and do not allow blackouts to enter the frame angle.

- With such photo lenses, using the built-in flash at the same time as the short-focus option is inefficient. A faint flash will not be able to highlight a huge spectrum of space and will be located close to a large diameter lens. Therefore, the pictures will have a dark spot in the shape of a semicircle. It will turn out due to the fact that the lens will cast a shadow from the flash. She gets into the frame from below.

Of course, not only wide-angle lenses cast a shadow, but also other types. However, due to the smaller angle of the field of view, it does not fall into the frame.

The way out of this problem is to increase the focal length or use the remote flash.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26309/

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