Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang / Vietnam): photos and reviews of tourists

The resort city of Nha Trang (southern Vietnam) is located on the coast, listed in the ranking of the most unique and beautiful bays in the world. It has a developed hotel, restaurant, trade infrastructure. By analyzing the sites of tour operators selling tours to Vietnam, you can select the hotel complex with a good price-quality ratio based on the reviews of tourists published on them. By this criterion, in particular, Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang) looks very worthy.

prime hotel 3 nha trang

The resort has made international investments. Since 2013, its infrastructure has been growing like mushrooms after rain. He has great resort potential. Each Nha Trang resident can choose a suitable vacation option. Connoisseurs of relaxing pastime enjoy magnificent beaches with coarse yellow sand and turquoise waters and enjoy gastronomic delights. Romantic natures go to the islands, looking for desert and exotic beaches in the style of the Bounty advertisement in their quiet bays. Fans of outdoor activities will prefer excursions, diving, paragliding, jet skis. Club patrons get drive from foam parties and night discos.

Location and price of the tour

The modern small hotel Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang) was erected in 2009 in the central part of Vietnam, in a traditionally resort town, the first pensions of which were built back in imperial times, when the country was a French colony. Its number of rooms is small - 64 client rooms. The hotel does not have its own beach. Its guests use the municipal infrastructure. Most often they are attracted by the city beach, it is huge (7 km), its sand is fine, golden. Nearby are three magnificent beaches with pleasant fine volcanic white sand and a convenient gentle slope into the water. The Vietnamese themselves call Nha Trang a holiday city.

The price of the tour for 7 nights with providing a vacationer with a double room with one double or two single beds in the second decade of November is 14,234 rubles, and in the third - 14,159 rubles.

Transfer from Kamran International Airport to Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang) is not tiring - only half an hour. The local way of life is purely resort, boring and measured. Directly from the city beach of Nha Trang you can see the world-famous grand entertainment complex "Winperl", erected on the island of the same name. The densely populated business metropolitan areas of Vietnam are far from this resort. From Nha Trang - 1280 km to the six millionth capital of Vietnam, Hanoi and 480 km - to the country's largest city of mountains and rivers, the eight millionth Ho Chi Minh City.

prime hotel 3 nha trang reviews

A few minutes walk from the municipal beach of Nha Trang (in Vietnam, almost all the beaches are owned by the municipalities) is a cozy hotel Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang). The address of this hotel complex is 04 Ton Dan, Loc Tho Ward, Nha Trang 70000, Vietnam. He is in demand by holidaymakers from different countries and is quite successful.


The tourist season in Nha Trang is year-round. The water temperature of the coast of the South China Sea throughout the year is in the range of 23-30 0 C. The local climate is humid and comfortable. The air temperature is almost always stable: 25-26 0 . However, it is not worth recommending the resort to the beach people for three stormy months: from mid-November to mid-February. At this time, large waves make swimming difficult. The rest of the time, the resort is very attractive for tourists, beach people. Precipitation in the resort of Nha Trang falls much less than in other regions of Vietnam. The mountains reliably protect it from rain clouds in the rainy season, and also prevent typhoons. High tourist season in Nha Trang falls on the months from March to August. Tours at this time in the rating hotels of the holiday city (Prime Hotel 3 *, Nha Trang - among them) are sold like hot cakes. The low holiday season in Nha Trang can be seen from October to February, at this time in Vietnam the rainy season, which in Nha Trang, thanks to the mountains, is uncritical for the spa business.

About hotel

The only residential building of the hotel looks modern, in its 15-storey project, at the same time, features of minimalism are visible, discarding all unnecessary, and the characteristic high-tech use of original surfaces made of metal and glass. The windows of its upper floors offer a wonderful landscape of the sea bay, bordered by picturesque mountains.

prime hotel 3 nha trang vietnam

The spacious reception area is located in the lobby. It has a double ceiling height and structurally connects a public oval aperture, underlined by square two-tone columns, the public floor of the lobby with the second floor of the building, residential. The square columns and the light floor of the foyer are lined with original large square fragments of artificial dark and light stone and form a peculiar path by alternating colors from the entrance to the building and along its axis. The entire hotel complex has a fairly fast Wi-Fi.

From the roof of a multi-storey hotel building made of concrete and glass, a bewitching view of the sea and mountains opens, it has an original outdoor pool, when bathing in which the hotel visually merges with the pool water and the distant sea surface, creating an exciting effect of infinity.

On the back side of the building, in the courtyard, there is an outdoor pool area including a terrace and a small garden.

Arriving tourists are immediately accommodated in their rooms. At the same time, passports are deposited with hotel administrators as a guest deposit.

Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang). Services

The hotel also has:

  • luggage office;
  • conference hall;
  • dry cleaning;
  • laundry;
  • exchange office;
  • bicycles for rent;
  • car rental;
  • parking of vehicles.

Around it there are many shops, restaurants, massage parlors. Hotel residents are frequent visitors to them. In small shops you can buy original souvenirs. (We will tell you about more serious purchases in this article below, telling you more about shopping.) Vietnamese restaurants can be found literally on every corner. Their pricing policy allows lunch for two tourists for $ 5-7. Nha Trang massage salons will help to improve the well-being of vacationers. Among them are quite expensive ($ 20 per session). More budget, but not worse in quality massage is done by blind people ($ 5 per session). In fact, this is a Thai massage.

Guest rooms

Experienced tourists who have already visited here, consider the Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang) a wonderful hotel. Description of the hotel as a whole, its rooms and services confirms their opinion. White, carefully plastered walls; a floor neatly lined with expensive wood; modern windows with breathtaking ocean views. Their design is modern, but made in the Vietnamese style, expressing elegant simplicity, environmental friendliness with individual bright elements. The hotel is equipped with standard, deluxe rooms and suites.

prime hotel 3 nha trang address

In this case, of course, any hotel room Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang, Vietnam) does not imitate a gazebo for the tea ceremony. It has everything necessary for the comfort of a tourist: double or two single beds, chairs, a table, bedside tables. However, all this furniture, which has simple, ascetic, rectangular contours, is made of natural wood and very neat. It harmonizes with a spacious cozy living room, where a good repair is made. The snow-white color of the walls and the color of the wooden interior elements prevail here: floor, furniture, ergonomic panels on the walls. The lighting of the room is carefully thought out: the soft matte light is uniform, does not strain eyesight and does not cast sharp shadows from the interior. Air conditioning is installed, there is a TV, a minibar (for a fee), a kettle with daily updated tea and coffee bags, and a hairdryer.

The bathroom is designer combined with the sleeping room in one space. The functional area of ​​the bathroom is not hidden, but rather, on the contrary, is accented by glass walls. The lower part of the walls is matte, which upwards smoothly passes into a transparent striped surface.


It feeds guests exclusively on a "breakfast only" restaurant with the Prime Hotel 3 * restaurant (Nha Trang). However, according to individual orders of the guests, the cooks very professionally prepare exotic dishes for them. Reviews on food quality are positive. It is diverse and nutritious. A delicious fo soup is prepared in various versions: with beef, veal and chicken. In fact, this is a broth with harmoniously selected spices.

prime hotel 3 nha trang hotel description

Served bacon, scrambled eggs. Sausages and sausages are especially tasty, they are fried. Various spices are added to them: mint, basil, lettuce and dandelions, sweet fried onions, and this dish is poured with sauces. Spicy pickled and fresh vegetables are in harmony with them. Side dishes are also varied: rice, noodles, potatoes. Fruit is served for breakfast : pitahaya (dragon heart), passion fruit, pineapple, watermelon, papaya).

However, hotel guests after 17.00 should not forget to take coupons for breakfast the next day at the reception.

Beach vacation

A wonderful beach vacation is undoubtedly the kind of skate that makes tourists buy tours at the Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang). They take their photos against the background of white or golden sand, the turquoise sea, coastal royal palms home from this resort.

In the immediate vicinity of the hotel is the largest beach of the city, of the same name. We have already mentioned this golden sand beach. However, this resort has three paid beaches: but their sand is white and very fine. Gourmets of beach holidays from the Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang) talk about relaxing on the marvelous coastal islands of the South China Sea, Tam and Che, on which there are beaches, as if modeled after the Bounty. The beautiful sea washing the coast, magnificent soft sand, a pleasant bottom and desertedness. All this beauty contributes to meditation, self-purification of man.

However, swimming in the waters, you should be wary of prickly scorpion fish, poisonous blue-ringed octopuses, lionfish, electric stingray, moray eel. It is also advisable to swim only in the water area of ​​the beach, because the South China Sea is known for its sharks.


Some guests prefer diving to a beach holiday. Having visited the Institute of Oceanography of Nha Trang, they are eager to see this beauty in its natural form. Even Jacques Cousteau called his coral world wonderful.

prime hotel 3 nha trang reviews
Beginners should not despair. In Nha Trang, you can find such diving clubs, where Russian-speaking instructors for a reasonable fee of $ 75 will teach those who wish basic diving skills.


Let's start with a warning. Various excursions are offered by guides to guests of the Prime Hotel 3 * hotel (Nha Trang). Reviews of tourists tell us which of them tourists can make on their own, more comfortable and with much lower cost (for a guided tour with a Russian-speaking guide, $ 40 per person is requested, while the tourist will pay only $ 8 for the English-speaking guide):

  • Tour of Nha Trang. For much less money, you can hire a taxi driver who will take you to the Cham tower, to the Buddhist temple Chua Long Son, to the Museum of Oceanography, to St. Mary's Cathedral.
  • Excursion "Spiritual Triangle". Tourists visit the same Cham tower, the same St. Mary's Cathedral and the same Chua Long Son Pagoda.
  • Excursion "Four Islands." You should not go there at all: the islands are small and paid, their beaches are groomed, the oceanarium on one of them is a miserable semblance of an oceanarium in Nha Trang.

At the same time, residents of the Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang, Vietnam) recommend worthy and interesting excursions that are worth buying, among them:

  • excursion with snorkeling (snorkeling) allows unprepared tourists to see the rich underwater world of coral reefs;
  • excursion to the monkey island;
  • excursion with diving (for experienced tourists).


Hotel Prime Hotel 3 * (Nha Trang) is a good launching pad for shopping. However, guests should make purchases pragmatically, without being carried away by buying up the ubiquitous Chinese consumer goods.

hotel prime hotel 3 nha trang reviews

It is important to choose for yourself those groups of unique and high-quality products that are really cheaper in Vietnam. We will call such goods:

  • Pearls. In Nha Trang, it can be bought most favorably in the vicinity of Cho Dam Market. But if a tourist comes there himself, there is a high probability of deception (he will be sold pearls, either fake or low-quality). It is advisable to go with a guide or Vietnamese, who should be interested in such assistance. The second option is to buy in one of the expensive branded stores located on the streets of HungVuong or TranPhu. Here, buyers are not deceived, but prices are twice as high.
  • Women's bags and clutches; men's purses and belts made of crocodile skin. You can buy them at Anh Thu store on Tran Phu street 96, 1st seafront. You can easily recognize this store by its green sign. It employs several Russian-speaking sellers. Here you can buy shoes made of python skin.
  • The picture embroidered on silk. This kind of Vietnamese paintings is a brand of the country of rivers and mountains. Their price ranges from $ 40 to $ 30,000.
  • Silk bathrobes, dresses, shirts, pajamas. They are ordered by the standards in the atelier and receive things of great quality.
  • Summer clothing made from natural bamboo fibers is sold at Bambou stores. Their addresses are 15 Biet Thu Street and 81 Hung Vuong Street.
  • Tea. A wonderful selection of this product is sold in the VietFarm store: jasmine, milk, ginger, lotus.


Excellent opportunities to plunge into the life of the Vietnamese resort are given to its guests by the Prime Hotel 3 * hotel (Nha Trang). Their reviews express gratitude to the managers and staff who make every effort to create a cozy, friendly and pleasant environment.

prime hotel 3 nha trang photos

The hotel is small, and its staff is attentive to the guests. The atmosphere here is very good and calm.

But the effect of visiting the resort depends not only on its employees. It is undesirable to buy a tour here during the storm season, and it is better not to come to Nha Trang during the rainy season. It is advisable to sketch out a shopping plan in advance and choose excursions.


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