The climate of Vladivostok. Travel Tips

The city of Vladivostok (the climate of this region by season we will describe below) can be safely called the pearl of the Primorsky Territory. Tourists have long been attracted to this area, since here you can endlessly admire the picturesque landscapes.

Nature awarded the territory where Vladivostok is located with an unusual combination of the northern and subtropical climate. And this makes it possible for many animals to feel very comfortable in the beautiful plant world that this region can be proud of. Primorye is inhabited by various representatives of fauna and flora. Wild grapes can grow beautifully near the cedar, and tigers are found where reindeer live.

Vladivostok climate

Briefly about the main thing

Vladivostok is located in the east of the country. Monsoons are a fairly common occurrence for this area. What weather prevails here? The climate of Vladivostok (feedback from the local population is evidence of this) is formed precisely under the influence of these air masses. Most often it is rainy and foggy weather. The average air temperature in Vladivostok is considered to be +6 ° C. But this statement was refuted in some years, since in summer the temperature exceeded +29 ° C and in winter there were 30-degree frosts. The rainfall in the city can reach 800 millimeters per year. But local residents joke that there is simply no climate in the city and the weather in it is always bad. That is why it is recommended that all tourists planning to travel take an umbrella and a jacket or raincoat.

Spring season

The climate of Vladivostok is quite peculiar, however, as in the entire Primorsky Territory. Given the proximity to the northern latitudes, spring in the city comes at the end of March and may not cede its rights to fly until the end of June. Plus temperatures are approved only at the end of April. Sharp jumps in this area are considered the norm. In the spring, air temperature in Vladivostok can change over the course of one day. For example, in the morning it will be +10 ° C, and in the afternoon it will drop to 0 degrees. By night, warming or a sharp cooling may occur. Therefore, weather forecasters have to work hard to make accurate forecasts. Closer to June, the temperature can reach +15 ° C. The air humidity in spring, especially in April, becomes quite high due to heavy precipitation.

What awaits in the summer?

The climate of Vladivostok in the summer season also has its own characteristics. Since the end of June, beautiful weather has been established, which lasts exactly 3 months. However, only mists and clouds can bring grief. Precipitation during the summer is accompanied by thunderstorms, even typhoons. The hottest month in Vladivostok is August. The temperature often reaches +27 o C.

city ​​Vladivostok climate

Autumn time

The climate of Vladivostok is somewhat stabilized by the fall. Velvet time begins in late September. At this time, rainfall becomes much less. Golden and warm autumn lasts a couple of months, during which you can fully enjoy the velvet season. Minus temperatures appear in November. However, this phenomenon is characteristic mainly for night time. In November, the first snow appears and finally falls by the end of the month.

what is the climate in Vladivostok

Winter season

The winter climate of Vladivostok is characterized by a duration of more than 130 days. As a rule, this season is clear and dry weather. Over the entire period, it can be cloudy for about 20 days. In winter, there is little rainfall. This figure is 10 millimeters. There are also such years when there was no rain at all. Less often, they can be in the form of snow and rain. The average air temperature in winter is about -11 ° C. But several times during the season thaws are observed, accompanied by melting snow. It happens that the temperature is around -20 ° C. Such frosts can persist for a week. But residents of Vladivostok can easily tolerate such temperature fluctuations.

vladivostok climate reviews

To summarize

In the summer, and in the winter, many tourists come to Vladivostok. Especially the Japanese and Chinese like to visit this city, less often you can meet guests from South Korea. Vladivostok has good jewelry stores that tourists from China love to visit. Russians also began to come to this region more often. They are attracted here by good service in excellent sanatoriums, where you can inexpensively improve your health and get a lot of pleasure from the beautiful nature of the Primorsky Territory. However, before traveling, it is strongly recommended that you study in detail what climate is in Vladivostok. This is necessary so that nothing could spoil the impression of relaxation.

Guests can sincerely admire the large number of waterfalls and interesting caves. In addition, Vladivostok is proud of its historical monuments and unique finds of archaeologists.


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