Pushkin Mountains, Svyatogorsky monastery. History, schedule of services and photos

The Svyatogorsky Assumption Monastery in the Pushkin Mountains is one of the most significant places for Russian history, architecture, religion and secular culture. Each era has brought significant changes here. For several centuries, efforts have been made to preserve it in its original form. Churches built on the sites of miraculous phenomena, powerful fortress walls, nature - all this attracts believers and just tourists.


In the modern village called Pushkin Mountains, the Svyatogorsky monastery was founded in the 16th century on the site of the miracles that happened. Upon learning of the appearance to the young shepherd of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and healing, Ivan the Terrible ordered the construction of a church on Sinitsa Gora. At this place, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected; its throne was built just above the stump from the pine, where the icon appeared. At the monastery, the Tobolenets settlement was founded, which eventually grew and was renamed the Holy Mountains village.

Pushkin mountains Svyatogorsky monastery
It is known that Ivan the Terrible granted the Svyatogorsky monastery a fifteen-pound bell made at the Tyulenev plant. And Tsar Fyodor Mikhailovich donated the gospel. The huge bell was nicknamed by the people "Goryun" for a mournful voice. Only a fragment of it in the courtyard has survived to our days. Until the 18th century, the monastery was first-rate and had many lands. During the reign of Catherine, he became third-class and was deprived of most of the possessions, but he did not lose significance for Russia.

Temple and Pushkin

Near the monastery is the family estate of A.S. Pushkin - the village of Mikhailovskoye. It was built by the poet’s grandfather on the maternal side - Osip Abramovich Hannibal.

Grandmother and grandfather of Pushkin (Maria Alekseevna Hannibal and Osip Abramovich Hannibal) made significant donations to the temple. This gave the family the right to be buried next to the monastery. Pushkin visited these places after the end of the Lyceum.

Svyatogorsky monastery Pushkin mountains
Especially close connection with the monastery he appeared at the time of exile for atheism. Then the abbot of the monastery, Abbot Jonah, was appointed for spiritual observation of Pushkin. As a result, they developed close trusting relationships. Pushkin also made friends with the whole monastic brotherhood.

Hegumen Jonah spoke positively of what was being observed. The poet here has collected images of characters, sayings, sayings, embodying folk wisdom. They became the material for the famous and significant works “Boris Godunov”, “Belkin's Tale”. And, in the end, the great poet found peace in the monastery. Here he is buried, his mother, grandmother, grandfather and brother who died in infancy. According to legend, when Pushkin buried his mother, he paid for his grave, as if he foresaw his imminent death.

So, in the 19th century, the village of Holy Mountains was renamed the Pushkin Mountains. Svyatogorsky monastery, in contrast to it, retained its name. And nowadays you can come and visit the grave of the great poet, leave flowers. And ministers of the church daily in prayers commemorate Pushkin and his relatives.

Temple in the 20th century

Even before the war, when Soviet power came, the temple was closed. The room was used as a bakery, printing house, club. During World War II, the Svyatogorsky Monastery (Pushkin Mountains) was greatly damaged in the bombing, the St. Nicholas Church and other buildings were completely destroyed. The Nazis sought to destroy both the religious monument and the grave of Pushkin. According to their plan, the explosion of these objects of cultural heritage was to undermine the spirit of the Russian soldier. Fortunately, our compatriots managed to go on the offensive and clear the monument on the grave of the poet. In memory of these events, a memorial was built dedicated to the liberation of the Pushkin Mountains.

Svyatogorsk Assumption Monastery in the Pushkin Mountains
In 1949, the Assumption Cathedral was restored by the Academy of Sciences, and then a museum exposition was opened. But it is not known if this would have been done had it not been for the grave of the poet.
And only in 1992 the church was transferred back to the Russian Orthodox Church and the Svyatogorsky Monastery itself (Pushkin Mountains) was revived, repeating as much as possible the appearance of the great poet.

Schedule of Divine Services

In the village of Pushkinskiye Gory Svyatogorsky Monastery, the schedule of services is as follows.

Ordinary morning services on weekdays begin at 6:30 - Midnight Office, Liturgy, Hours, Fraternal Prayer.

Sunday and holiday morning services begin at 9:00 - Liturgy, Clock.

Evening services on weekdays, Sundays and holidays - from 17:00.

Every first Sunday of the month after the end of the Liturgy, a conciliar service is held for the Calling of the Holy Spirit for every good deed.

Every fourth Sunday of the month, a blessed prayer is served to the Savior our Lord Jesus Christ.

Each Sunday service includes one of the Akathists of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Other attractions

It was mentioned above about the Svyatogorsky monastery and family estate in the village of Mikhailovskoye, which has become a museum-reserve. But these are not the only attractions. The Pushkin Museum-Reserve includes the estates Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye, Savkin Gorka.

Pushkin mountains Svyatogorsky monastery service schedule
In the village of Pushkin Hills, the Svyatogorsky monastery and the grave of A.S. Pushkin is of course very popular. But besides them, there is the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and the Scientific and Cultural Center. In the vicinity of the Pushkin Mountains are also interesting: a mill in the village of Bugrovo, Museum Post Office, an ornithological nursery and a private house-museum named after Sergey Dovlatov.

Tourism and pilgrimage

As you can see, this area in the Pskov region is the center of various monuments and is popular today. Local hotels offer their rooms and services, travel agencies - a choice of various tours. A variety of pilgrimage trips to temples await the faithful, including the Svyatogorsky Monastery (Pushkin Mountains).

Svyatogorsky monastery Pushkin mountains photo
Photos taken in these ancient places that have retained their spirit since the Pushkin era are also very impressive. Anyone interested in the Pskov region can choose something to their liking.

You can get from St. Petersburg or Pskov by buses, following the directions Pskov - Velikiye Luki, Pskov - Novorzhev, Pskov - Pushkin Hills (Svyatogorsky monastery).

By car from St. Petersburg to the Pushkin Hills you need to go along the highway E95, M20.

From Moscow there is a train to Velikiye Luki, from there a transfer to the bus to Pushkinogorye. By car from Moscow - on the highway E22, M9, after the city of Pustoshka you should turn onto the highway E95, M20.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26343/

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