How to color eggs with natural dyes - getting ready for Easter

On Easter, it is customary to give painted friends boiled eggs painted as toys. Since ancient times, in any family they knew how to dye eggs with natural dyes. Now there are many ready-made artificial colors, stickers with Easter symbols. But the old ways are more attractive, you can apply imagination and make Easter attributes unique. Therefore, still remember how to color the eggs with natural dyes. For those who do not have such experience, you can give advice: paint already hard -boiled eggs. So that they do not burst during cooking, they must be kept warm for about an hour, and a pinch of salt would be good to add to the water. Dyed and chilled eggs are rubbed with vegetable oil to shine.

how to dye eggs with natural dyes
Staining methods

1. Onion husks. The color intensity depends on the volume of the husk. Varies from ginger to reddish brown. The husks of red onions give a purple color. It is better to cook it in advance and insist the night. Then put eggs prepared for coloring in this broth, cook for another 15-20 minutes. To obtain the effect of "marbled", wrap the eggshell, wrap with thread, and already in this form, paint.

2. Turmeric staining. It gives a bright yellow, just sunny color. Prepare turmeric broth in advance. Then boil the eggs in it.

3. Beetroot juice gives a very soft pink color. Boiled eggs are enough to just stand in it for a while.

4. Having made a decoction of red cabbage leaves , you will get a blue dye for eggs. Finely chop the cabbage, add 6 tablespoons of vinegar to half a liter of water, boil and insist all night. The more cabbage in the broth, the more intense the color.

5. Spinach gives a bright green color. You can cook eggs in it.

6. Natural dyes - berries. Soft shades of pink and violet are obtained if you rub the shell of boiled eggs with gruel from blueberries or cranberries.

Knowing how to dye eggs with natural dyes, try to simultaneously create a pattern on the shell.

natural dyes

Creating patterns when coloring

1. It turns out very beautifully if, before painting, attach a leaf of parsley or another plant to the shell, wrap the egg with gauze or pack it in a nylon stocking, and then put it in a dye. You can cut out various patterns from scotch tape, stick on an egg and paint with them, achieving unique pictures.

2. Speckled eggs. Dip a wet egg in dry rice, wrap gauze tightly so that the croup sticks to the shell, and in this form put in the dye. Cool the eggs and shake off the rice after staining.

painted eggs

3. If you pour a little vegetable oil into the water with a dye, you get a wonderful marble effect. The paint will lie in beautiful stains.

4. You can dye eggs with shreds of fabric from natural silk. Before cooking, wrap the egg tightly with a colored piece of silk, tie the threads on top, then cook for 20 minutes. Cool and remove the silk shreds. Colored fabric will transfer your design to the shell.

Now you know how to dye eggs with natural dyes. Attract children to this, create original patterns, and the result will delight you and decorate the holiday table!


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