Non-traditional forms of Learning as one of the ways to improve the quality of knowledge

Modern pedagogy in the concept of "forms of learning" includes general forms of learning and forms with which the organization of educational activities occurs. Common forms include individual, collective and group types of work. Lessons, circles as subject, as well as creative and technical, tours, student scientific societies are forms of organization of educational activities.

Also, the concept of “form of training” is interpreted as the organization of the learning process, which has developed historically and is characterized by stability and logical completeness. It is characterized by systematicity, integrity, the ability to improve, the constant composition of students, a certain mode of conduct and a personality-active character.

The main form with which the organization of the learning process at school takes place is the lesson, because most of the time spent in the educational institution is allocated to him. The system in which children learn during a class lesson has stood the test of time. And although at the present time criticism is heard from all sides towards it, it is applied today in almost all countries of the world. The classroom system has its positive and negative sides. Its advantages include simplicity in organization, simplicity in management, profitability. At the same time, the negative side is that it is not always possible to apply an individual approach to students due to the strict organizational structure.

Modern forms of learning at school

Many researchers are of the opinion that interest in students in the subject will appear due to the presentation of the content of the studied material. Practice shows that if interest is reduced only to the content side of new information, then interest among schoolchildren will appear only from case to case.

If the students are not actively involved in the activity during the lesson, then the interest that arose in the content of the material will never turn into a cognitive interest. In order to induce children to cognitive activity, it is necessary to constantly combine traditional forms of education and non-traditional forms of education in their work.

Learning in the form of a class-lesson form is the main one in the educational process. But the lesson will never be interesting for the student if he is constantly offered to be included in work that is uniform in structure and methodology. Therefore, traditional forms of education in this form are unacceptable today.

The scope of an ordinary lesson becomes narrow, in connection with this, new forms of its organization and methods of conducting appear. A non-standard lesson is one of the ways of teaching and educating schoolchildren. This type of educational activity is a lesson based on improvisation, having an unconventional construction. There are no teaching aids for such lessons. They are based on the talent, knowledge, skills and mastery of the teacher.

At the present stage, non-traditional forms of education can be applied in classes with different levels of training. These can be lessons in various subjects conducted in poems or fairy tales, lessons-excursions, lessons-conferences, lessons-discussions, lessons-performances.

Naturally, students prefer non-traditional forms of education, because they are interesting in their organization, design and methodology. But such methods should not be considered the main ones, because the education process cannot be turned into a game. The educational process should maximize the mental development of students. And the teacher’s task is to arouse the need for knowledge in children, the desire to assimilate it and constantly improve it.

Therefore, there is no doubt that non-traditional forms of training contribute to the expansion of the field of activity of the teacher, awaken the intellectual activity of students, and, therefore, increase the effectiveness of the learning process.

In order for the lessons to always be informative and interesting, the teacher constantly needs to think, seek, and try. Therefore, the use of non-traditional forms of learning contributes to the development of creative inclinations not only of schoolchildren, but also of the teacher himself.


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