The temperature in Egypt in November. Is it worth the ride?

Many Russians ask themselves: if they give their leave at work only in November, and the weather at home is not suitable for a good rest, where to go? Travel companies offer many trips to southern countries. But there are not so many budget options. No time to despair! The temperature in Egypt in November, and the weather as a whole will suit even those who can not stand the Russian summer heat. And the cost of travel is cheaper than in the Crimea or on Lake Baikal.

A bit of geography

Egypt is a big country. There are not so many cities hosting tourists, and they are located, as it were, along a chain from south to north. Let's start from the southernmost city and gradually get to the northern part of the country. Just note that the temperature in Egypt (October-November) is moderate. Not hot and not cold. The most intense heat in summer. It is not recommended to go either in June, or in July, or in August. You can get severe sunburn, heat stroke. Vacation risks going down the drain. But in November - perfect.


Southern large city, where else a tourist can come. Here begins the longest river in the world - the Nile. There probably is not a single river that does not have at least one bridge. Neil is an exception. Tourists can find a lot of interesting things for themselves in this city, especially those who like to shop.

egypt air temperature in november

As for the climate, the temperature in Egypt in November (Aswan) is +28 degrees on average. It may seem to some that itโ€™s very hot. So think about whether you should go there? At night, the temperature drops by almost 15 degrees.


This city attracts lovers of stone structures, ruins, archeology and history. Those who love museums and films about Egypt will also like it here. The air temperature in November during the daytime is +28 degrees, and closer to night it drops sharply. In the evening it is significantly colder than in other cities of the country (+11 degrees).

When going on vacation, do not forget that you need to take both summer clothes and warm clothes. It will seem to you that November is the cool season, and so on everywhere. But this is not so. True cold can only be felt at night. And in the afternoon itโ€™s quite hot. Therefore, do not forget the light panama or hat. It is advisable to take a large bottle of water during long trips (more than half an hour).


Turkish city, attracting tourists of Christian and Islamic faiths. The city is located on the banks of the Nile River. Here in the November days is slightly cooler than in Luxor and Aswan. Temperature during the day +25 degrees, and at night - about +10. The advice on clothing given above is relevant for all tourists, which city of the country they would not go to. The temperature in Egypt in November is almost the same everywhere. There may be a difference of only 5 degrees.


One of the most popular resorts where tourists come from all over the world, including Russians. Relaxing in November here is an ideal option. During the day, +26 degrees, and at night +15. The Red Sea will delight those who came for a swim in Egypt. The water temperature in November is about +24 degrees, which is suitable not only for lovers of swimming, but also for those who are engaged in diving.

Sharm El Sheikh

Resort town on the Sinai Peninsula. Located on the Red Sea north of Hurghada, but on the opposite bank. In November, December and January it is relatively hot here, in other months the air is almost hot. During the day, locals and tourists hide in rooms, stalls, where there is air conditioning.

egypt water temperature in november

The average temperature during the day is 27 degrees, at night +18. The water temperature in the Red Sea is 26 degrees. Accordingly, in the pool at any hotel, the water is warmer. You can swim indefinitely. But to be outdoors without a protective cream or light light shirt is extremely undesirable. Do not forget that here is eternal summer. At night it will be easier for those who do not like heat.


The capital of Egypt pleases with ordinary warmth in late autumn. Day here is about +24 degrees. There is no such heat as in Sharm el-Sheikh. But swimming in the sea will not work anymore, since it is not here. But the dream of those who wanted to see the pyramids of the pharaohs will come true.

temperature in egypt in november

It's already cold at night. The temperature drops to almost +13 degrees. Do not forget to dress warm towards evening if you are going for a long walk or excursion.


The most northern city โ€‹โ€‹of Egypt. It is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, whose water temperature in November is about +23 degrees. The air warms up during the day to + 25-27 degrees, at night the thermometer drops to +15.

temperature in egypt october november

We conclude: the temperature in Egypt in November is on average +25 degrees during the day, and at night drops below +16. Water in the sea allows you to swim. As for rainfall, do not be alarmed. The rain can be a maximum of a couple of times in November, and ends quite quickly.


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