New Moscow metro scheme with MKZhD: will it become easier to move around?

The metropolitan metro is constantly undergoing changes. New stations and lines are being built. This allows you to combine different areas of the city and suburbs into a single transport network. The metro allows you to quickly get from one district to another without having to stand idle for several hours in traffic jams, which are not uncommon in Moscow. One of the main lines is the ring line, which until 2016 was the only metro line that intersected with all other lines. MKZhD (Moscow Ring Railway) opened this year . It partially duplicates the second ring of the highway, and in the north of Moscow passes above it. In the article we will tell you what the features of MKZHD are, how the new metro scheme “Moscow with MKZHD” looks, consider other important points.

Moscow ring railway

Moscow metro

Moscow Metro has one of the most complex circuits in the world. It consists of 14 lines and 203 stations, among which there are both underground and ground. Most of the metro lines run through the entire city. There are also short lines with only 2-3 stations in their composition and connecting non-intersecting branches. There are also 2 roundabouts, one of which is not quite a traditional metro. It will be discussed further.

New circle line: what it looks like

The Moscow Ring Railway is a railway, for the most part, of an open ground type. It passes on a flat territory, over roads and difficult sections, passes through a bridge. There are 31 stations on the new ring line, among which there are both individual and intersecting with other metro lines.

Moscow metro scheme with new stations

Not ordinary metro trains go to the railway station, but trains, more like electric trains. These trains are called "swallows". They are equipped much better than simple trains running in the underground metro. They are larger in size, more spacious, they provide more seating. They also have toilets, screens, space for the carriage of prams and bicycles. Cars even promise to equip sockets for recharging gadgets, but the Wi-Fi network is still in question. They want to do it, but when and how high quality is still unknown.

New ring line: how it works

The Moscow metro scheme with MKZhD shows that many ring line stations will have transitions to metro stations. There will be 17 such stations. When changing from 11 stations, the passage to the metro will be through closed galleries: metro engineers call this the “dry feet” principle. From 10 stations of MKZHD it will be possible to transfer to suburban trains. And it is planned to connect each stop with ground transport stops. This has already been done, but not yet in full. To get from one station to another, you need from 2 to 5 minutes.

Moscow metro updated metro map

Trains run at intervals of 5-6 minutes during peak hours (morning and evening), 10-15 minutes at other times. Opening hours do not differ from the rest of the metro - from 6 am to 1 am.

The fare on MKZD is the same as in the subway - 50 rubles. The same travel cards also apply (Troika, 90 minutes, preferential, etc.). Unless, when switching from the metro station to the MKZhD station, you will have to use the card again or pay for the trip with a single ticket.

What does the metro map look like now

The updated Moscow metro scheme with MKZHD began to look more ambitious and full. The metro began to cover a much larger territory, and it was now possible to get from one station to another (which previously required, for example, 3 transfers) with 1 change or without them at all.

Moscow metro scheme

Advantages and disadvantages of MKZD

MKZHD, like any innovation in a big city, has its advantages and disadvantages. Consider first the benefits:

  1. Reducing the time taken to travel from point A to point B on the Moscow metro. The scheme with new stations presented above allows, perhaps, not to navigate in it faster, but now it has become more real to make a trip without unnecessary transfers.
  2. The decrease in passenger flow on the first ring line and, as a consequence, its unloading.
  3. The new transport metro scheme of Moscow with MKZhD covers remote areas of Moscow and Moscow region.
  4. Infrastructure development and development of empty areas near the new railway stations.


  1. Many did not like the updated Moscow metro. The scheme with the new stations baffles both tourists and local. But we think you can get used to it.
  2. Travel on MKZD is paid separately from the standard metro. That is, it turns out that it is advantageous to drive along the new road only to those who have reduced-fare passes or who travel non-stop.
  3. A temporary drawback is that a new metro scheme of Moscow with MKZHD has not yet appeared everywhere, so you have to rely either on old schemes or on mobile applications and printed cards. But that will change within a couple of months.

Further perspectives

In the future, it is planned to complete all the transitions to adjacent underground metro stations, to take the exits from MKZhD to public transport stops. So far, the Moscow metro scheme with MKZHD is not very well known not only for Russians, but even for Muscovites. Therefore, the signage with the circuit in the subway and on the streets is already being replaced. The flow of people on the railway is not so large, but the increase in the number of passengers and, consequently, an increase in profits are gradually expected.

new metro scheme moscow with mcd

It is also planned to build new residential complexes near MKZD stations, since previously inaccessible territories have ceased to be such. For example, a development plan for the former territory of the ZIL plant has already been proposed . In general, MKZD is expected to breathe new life into remote areas and the transport infrastructure of the capital.


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