The collision of the planets gave rise to the moon. What other "surprises" from space to expect in the coming years?

People are afraid of space. Most of these fears are caused by numerous films about the collision of the planet with an asteroid, which has global consequences and threatens the extinction of our civilization. Also, the constant predictions of scientists about the approaching asteroids and meteorites make the faint of heart dig underground bunkers. Today we look at the known cases of such collisions and their potential in the future.

New hypotheses about the appearance of the moon

Scientists in Switzerland have recently stunned the media with a statement that the moon arose due to the collision of the Earth with a large wandering planet.

The collision of the planets, they say, occurred more than four billion years ago. An object the size of Mars crashed into the Earth, and "fluff and feathers" flew in different directions from the earth. Several fragments came together to create a new celestial body - the eternal satellite of the Earth to the moon.

Andreas Roifez, a scientist at the University of Switzerland, described the situation as follows: the collision of planets occurred at high speed, and more than five hundred thousand pieces “fell off” into space from both. But only ten thousand of them became the Moon, and the rest of the great impact force flew a great distance from the orbit, so we do not see them.

collision of planets

Why did such an assumption arise?

The fact is that scientists have long puzzled over the origin of the moon. Recent studies of samples from great depths of the satellite have shown that the rock is similar to the composition of the Earth. Hence the hypothesis that only a collision of the Earth with the planet could create a new cosmic body due to breakaway pieces.

collision of the earth with the planet

Space monster

In 2004, scientists began to devote a lot of time to studying the brown dwarf, called by the complex name "Planet 2M1207". It was previously assumed that it is in close proximity to another space object - smaller in size 2M1207b. It was believed that the second, like the Moon, is simply a satellite of a more adult planet, but recent clear pictures have shown - this is one planet.

That is, there were two of them initially, but they managed to grow together and now live together. This “Sweet Couple” was created by the very recent collision of the planets, which occurred literally the day before yesterday by cosmic standards, and according to our earthly standards, several tens of thousands of years have passed since that momentous day.

Their "union" can be seen, armed with a telescope, in the constellation Centavir. The phenomenon of such a "monster" has become a whole event for astronomers, so they are still studying the details of the "accident on the cosmic road."

Thus, a collision of planets is a possible tragedy. It once happened on Earth, as long as it is not populated. If this happens again, then not a single bug will remain here: the oceans will come out of their borders, or perhaps even evaporate due to the highest temperature of the Earth’s surface that arose due to the impact.

collision of two planets

Is 2017 the last year for our civilization?

The Americans again took up their own. There was a dispute between these scientists: will our planet die in October 2017, or will disaster again pass us by?

Presumably on October 12 this year, in the immediate vicinity of the Earth, the asteroid TC4 will migrate. They say that its size exceeds the statue of Liberty itself, so if he wants to “look at our light”, then there will be a lot of this light. The consequences threaten several thousand people, which will exceed the scale of the tragedy in Chelyabinsk in 2013, when more than 1,200 people were injured as a result of the fall of a foreign body into the territory of the metropolis.

But this is not so bad. Another scientist confirms that TC4 will pass by, but we will have to meet the giant Nibiru, or, as it was also called, planet X. The collision of two planets, that is, Earth and Nibiru, should also take place in October, only the date of arrival of the space guest has not yet known.

The scientist only said that on October 5 she would completely close the Sun from earthlings, flying in the constellation Virgo. He says that the consequences of the collision will be terrible, so it's time to dig bunkers, stock up on food and water. This is necessary in order to survive!

collision of a planet with an asteroid

The earth is under the gun and in 2029

In April 2029, the Earth will again become the target of an asteroid. This time, Apophis-99942 will approach us, its dimensions are supposed to be in diameter from 400 to 600 meters. A little, but also a lot for a disaster to happen.

Its path will stretch at a distance of 30 to 40 thousand kilometers from Earth, so something will happen: in the best outcome, near-Earth space stations will be damaged, and in the worst, a collision with the planet.

The orbit of an approaching body passes between us and the Moon, and this, as Sergey Smirnov, a senior researcher, says, is very bad. The thing is that the situation will resemble a sliver floating between two moving vessels. And in which direction this sliver will be thrown back by the waves - it is not clear.

It is also not possible to break an asteroid in space, since its exact size and composition of the rock is not known, so it is impossible to choose the right "weapon".

In any case, do not panic ahead of time, because scientists have predicted the end of the world many times in connection with the collision of our planet with another, but not a single prediction has come true.


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