Knoxosphere - what is it? Normalization of the Knoxosphere

Peopleโ€™s lives are often at serious risk. Every day, accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes and various types of attacks occur in different parts of our planet. The study of the causes and methods of preventing hazards to humans is the science of the Belarusian Railways. The Knoxosphere is one of its key concepts. We will talk about its meaning and characterization.

Life safety

Protecting people from danger is the main task of life safety, or Belarusian Railways. This science studies all kinds of threats to human life in order to determine what measures should be taken to eliminate or prevent them.

At the same time, science uses the terms "health", "vital activity", "sources of danger" and "safety", "homosphere" and "knoxosphere". Belarusian Railways suggests that a threat to human life is present in any of its activities, which can be carried out in a natural, working and urban environment.

Knoxosphere is

The main goal of the discipline is to find the conditions for human security, to study the factors and processes that may prevent it. Safety in this case is interpreted as a condition in which the probability of danger is extremely small or absent altogether.

The Knoxosphere is ...

In addition to studying current and potential threats, Belarusian Railways considers various means, methods and principles that ensure safety. When developing them, they use the concept of "space". In BZD two types of spaces are defined. The first is called the homosphere. It denotes a zone of any human activity (work, rest, etc.).

The second concept is the knoxosphere. This is a space in which dangers periodically or constantly arise. It applies to the entire material world of our Universe and is studied by the special science of noxology.


In other words, the knoxosphere is any threat to a person that occurs during his activity. In BZD, the main desire is to prevent the intersection of these two areas or to minimize its consequences.

In total, there are three possible options for the interaction of the knoxosphere and the homosphere:

  • lack of intersection - state of security;
  • short-term crossing - local, temporary danger;
  • full interaction is a dangerous situation.

Methods of normalizing the knoxosphere

Normalization of the knoxosphere means preventing its contact with the homosphere. To accomplish this, safety must be ensured. There are several methods for this, they are often combined with each other.

The first is the exclusion of danger. It implies that the threat must be stopped at the initial stage of its development, or even try to prevent it. In this case, for radiation sources, loud noise, vibration, protective shields and absorbers are used. Harmful substances in production can be replaced by harmless ones. The construction of bunkers, special shelters, the use of safe equipment also applies to this method.

normalization of the knoxosphere

In addition to it, there is a method of spatial separation of the homosphere and the knoxosphere. It implies the creation of conditions under which these areas cannot be in contact, for example, the use of robotics, automation, remote control.

The third method involves adapting a person to a working environment. For this, lectures and staff training are held. Including a professional recruitment to exclude people unsuitable for certain activities.


Every day, there is a risk that we will be exposed to any kind of threat, be it work injury, natural disaster or disaster. The science of Belarusian Railways is exploring the possibilities and ways of the threat to our life and ways to prevent it.

The Knoxosphere is one of the basic concepts of this science and denotes a space where the risk of danger is extremely high. The main task of the Belarusian Railways is to develop methods and principles that will help to avoid the contact of the noxosphere with the sphere of human activity (homosphere).


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