"MAX" (insurance company): reviews. CJSC MAKS - insurance company

MAKS CJSC (insurance company) was established in 1992. The company carries out activities for all primary types of voluntary and compulsory insurance. Activities are conducted in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with applicable law. IC “MAKS” (the central office is located in Moscow) on its official website provides all the necessary information. Details can be found out by everyone who is interested in her services. The list of offices in your city will allow you to quickly navigate and understand where is MAKS (insurance company). Addresses are listed by category, which makes searching easier.

Insurance Company

Company's mission

MAKS CJSC, an insurance company, guarantees confidence in the sustainability of business and the protection of health to citizens of the Russian Federation, and is also ready to take on financial, property and other risks. The strategic goal is to take a leading position in the insurance market of the Russian Federation.

The company is ready to guarantee:

  1. For customers - providing high quality service, an individual approach, taking into account the interests of any insured.
  2. For partners - guarantees of mutually beneficial cooperation.
  3. For employees - real probabilities in the implementation of their life goals, confidence in the future, the possibility of professional growth. The company’s activities are focused on strengthening the Russian economy, ensuring the growth of Russia's credibility in the international arena.

Company benefits

As a leader in its industry, the organization provides a number of guarantees and very advantageous offers.

The advantages of the company are undeniable:

  • CJSC Max Insurance Company
    Agency "Expert RA" confirmed the highest business image of IC "MAX", assigning it a rating of "A ++", which characterizes this company as one of the most reliable and stable.
  • IC “MAKS” has a very high degree of financial stability, significant own assets, as well as reliable partners in the insurance industry. Thanks to these features, she strictly observes all material obligations to policyholders, fulfilling them in full.
  • Employees of the MAKS insurance company find an individual approach to each visitor. For this, the range of insurance offers of the company is constantly updated and supplemented. All this is done in order to better take into account the requirements and characteristics of each visitor. Among other things, customers are regularly offered special programs, various promotions and attractive offers by MAKS (insurance company). Addresses of offices are presented on the website of the company for the convenience of customers.
  • The insurance company "MAX" employs only highly qualified employees. This is confirmed by the fact that the names of its top managers every year appear in the TOP-lists of professionals in the financial sector of the Russian Federation.
  • In order to maximize the quality of customer service, an SMS-notification system, a monitoring system , as well as the Quality Control Center of IC MAX are functioning. The telephone number provided for notification is not disclosed to third parties.
  • Using innovative technologies allows you to fully automate the process of obtaining insurance policies, as well as their support. Among other things, IC MAX uses a unified information system that allows its employees to regularly exchange relevant information on insurance contracts. The site has the ability to use an online calculator (for example, OSAGO insurance). “MAX” is a company that cares about its customers, constantly offering them new services.
  • The versatility of the insurance company. Here, each client can choose for himself all the necessary insurance products - services related to transport, tourism, business. Affordable car insurance is possible. MAKS provides both compulsory and voluntary insurance services.
  • Extensive regional coverage. In each region of Russia you can find a branch or representative office of MAKS (insurance company), reviews of which are always positive.
    max insurance company addresses
  • The presence of a high level of social. responsibility. The insurance organization constantly helps shelters and educational institutions, provides financial assistance to Orthodox churches and communities, provides material support to various public associations, as well as some needy citizens.
  • The company has repeatedly become a laureate of such awards as “Silver Umbrella”, “Financial Elite of Russia”, “Golden Salamander”, “Financial Olympus”.
  • MAKS Company is an active participant in the Russian insurance market. She not only takes part in associations of policyholders, but also acts as the founder of many of them. Among other things, MAKS is taking the initiative in developing legislative acts aimed at improving and improving the country's insurance industry.
  • Currently, the clients of the MAKS insurance company are more than 30 million individuals and over 100 thousand organizations operating in various sectors of the modern economy.

The list of services is really huge, and the conditions are, of course, the most attractive. Services are provided in all representative offices of MAKS. The insurance company (Krasnodar, Moscow and all other regions) is ready to provide guarantees to customers.

Diseases and Accidents

In order to provide financial reimbursement to an employee of the company,
an injured person or an accident participant is entitled to an insurance policy. It allows you to compensate for the cost of treatment (in case of disability) or burial (in case of death). This type of insurance is compulsory (for legal entities) and voluntary (for individuals) and can be carried out in IC MAX. Orenburg, Moscow or another city - the company is happy to offer its services.

Health insurance for employees of organizations and individuals

One of the types of social protection of the population is medical insurance of employees of companies and individuals. It provides for the provision of medical care at the expense of accumulated funds (own or state). Health insurance may be voluntary when contributions under an insurance contract are paid by an individual, or compulsory, which provides for financing from state financial resources.

max insurance company Krasnodar

Land vehicles (except railway)

An insurance contract for land vehicles is intended to compensate for damage caused to the property interests of the insurer regarding actions related to land transport (excluding railways). It allows you to compensate for financial losses associated with the repair, restoration or loss of a vehicle. Depending on the degree of fault of the insured and the terms of the contract, a full or partial restoration of value can be made.

Railway transport

In those cases when it comes to financial protection of railway transport, as well as compensation for material damage caused by the collapse of cars, blockages and other emergencies, an insurance policy is required for railway transport. It will allow to fully or partially compensate for material damage, and will also become an additional guarantee of the safety of railway transport.

Air vehicles

In order for the owner or tenant of the aircraft to receive material compensation in case of loss, damage or destruction of this type of transport, he will need an insurance policy for aircraft. Depending on the wishes of the insured, the insurance policy may include both main (destruction, loss of the ship) and additional (damage, rescue services) items.

Water vehicles

The insurance policy for water vehicles (in other words, CASCO) is intended so that the owner of the vessel could receive compensation for the damage caused to his transport in the event of its collapse, destruction or other incidents. It should be noted that when insuring water transport, the policy applies only to the vessel itself, without insurance of the cargo transported on it.

To ensure the safety of various goods

An insurance policy to ensure the safety of various goods (in other words, CARGO) is intended for those who are somehow connected with the transportation of goods. Thus, if during the transportation of goods by one of the means of transport an event occurred that caused material damage to the owner (damage, loss, destruction of cargo), he has the right to receive compensation paid on the basis of an insurance contract.

Insurance in the agricultural sector (crop, livestock, crops)

Insurance in the agricultural sector, or agricultural insurance, is relevant in cases where the owner or tenant of farmland wants to protect themselves from the negative effects of various natural and climatic changes that can harm the crop or plantations. Thus, he has the right to compensation (in the case of frost, avalanches, hail and other events that caused material damage) in the MAKS company. The insurance company (whether it is Krasnodar or another city) will provide support on time.

Protection of property of legal entities (except for transport and agriculture)

Insurance Company

In the event that entrepreneurs and other legal entities seek to protect their property (real estate, equipment, etc.) from various damages or receive material compensation in case of damage to this property by third parties, they need to conclude an insurance contract for property of legal entities (except transport and agriculture). The object of this agreement may be any property, with the exception of the above property.

Protection of property of individuals

In order for an individual to be able to claim material compensation for damage caused to his property by third parties or an event (flood, fire), he needs to conclude an insurance contract for property of individuals. Its property may be any property of material value, with the exception of vehicles.

Car Owners Protection

The insurance policy for car owners (liability insurance) refers to the types of compulsory insurance. This policy is required to have all car owners, which is clearly regulated by applicable law. The main purpose of the policy is compensation for material damage in the event of an insured event (most often an accident).

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Water Transport Protection

In those situations when it comes to water transport, its owners (tenants, users) need to conclude a civil liability insurance contract for owners of water vehicles. Thanks to this policy, passengers and cargo owners can claim to receive material compensation for harm or damage caused to them. This type of insurance is required.

For legal entities when using obviously dangerous objects

An insurance policy for legal entities using deliberately hazardous facilities is necessary for those enterprises or organizations that use equipment or technology that could harm the environment or people living in the area where these facilities operate. These include mining, objects of the metallurgical industry, the use of cranes, boilers operating under high pressure, and other hazardous structures.

If services are not provided or if there is a shortage of goods

In cases where there is a risk that the goods or services necessary for the production or activity of the company may be delivered in an improper time or not in full, insurance against damage caused by failure to provide services or a shortage of goods is quite relevant (civil liability) . In accordance with the terms of the contract, the policyholder will be able to compensate for the damage that was caused to him by the partner or supplier.

In case of harm to third parties (civil liability)

All legal entities that in one way or another caused harm to third parties are obliged to compensate it in full. This is regulated by applicable law and is the main argument for concluding a civil liability insurance contract for harm to third parties. Thus, upon the occurrence of an insured event, beneficiaries can receive partial or full compensation for damage in accordance with the terms of the contract concluded by the insurance company and the policyholder.

If the obligations of the contract are improperly performed or incomplete

An insurance policy to protect against improper or incomplete fulfillment of obligations under a contract (civil liability) can be either voluntary or mandatory. For example, in cases when it comes to developers who are responsible for the timely delivery of objects, there is compulsory insurance. As for situations where the policyholder is the beneficiary, then in this case voluntary insurance is implied, allowing the organization to protect itself from unnecessary losses.

Entrepreneur Risk Insurance

Any entrepreneurial activity, one way or another, is associated with risks - to a greater or lesser extent. In order for legal entities to be able to receive compensation, they must draw up a business risk insurance contract. One of the most striking examples of an insured event is a case of production downtime due to some natural phenomena. For example, when all machines and equipment are turned off due to a power outage. And in this case IC “MAX” will help. Moscow, Krasnodar, other regions of Russia - experienced consultants are waiting for you everywhere.

car insurance

Financial risks

Financial risk insurance allows entrepreneurs and owners of large corporations to protect themselves in cases of sharp financial fluctuations. Among other things, these may be the risks of non-repayment of funds or loans. Thanks to this type of insurance, credit and banking organizations can protect themselves in cases where customers cannot pay the amount of debt, which means that the financial institution suffers losses. MAKS insurance is a guarantee of reliability.

For employees of passenger traffic

One of the types of compulsory insurance is a policy for passenger transportation employees (civil liability) for causing any harm to passengers. For example, if one of the passengers of public transport was harmed, he has the right to demand compensation from the carrier. The contract of compulsory insurance is a kind of guarantee that the carrier will fulfill its obligations in respect of the victim and reimburse him for the damage caused.

MAKS (insurance company): reviews

As a rule, the longer a company exists in the services market, the more customers it has. As for the "MAX" (insurance company), reviews of which leave grateful customers, then it is no exception. There are a huge number of positive responses and words of gratitude from both individuals and legal entities addressed to her. A huge number of citizens know that “MAX” is an insurance company, reviews of which are heard in various regions of the Russian Federation. All of them tell that this organization is responsible for its obligations and always fulfills them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26396/

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