Let's talk about how beauty and creativity correlate in needlework

How does beauty and creativity compare? In fact, these are “twin sisters”, since beauty awakens inspiration, and creativity gives rise to beautiful masterpieces! However, it is believed that creative torment is characteristic only of poets, artists, and artists. Let's try to show in the article that beauty and creativity are also applicable to needlework.

The significance of creativity in human life

Every person has creative potential, and it needs to be developed. The world of art, creativity and beauty touches the soul, wakes up emotions and feelings, makes a person fantasize and dream. The development of the sensory sphere in a person helps to understand the emotions of other people and to correctly perceive the events of social and political life. Creativity evokes positive emotions in a person, gives strength, and even drives progress!

Most of all shocking the soul of man is art. The beauty of nature, of human creations causes people delight, joy and an irresistible desire to create a masterpiece. But not all people can paint, compose poetry and music, but everyone can needlework!

The relationship of needlework with creativity and beauty


how beauty and creativity correlate
does beauty and creativity correlate with needlework? When a person does something with his own hands, he is already creating, creating a masterpiece! This creative process brings him a lot of positive emotions, satisfaction and pride for himself if the desired result is obtained.

What types of needlework can be compared with masterpieces of unprecedented beauty?

  • knitting and crocheting;
  • embroidery stitch, cross, beads, ribbons;
  • sewing soft toys;
  • making dolls;
  • jewelry of author's work with beads, threads, stones;
  • bags, wallets, caskets, handmade accessories;
  • decorative souvenirs: needle cases, temari, topiary, eyeglass case, peels for passports and books, candles, toys, bookmarks, magnets, etc .;
  • do-it-yourself soap and candles;
  • bouquets and panels of dried flowers and fresh flowers;
  • crafts made of paper, clay, matches;
  • making paintings and sculptures.

We will dwell on the varieties of embroidery in more detail, since this is a hobby that is most popular among women and men.

Beauty and creativity: embroidery stitch, cross, ribbons


beauty and creativity embroidery
currently sold a variety of patterns and sets for embroidery of landscapes, flowers, still lifes, children's stories, people, reproductions of great artists. Sewing paintings is a time-consuming creative work. The needlewoman is absorbed in the process and enjoys the fact that the desired plot looms on a white canvas.

As soon as the picture is completely embroidered, the embroiderer is delighted with the beauty. The needlewoman puts a piece of herself in any of her work. More often the work is carried out in a euphoric state, as are the creations of great artists. Therefore, embroidery is creativity, and the result is beauty. Let us consider in more detail how beauty and creativity in embroidery are related.

The dictionary says that creativity is the creation of something new, and beauty is the contemplation of the perfect. Embroidery of pictures is also creativity and beauty. Firstly, even when creating a reproduction, the needlewoman creates her own embroidery technique (perfect wrong side, economical embroidery, parking). Secondly, when using different programs, schemes are created for your photos. Thirdly, when using the scheme, the embroiderer can use her colors or create her own plots from several schemes.

beauty and creativity beadwork

Beauty and creativity: beadwork and diamonds

Beadwork also refers to creativity. In this area, needlewomen create
jewelry of the author's work, embroider clothes, belts, hair accessories. Especially interesting is the technique of embroidering icons with beads.

  • the image of the saint is completely cut out with a halo;
  • material is selected: beads of different sizes, bugles, beads, stones;
  • a carved pattern is outlined on the fabric and the saint’s outfit and halo are completely embroidered;
  • then hands and a face with a neck are glued and trimmed neatly with two rows of beads to hide the joints.

Such works are not only beautiful, but also new in execution technique.

Another new direction in needlework is diamond embroidery. Its essence consists in gluing a diamond mosaic according to the pattern. There is no doubt in the beauty of such paintings. But you can talk about creating a creative new masterpiece when you order a scheme from a manufacturer using your own photo, which you will not find on the Internet or in stores.

Brief conclusions

So how

world of art of creativity and beauty
does beauty and creativity in embroidery correlate? Needlework accurately relates to beauty, as it causes aesthetic pleasure when contemplating beautiful works of authorship. Here, it is fascinating and pleasantly shocking that a man with his own hands, and not with the help of electronics and machines, was able to create paintings, toys, jewelry, etc. As a result, there is a desire to create something similar or new ideas arise.

Thus, the contemplation of beautiful needlework goes hand in hand with creativity. Authors' works undoubtedly relate to creative activity, since its result is unique and original. But what about works created according to patterns reproduced by thousands of needlewomen? Is it a reproduction or creativity ?!

Still, we believe that embroidery refers to creativity, since each picture is created by the embroiderer manually. In her arsenal, this is the first work. In addition, paintings according to the same pattern for different needlewomen will look different. What do you think?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G2640/

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