Sandanski resort, Bulgaria: photos and reviews of tourists

The city of Sandanski (Bulgaria) is one of the best resorts in Europe and a recognized balneological center in a small state. Usually people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and lower respiratory tract come here. It has its own sources of mineral waters, which are the basis for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the stomach and intestines.

Sandanski: location and a small description of the resort

Sandanski is located on the banks of the Bistrica River, not far from the Bulgarian-Greek border. The distance to Sofia is 166 km, and relatively close to Blagoevgrad is 74 km.

Resorts in Bulgaria are not uncommon, but Sandanski is the most popular of all. As mentioned above, this is one of the best balneological centers in Europe, where all conditions for quality treatment are provided.

Sandanski, Bulgaria

The resort town has hotels, motels, many shops and, of course, attractions. Here the climatic conditions suitable for rest and treatment are not only in summer, but throughout the year.

A bit of history: how did the popular resort form?

Sandanski (Bulgaria) has existed for a long time, but the city did not always bear this name. A few hundred years ago, in its place there was a settlement Medius, founded by the ancient people - Thracians. Then the Romans appropriated these lands, forming the city of Desudawa. They began to ennoble the area, finding here healing mineral springs. First, the temple of Asklepion was built, then the terms that have survived to this day gradually began to appear. After some time, the settlement was again renamed the Holy Doctor, and after that the city began to be called Sandanski - in honor of the Bulgarian revolutionary Yana Sandansky.

Weather in Sandanski

The city has ideal climatic conditions. We can say that thanks to them he became so popular as he is now.

In Bulgaria, Sandanski is the sunniest resort, since a bright luminous person warms with its rays tourists a total of a little less than three hundred days a year. There are no sudden changes in temperature, an excess of precipitation, lightning-fast weather changes and other natural "joys". Humidity does not exceed 60%. The average temperature is 14 degrees (throughout the year). That is, it is neither hot nor cold: in the summer it is approximately +26 Β° C, and in the winter - +3 Β° C.

More importantly, in Sandanski (Bulgaria) there are no strong winds due to the surrounding mountains. Therefore, even low temperatures are well tolerated. It happens that in January you can find a sunny day and sunbathe in the sun.

Resorts in Bulgaria

Conditions for treatment. What makes Sandanski the best spa resort?

Collected information makes it clear why this resort is ideal for treatment. It was as if nature had specially created the city in order to become one large sanatorium for local residents and tourists from all over the world. Ideal weather conditions throughout the year, natural mineral springs, baths, as well as 3 balneological hospitals and a spa clinic are all that is needed for a relaxing holiday and treatment of certain diseases. Let's go a little deeper into the topic:

  1. Thermal and mineral waters. They contain useful elements that allow you to use them inside to treat gastrointestinal diseases, as well as take baths with them, which is especially good in the treatment of dermatological and allergic diseases. Algae also live in thermal waters, which have a beneficial effect on the skin condition.
  2. Air. It is believed that it has healing properties, because the Aegean Sea is located 100 km from Sandanski. Also, air flows from Pirin reach the resort - these are the surrounding mountains. This statement is not unfounded - 7 days of stay at this resort cure 75% of patients with bronchial asthma, the health status of people suffering from pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory pathologies improves markedly.
  3. Baths Rupite. Another famous healer Wang said that this place will cure any disease. And the locals regard the baths as something supernatural, claiming that there are the most powerful energy flows of the Cosmos and the Earth. And even a seriously ill person after 10 procedures will become healthy.

Last minute packages to Bulgaria

Bulgaria, Sandanski: resorts, spa treatment

Here you can distinguish 2 centers, ideal for a pleasant stay and recovery. These are Sandanski Interhotel 4 * and Park Hotel Pirin 5 *. In both sanatoriums, adults and children over five years old are accepted for treatment, and the recommended stay is 21 days. Equipped places for relaxation, thought out recreational activities. For children there are playgrounds and rooms for creativity. Both hotels have indoor and outdoor pools, as well as many other relaxation treatments, such as baths, saunas, a jacuzzi, fitness rooms and so on. There are SPA centers, as well as medical and diagnostic departments, doctors and cosmetologists are at the guests' disposal.

Sandanski, like other resorts in Bulgaria, has its own methods of treatment, indications and contraindications for any therapy in the balneological center. Various procedures are forbidden to people of the following categories:

  • cancer patient;
  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from open tuberculosis;
  • people who have been diagnosed with progressive atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension in the decompensation stage of the development of the disease;
  • infectious patients;
  • citizens with mental disabilities;
  • people whose asthma is accompanied by severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • those who have diseases caused by prolonged corticosteroid therapy.

Indications for treatment in the resort of Sandanski (Bulgaria):

  • non-specific diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • skin and allergic pathologies;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, biliary tract and liver.

Sandanski city

Treatment methods:

  • kinetotherapy (breathing exercises, exercise therapy, massage);
  • climatotherapy (aero- and heliotherapy);
  • hardware physiotherapy (light and electrotherapy, magneto, acupuncture, paraffin);
  • balneotherapy (mineral baths with various contents: medicines, herbal infusions and so on);
  • aerosol therapy (inhalation with medicinal compounds).

How to get there: independent travel and travel agencies

The easiest way is to buy last-minute trips to Bulgaria, which today can be very easily found on the websites of travel agencies. A big plus is not only that it will be much cheaper, but also that the price will be fixed. At least the basic expenses for the flight and accommodation will be paid immediately.

What travel agencies offer a trip to Sandanski? It is worth paying attention to Coral Travel and Adamas Tour, as these companies have a positive reputation. On average, a week of accommodation and treatment for two adults will cost 80-90 thousand rubles, but this is very approximate, since the cost of the trip depends on the treatment program, duration of stay and, in fact, the chosen hotel-sanatorium.

Weather in Sandanski

From Sofia to Sandanski - 165 km, and you can travel this distance by train, bus or car. The journey will take approximately 3 hours. The bus station is located in the very center of the resort, and the railway - 5 km from it.

Sandanski Resort Attractions

Arriving in the city of Sandanski, you must visit the following places:

  • The Early Christian complex is an architectural and construction monument of the culture of antiquity.
  • Pirin National Park.
  • The tomb-mausoleum of the Roman aristocrat of the II-IV centuries.
  • Reserve "Slavyanka".
  • Temple of Bishop Yoan.
  • Waterfall over the river Bystrica.
  • Episcopal Temple.
  • Monuments: Spartak, Todorov and Yavorov.

Sandanski Bulgaria

Entertainment and outdoor activities

If you have already bought last-minute trips to Bulgaria, you just have to think over the route to the sights and include active leisure in it. Many options for translating this goal into reality are offered by spa hotels. But if you are bored sitting in the walls of the institution, you can find other useful activities.

Hiking in the mountains is especially popular in Sandanski, there are even several hiking trails. You can also go to the park to ride a catamaran or bike, relax in a boat or take a walk. Guides offer to get acquainted with the resort by choosing one of the fascinating tourist programs. In general, treatment will not be boring and dull, if supplemented with activities that are pleasing to the soul.

Sandanski Resort

Reviews about the resort as a whole

Reviews Sandanski resort is only positive, people write that it is pleasant to be in this city, because there is the opportunity to relax with your soul, drink delicious clear water and breathe the fragrant air, which in itself heals many diseases, even mental ones.

There are many hotels here, and if you skip the above sanatoriums with good reviews, Sandanski Interhotel 4 * and Park Hotel Pirin 5 *, you can still highlight the following hotels with high ratings:

  • Villas Izgreva 3 *.
  • Silent Nature 2 *.
  • Popovi 3 *.
  • Family Victoria.
  • Pri Bratiata.

Bulgaria (Sandanski) resorts

Sandanski is an amazingly beautiful, clean and comfortable resort that deserves the title of one of the best in Europe. The treatment here is carried out at the highest level, and the administration of sanatorium hotels will never let guests get bored. You feel constant fatigue, your health has worsened, you don’t have enough strength for anything? Then it's time to go to Sandanski!


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