Sights of Zheleznovodsk: photos and description

The city of Zheleznovodsk is a natural health resort of our country. On its territory there are unique sources of mineral waters and mud baths, analogues of which are not found anywhere in the world. We will talk about all this and other sights of Zheleznovodsk in our article.

History tour

The first mineral springs of Zheleznovodsk were discovered by a Moscow doctor - Fedor Petrovich Haaz. Immediately after this event, patients began to come to Mount Zheleznaya. The arrangement of the future famous balneological resort began a few years later. Thus, in the second half of the 19th century, a Cossack settlement appeared on the site of the city of Zheleznovodsk. At the same time, the settlement was visited by a naturalist - Fedor Alexandrovich Batalin. He discovered and described another twenty-five mineral springs, one of which was subsequently decided to be named after him.

Zheleznovodsk continued to develop actively. The first water supply system was built on its territory, electricity appeared and a railway was laid. In the first half of the 20th century, the construction of hotels, mansions and summer cottages began on the territory of the city. Subsequently, all infrastructure facilities were significantly improved. A telephone network and sewage system appeared.

City of Zheleznovodsk

The picture shows a photo of the city of Zheleznovodsk, the sights of which will be discussed in detail below.

During the First World War, numerous hospitals were equipped here. Then began the active construction of sanatoriums. But during the Second World War, all the activities of Zheleznovodsk were paralyzed. The invaders caused great damage to the balneological facilities and urban infrastructure.

After the war, the city met with the dynamic construction of balneological facilities and mud baths, infrastructure and utilities. At the moment, the city of Zheleznovodsk is in no way inferior to the famous European resorts.

Resort Park Zheleznovodsk

Description of the attractions of Zheleznovodsk should begin with the famous resort park, the foundation of which began in the first half of the XIX century. It is in this place that the lion part of all the attractions of the city is located.

The park infrastructure attracts tourists with its uniqueness. The fact is that the park is located on the slopes of the Zheleznaya, Beshtau and Razvalki mountains, namely, in the natural forest park zone. The park occupies about two hundred hectares, and its unusual layout amazes travelers. Right in the middle of the forest there are neat paths for walking, the so-called terrencurs. They are all equipped with picturesque and comfortable places to relax and signs indicating the length of the route.

On the numerous alleys of the park there are pump rooms with mineral springs, ancient buildings, arbors, sculptures and fountains. More details about these and other sights of Zheleznovodsk will be described in the corresponding chapters of the article.

The main healing sources of Zheleznovodsk

The main attraction of the city are its sources of mineral waters, of which there are more than twenty. At the moment, three of them provide drinking treatment: Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky and Lermontovsky.

The Slavyanovsky source was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century by the Soviet hydrogeologist Nikolai Nikolayevich Smirnov. Using a manual drilling machine, a well was dug 120 meters deep. The temperature of mineral water reaches 55 degrees, it has no world analogues. It is used to prevent and treat many diseases.

Smirnovsky source appeared due to the efforts of Dr. Semyon Alekseevich Smirnov. He discovered a self-flowing spring and ordered the workers to clear it. As a result, several holes were found at the bottom through which hot mineral water poured. Her temperature reached 38 degrees. The main area of ​​application of water is the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lermontov spring is the oldest. It was opened at the beginning of the XIX century by Fedor Petrovich Haaz and laid the foundation for the formation of the resort. The pump room is located in one of the most picturesque places of the park. He got his name thanks to the poet, who for some time rested and was treated here.

Pushkin Gallery

This is one of the most recognizable sights of Zheleznovodsk. The Pushkin Gallery was built at the foot of Zheleznaya Mountain in the first half of the 20th century. The gallery consists of metal plates and stained glass. The design was completed by the Warsaw and St. Petersburg plants, after which it was delivered to the city by rail.

Pushkin Gallery

The photo shows a photo of the Zheleznovodsk landmark (Pushkin Gallery).

Inside, the Pushkin Gallery is divided into a concert hall, where creative evenings take place periodically, and a gallery in which local artists are exhibited.

Ostrovsky Baths

The second most recognizable landmark of the city of Zheleznovodsk are Ostrovsky Baths. The building was built in the second half of the 19th century according to the project of the famous Russian architect of French origin Pavel Yulievich Suzor. It is made in the Moorish style and is located in one of the picturesque squares of the city, near the railway station.

Ostrovsky Baths

It is worth noting that the baths got their name thanks to the brother of the famous writer, who at one time was actively involved in the formation and development of the resort. Currently, the building is mothballed and is not used for its intended purpose.

Mount Iron

Zheleznaya Mountain is a natural landmark of Zheleznovodsk. It is an unformed volcano with a magma core inside it. The mountain is conical in shape, with a height of over 850 meters. At its base, about twenty sources of mineral waters were found. At the top of the mountain there is a viewing platform with a magical view of the city.

Mount Iron

This image is a photo of the attractions of Zheleznovodsk, the description of which is provided in the article.

On the western side of Zheleznaya Mountain there is the famous Resort Park, one of the paths of which will lead you to the top.

Cascading stairs

In the Resort Park is another attraction of Zheleznovodsk. She is one of the most favorite walking places of citizens and tourists. This is the famous Cascade Staircase. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century in order to protect the slope of Zheleznaya Mountain from excessive waterlogging. As planned by the architect, unused mineral water flowed down the stairs to a specially equipped tray.

Cascading stairs

At the moment, the staircase for its intended purpose is not used. By the decision of the city administration, it was decorated with various fountains, sculptures of fairy-tale characters and flower beds.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

The palace complex was erected at the beginning of the 20th century by order of Emperor Alexander III. It is made in a peculiar oriental style and was built as the residence of the emir and Russian general Seyid Abdullah Khan.

The palace is decorated with sculptures of lions, wooden carvings and metal script. The interior is surprisingly intricate layout with spiral staircases, decorated with crescents, a fireplace and a room that was intended for the harem.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

It is worth noting that the emir did not have time to live there, in view of his sudden death, and the new owner, after the construction of the palace was completed, transferred it to the royal family. Then, during the war years, the infirmary was located there. Currently, having undergone several reconstructions, the palace is one of the most visited attractions of the city, inside which a modern sanatorium is equipped.


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