Why is planet Earth called blue? Is it so?

Everyone probably heard more than once that the Earth is called the "blue planet." The Earth received this name not so long ago, because earlier people simply didn’t have
the ability to see your planet from a sufficient distance to be sure of its primary color. But are you sure you remember exactly why the planet
Earth called blue?

Why is planet earth called blue


There has always been water in the universe. Yes, at first it was not streams of water, but only the smallest molecules settling on dust particles and various kinds of cosmic bodies.
After some time, these dust particles and bodies were combined into one huge formation, which was destined to become the Earth.

Looking at our homeland just 4.5 billion years ago, no one would have guessed why the planet Earth is called blue. After all, it was a huge piece of boiling mess and erupting lava. For millions of years, the gases released during these processes formed the Earth’s atmosphere. There were methane, and nitrogen, and hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. There was only free oxygen.

He was not there until a little less than 4 billion years ago, the atmosphere cooled to 100 degrees - it was then that the condensation process finally allowed a couple
turn into liquid. Endless drops, streams, entire streams of real water crashed onto the Earth. Incredible thunderstorms raged on our planet
for millennia. There was literally a flood! Almost boiling rains poured on the earth in endless streams. First small rivers, then ever wider rivers
merged into one place, gradually turning it into the oceans. However, then it was just dirty water, seething from high temperature and constant
filling. And only after many hundreds of centuries the waters of the oceans became clean, cool, that is, they took on the form that we can observe today.

Water - this is the substance that made our planet unique and made it possible to give birth to life on planet Earth.

Blue planet

Astronauts say that if you look at the planet Earth from a satellite, you first of all pay attention to its blue color. This is due to the properties of our
atmosphere and the surface of the planet (the only one on which water is in liquid form). In addition, our planet is unique in the presence of oxygen
atmosphere and protective ozone film, which prevents the negative effects of star rays. Today, to make sure the astronauts are right, enough
just see a satellite photo of the earth.

satellite earth

Ocean color

On the other hand, it is strange why the planet Earth is called blue, because water has no color. However, most of the sea water appears to human
look it is in blue. Sometimes the sea can be green, black or yellowish. What is the matter here?

And the reason is simple: we see the color of water in the sunlight. And any ray, as you know, includes all the colors of the rainbow. The wavelength for each color is different,
accordingly, they can penetrate into the water column at different depths. The shortest waves are red, the longest are blue. Exactly
for this reason, waves of different colors are reflected in different ways. And this gives us the opportunity to see the seas of different colors.

blue planet earth

Of course, there are also seas of red color, but the story about them is a completely different story, because their color is due to the large number of red algae in
the surface of the sea, not the carrying capacity of water for sunlight.

Blue sea

The depth of light penetration into the sea depends on the transparency of the water. Light is reflected from microscopic particles, such as algae or their particles present
in any sea in the form of suspensions. The upper layers of the seas and oceans are not rich in these particles, because they go down. For this reason, the blue part of the spectrum has
the ability to reflect at great depths.

All tropical seas can boast of microalgae, which is why they all have a blue color if you look at the planet Earth from a satellite or even from a cliff.

Different color

The waters of those seas that do not have a constant temperature or have an active current, constantly mix, bringing a large amount to the upper layers
nutrients. Water for this reason seems much more cloudy, the light of the Sun is not able to penetrate further than the upper layers, so the blue rays are not here
are reflected. The color of the water will vary from green to brown.

satellite photo

It would seem, why is the planet Earth called blue if the color of the seas throughout its territory is different? The fact is that when viewed from a satellite, sunlight
reflected not only in water, but also passes through the atmosphere itself. And in this very atmosphere, the beam is also reflected mainly in the blue spectrum. Of course,
there are also pure white swirls of clouds, but these are just too dense clumps of vaporous water that cannot transmit long waves. This bright blue and saturated with water and air is what we see in photographs of the globe.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26407/

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