GPS tracker for dogs: description, advantages, reviews

Technological and easy-to-use GPS trackers have long been included in the mandatory set of accessories for people who monitor their health and physical fitness. At the same time, the scope of use of such gadgets is constantly expanding. Nowadays, using a small sensor, you can solve a lot of problems in keeping pets. For example, a dog collar with GPS for dogs allows you to track the location of a lost pet. And this is far from the only function that is provided in such devices. The modern market offers various modifications of trackers, which differ in appearance and operational parameters.

gps tracker for dogs

Device Overview

By its action, a GPS tracker is a typical navigation tracking tool. Using cellular communication, the sensor sends a signal to the ownerโ€™s mobile device, telling him the location coordinates. The receiver is embedded in the collar and does not allow the pet to go far from the owner. It is important to note that the GPS tracker for dogs does not limit the movement of the animal and does not affect its condition. It only gives the user the coordinates of the collar. By the way, location accuracy is one of the key parameters of any navigation tracker.

Modern models are able to provide coordinate accuracy of up to 5 m. It has already been noted that for the gadget to work, it must be interconnected with another mobile device - you can use any smartphone or tablet in this capacity. The main thing is that in the area where a GPS tracker for dogs is used, a GSM / GPRS network should operate. Without it, the device will not be able to communicate with the owner.

dog gps collar

Features and Benefits of Gadgets

The urgency of the problem of lost pets has long haunted designers and technologists. Therefore, the very concept of this device cannot be called new - the same radio signal was used in collars before. Nevertheless, there are obvious advantages that distinguish the GPS tracker for dogs, regardless of modification. First of all, it is compact, light weight and easy to mount. For an animal, the difference between an ordinary collar and its analogue with a GPS sensor is almost imperceptible. Also, the owner will not feel any special problems in fixing the device. The following indicates the battery charge. Of course, there are devices with different battery life capabilities, but on average the duration of the receiverโ€™s operation without charging is 24 hours. In addition, navigation tools allow you to expand the option to control the lost dog. For example, the owner will be able to plot a trajectory of movement, analyze the surrounding area, etc.

User's manual

Even with the purchase, you should provide the device with a suitable SIM card. This is an important point, since communication will be provided thanks to the services of a mobile operator. Before starting operation, insert the card into a special slot. Next, you need to charge the GPS tracker. The manual usually recommends performing this procedure for about 1.5-2 hours. To charge, just connect the USB cable to the collar. In the process of performing these operations, a series of manipulations with a screwdriver may be required. For the reliability of fasteners, manufacturers supply devices with several layers of housing protection, fixing them with special clips. When all the parts are installed in their places, you can proceed to the most crucial moment: attaching the collar to the dog. This is done by elementary fastening. The main thing is that the functional part of the device is at the top for better communication quality.

mini gps tracker

Mini gps tracker

As noted above, one of the key advantages of GPS receivers for dogs is compactness. But even in the family of such devices, the dimensions can be different. If you need a model for a small pet or for a hunting dog, for which complete freedom of movement is important, it is recommended to choose mini-trackers. They are smaller, but the functionality of such devices is much lower. In particular, the mini-GPS tracker has a not so long battery life and may be limited in the reception ranges. Otherwise, positioning sensors of this type provide acceptable efficiency. By the way, the cost of such devices is usually lower.

gps tracker reviews

Additional options and features

Along with compact models, there are devices in advanced configurations, equipped with a rich option. The basic list of functions of such devices still includes determining the coordinates of the pet in real time. As an addition, it is worth noting the ability to monitor dog vital signs. This allows you to control and track data on the petโ€™s physical activities, to draw up schedules of his activity. Also, a modern GPS tracker for dogs has the ability to automatically turn on the microphone. This option will allow the owner to assess the environment surrounding the animal through extraneous noise. It is worth noting the possibility of programming the operating modes of the sensor with the compilation of lists of numbers to which the signal should be sent. But such options are present today in almost any tracker.

gps tracker instruction

Models and prices

The cost varies from 7-8 and up to 60 thousand rubles. It all depends on the configuration, the reliability of the electronics used and the list of optional features. To date, the most profitable is the purchase of models from Garmin. For example, the Astro series features a high-quality GPS tracker, the price of which is 30 thousand rubles. This is a 320 model equipped with high precision sensors. In addition, with this device, the dog breeder can control the whole flock. Also worth noting is the Alpha series. Representatives of this line differ in the possibility of physical impact on the animal. Through insignificant electrical signals, the owner will be able to give the pet commands.

Tracker Reviews

The opinions of users of such devices can be compared with the assessment of the operation of GPS-alarms. There are practically no complaints about the quality of performing direct functions, but there is criticism of the troubles in the process of operation and maintenance of the device. One of the main problems is the need to change and charge the batteries that the GPS tracker is equipped with. Reviews also recommend a more careful approach to the choice of design and construction of such collars. Oddly enough, it is this seemingly insignificant aspect that is important in the process of using the device. Animals may not accept devices of certain colors, so it is better to experiment with different models from the beginning.

gps tracker Price


A skeptical layman may perceive the new technology as something useless. After all, an attentive and responsible owner will not lose a pet, and buying a collar for 8-10 thousand rubles. seems like a real waste. Of course, there is some truth in such an argument. But the tech collar with GPS for dogs allows you not only to insure the animal in case of loss. This is a means of monitoring indicators of its activity, the ability to issue commands at a distance and a number of other options. By the way, it is not necessary to use this device on every walk. You can wear a collar only before you go on a trip to nature. Also, the receiver can be useful as a means of monitoring children and the elderly, and their safety is worth a lot of investment.


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