Minisink "Monsoon": reviews. Minisink-foam generator: characteristics, price

Among Russian motorists gaining popularity minimoyki. These devices are designed to become an alternative to regular contact of the car owner in a specialized service. Modern compact mini-washes are a convenient tool for self-care of the machine. Among the most famous models of the corresponding type of devices in the Russian Federation is the Monsoon. What is the specificity of this minimoin? What devices can be called competitive in relation to it? What type of device is the most affordable?

What is a minisink?

By minimoyka it is customary to understand a portable device intended for washing mainly cars, sometimes furniture, small buildings. This device involves manual use: any additional devices for its operation are usually not needed. Apart from, of course, the power supply for an electric drive or an energy source for another mechanism that provides water pressure. In the case of minisinks like "Monsoon" this is compressed air. It can be supplied from an automobile compressor or even a hand pump - and this, to a certain extent, is a unique feature of the Russian development.

Minisink monsoon reviews

There are devices that belong to the category of washing machines-foam generators. Their specificity is that they can apply foam from a detergent, for example, car shampoo, to the surface to be treated. Minisink-foam generator is one of the most effective tools for car care.

The devices in question are available in a wide range of brands. Among the most famous in the Russian market is the German minimaker “Karcher”. Also popular devices are Japanese, American, Italian brands. Among the devices that compete with foreign products is the Russian Monsoon Minisink, reviews of which are often found on automotive-related portals and in online catalogs of online stores.

Minisink “Monsoon”: scope of delivery for a 12-liter modification

What is included in the delivery package of the Monsoon minisink? First of all, this is the device itself. It is available in three main versions: with a tank capacity of 12 liters, as well as 5 liters and 2 liters. Consider the structure of the minisink kit in its 12-liter model.

Monsoon foam generator minisink 12l

An important component of the device in question is the valve, with its help a compressed air generator is connected to the minimax. Most often it is an automobile compressor. Also included in the scope of delivery of the device is a valve designed to reduce overpressure. Another important element of the device is a cup, in which detergent or wax is poured - its application to the surface of the car is also included in the minimoyk functional. Included is a hose switch. Another important component of the device is a hose, its length is about 6 meters. Also included in the mini-wash kit is a hose, into which a glass for shampoo and wax is inserted.

Additional features possessed by the Monsoon brand mini-washer (12L, semi-professional):

- indicator of the maximum pressure of the device: 4 bar;

- productivity of a minisink: 480 l / hour;

- can work from any source of compressed air (for example, from an automobile compressor);

- additional functions: water heating;

- on the gun there are special buttons with which the minimoyka is controlled;

- device height: 40 cm;

- Minimum wash weight: 2.65 kg.

It will also be useful to find out the main characteristics of the 5-liter and 2-liter modifications of the device.

"Monsoon" in a 5-liter modification: the main characteristics

The maximum pressure of the minimum wash, as well as in the case of the 12-liter modification, is 4 bar. The productivity of the device is similar - 480 l / h. Like the previous device, it can work from any source of compressed air. Similarly, the minisink is equipped with a water heating function. Among the remarkable options of the device is the presence of a sandblasting nozzle. The height of the device is 30 cm. The weight of the mini-wash is 1.45 kg.

"Monsoon" in a 2-liter modification

Consider the most modest in size modification, in which the minimon “Monsoon” is produced. Reviews of many motorists contain an extremely positive assessment regarding the usefulness of this device. The maximum pressure of the device is also 4 bar. However, its productivity is less than that of the minimum-wash foam generator manufactured under the Monsoon brand (12 l and 5 l), namely 100 l / h. As in previous devices, it is possible to connect any source of compressed air. The minisink has the function of heating water. True, unlike the previous model, it is not equipped with a sandblasting nozzle. The height of the device is 34 cm, weight - 1 kg.

Thus, the differences between the different Monsoon minimo models are generally small. Each of the models is probably optimal in relation to the needs of car enthusiasts who use the car with varying degrees of intensity, as well as in certain conditions - in the city, outdoors or during active trips.

We will study the main features of the device manufactured in the Russian Federation, in more detail. We highlight the useful properties of the device, which are characteristic in general for all its modifications.

Possibilities of a minisink "Monsoon"

The Russian mini-washer is particularly noteworthy in that all the necessary containers for accommodating water and detergent are located inside it. That is, there is no need to provide a continuous supply of water. How to use a foam generator known under the Monsoon brand? Minisink of the appropriate type involves the following operation mechanism.

First you need to pour detergent and water into a special tank. The optimal proportion for severe contamination is 1 volume of shampoo per 40 corresponding values ​​for water. After that, using special mechanisms, create excess pressure in the device, and then apply the resulting foam to the car. After this, you may need to add more water to the tank. Then you can wash the foam from the surface of the car.

Contactless application

There is also an option in which the Monsoon minisink (reviews by many owners confirm its practical effectiveness) can be used as a contactless tool for instant use. To do this, pour water into the tank, and detergent - in a special cup. Then you need to create excess pressure in the device. After this, foam should be applied, having previously switched on the appropriate mode on the hose. After the foam has been applied, you need to switch the mode to the one through which the mini wash transfers water, and rinse the shampoo off the surface of the car.


Another noteworthy opportunity offered by the Monsoon brand mini-wash is the application of liquid wax on a car. This can be done using the following algorithm. First you need to put liquid wax in a special cup. Then pour water into the minisink tank. After that, create excess pressure, and then apply wax to the car.

Reviews about the minimon “Monsoon”

Another aspect in which we will be interested in the minimon “Monsoon” is reviews. What do motorists with experience in using the device in practice write? In general, the technology solutions introduced by Russian developers are highly appreciated by the owners of the minimac. People praise the convenience of the device, functionality, in most cases positively characterize the quality of its work. According to the owners of the mini-wash, with the help of the device it is quite possible to clean the car yourself, without contacting the suppliers of special services for washing vehicles. The owners of the device are impressed by its compactness and lightness.

Competing Solutions: Karcher

Mini washing machines are supplied to the Russian and world markets with a large number of brands. Among the undisputed leaders is the German company Karcher. Now this company produces seven generations of car washes.

Minisink Karcher

In the Russian market, the Karcher mini-wash in the K 5 Car modification is quite popular. Consider its features.

The following basic components are included in the kit of the mini-wash: nozzle, detergent, rotating brush, and a napkin. The device is optimal for washing cars with a moderately contaminated surface. It can also be used to care for bicycles or facades of houses.

The minisink is noteworthy in that it is equipped with a water cooling drive. The device also includes a long 8-meter hose, designed for use at high pressure. The device is equipped with a water filter that protects the pump elements from exposure to particulate matter.

Minisink price

The K 5 Car device from Karcher is a mini-wash with water intake: it can be carried out from a nearby tank.

Competitive Solutions: MAKITA

Another noteworthy device, similar in functionality to the Russian device, as well as to the German one, which we examined above is MAKITA HW 132. Among its main features is a powerful motor that belongs to the category of asynchronous. It can also be noted that a plunger pump is provided for in the mini-wash design . The device is equipped with a water filter.

Minisink foam generator

Among the notable components of the device is a safety valve, as well as a system for starting and disabling the electric motor with a gun. Also, the minisink is equipped with an adjustable nozzle, through which it is possible to change the pressure of the jet and set the spraying method. The device is supplied with a reinforced hose. The device is characterized by the convenience of transportation using large wheels, as well as a handle.

Consider some of the technical characteristics of the MAKITA minimoykoy and compare them with the corresponding indicators possessed by the minimal-foam foam generator (12 l) manufactured under the Russian brand “Monsoon”.

The maximum pressure at which the Japanese apparatus operates is 140 bar, and the working one is 120 bar. This is higher than the Russian minisink. However, the performance of devices is generally comparable. At a Japanese car wash, it is 420 l / h. The temperature of the water discharged from the hose of the MAKITA device is 50 degrees. Also, this device is noticeably heavier than the Russian model, its weight is 15.5 kg.

Minisink Sterwins 135 EPW

On the whole, the Sterwins mini-wash from China in the 135 EPW modification, which is also popular in the Russian Federation, has comparable characteristics with the Japanese device.

In particular, the maximum pressure indicator in it is 135 bar, the productivity of the Chinese device is 420 l / h. The Sterwins washing machine can also draw water from a third-party tank.

Minisink "Interskol" AM 120/1500

If you examine the solutions offered by other Russian manufacturers of the corresponding type of devices, you can pay attention to the Interskol brand. This company is one of the largest suppliers of power tools in the Russian Federation. The Minisink “Interskol” AM 120/1500 is quite close in characteristics to the solutions discussed above from MAKITA and Sterwins. Its capacity is 360 l / per hour.

Minisink Interskol

The minisink provides water supply at a temperature of 50 degrees. The maximum pressure rating of the device is 120 bar. Among the noteworthy features that Interskol is equipped with is the overheat protection as well as automatic shutdown.

Which solution is more profitable?

Having examined the features of the device known under the Monsoon brand and the devices competitive with it, we can compare the price of the solutions studied. It should be noted that in many respects it depends on the priorities of a particular supplier, but if you take the prices on average, you can generally determine which minimoyk will still be more profitable.

Take for comparison the minimon “Monsoon” with a capacity of 12 liters and the above devices. It costs about 2500 rubles. The device from Karcher is much more expensive, it will cost about 17 thousand rubles. The MAKITA HW 132 device is cheaper than a German solution, costs about 11 thousand rubles. The device from Interskol will cost about 6500 rubles. An even more budgetary option is a device from Sterwins, it costs about 5500 rubles. It turns out that the "Monsoon" is the most affordable mini-wash. The price of the device is significantly lower than that of the analogues we examined.

Is there any competition?

Minisink Sterwins

Of course, the Monsoon minimuika and the mentioned devices should be considered direct competitors very conditionally, since the Russian device is produced in a rather specific and to some extent unique design. First of all, as we noted above, it is compatible with any source of compressed air. Also, it does not involve taking water from third-party sources: as we have defined above, water must be poured into a special reservoir of the device. One way or another, it performs its main functions successfully - and this is confirmed by many reviews of the owners of the minimac. Therefore, this solution is the best option if the owner of the car decides to save on the purchase of appropriate accessories for washing the car.


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