Manor of the Stroganovs in Brattsevo: how to get, description, history

In order to visit all the interesting sights of Moscow, not a whole week is enough. There are also undeservedly forgotten scenic spots in the capital with a rich history. For example, the Stroganovs estate in Brattsevo is an architectural monument that even many native Muscovites do not know about. Where is this attraction and what is its history?

The romantic story of the Stroganov estate

Stroganov Manor in Bratsevo
The estate, surrounded by an English park in Brattsevo near Moscow, is traditionally associated with the name of Count A. Stroganov. In fact, he acquired these lands in 1780, long before the construction of the architectural ensemble that has survived to this day. A. Stroganov owned the estate very briefly. The version according to which Brattsevo was acquired by the count especially for his second wife, as compensation, is widespread. Ekaterina Petrovna Stroganova (Trubetskaya) almost immediately after marriage fell in love with Adjutant General I.N. Rimsky-Korsakov, who was previously a favorite of Catherine II. Sympathy grew into a stormy romance, which became the reason for the Stroganovs' divorce. The deceived husband behaved quite nobly, and after the dissolution of the marriage, Ekaterina Petrovna got a country estate in Brattsevo. It was there that she lived with her lover until her death.

Owners Brattsevo

Moscow m glider
It is believed that the manor house that has survived to this day and a complex of other buildings was erected in 1813-1815 by order of Rimsky-Korsakov. Presumably, A.N. Voronikhin was the main architect of the project. After the death of Ekaterina Petrovna and Ivan Nikolaevich, the estate and park complex goes to their common son V.N. Ladomirsky. Vasily Nikolayevich in 1833 rebuilt the temple in Brattsevo, which is part of the architectural ensemble. After the death of Colonel Ladomirsky, his widow owned the estate, and then her relatives. The last owner of Brattsevo was N. Shcherbatov. After the 1917 revolution, he voluntarily transferred his property to states, asking only to preserve architectural monuments and valuable works of art.

The modern history of the old manor

Temple in Bratsevo
Most of the valuable objects of the interior decoration of the lordly house of the Stroganov estate was moved to the New Jerusalem Monastery. During the Great Patriotic War, all these works of art, exquisite furnishings and household items were lost. The Soviet government for some time could not come to a consensus on how the Stroganovs estate in Brattsevo should be used. About a year old buildings were occupied by a kindergarten and a school. Then, on the basis of the Stroganov estate, the Museum of the noble way of life also did not last long. In 1922, a holiday home was opened. The boarding house changed owners several times, and the architectural ensemble was undergoing minor changes. However, despite all the circumstances, there is a holiday home today. Also on the territory of the park complex Brattsevo (Moscow) today the restaurant "Stroganov" is working for everyone.

Monuments and local attractions

Ekaterina Petrovna Stroganova
The main manor house, preserved in the classical style, has been preserved to this day. The building is cruciform in plan, has a gazebo with a dome and a portico. In the thirties of the last century, one-story wings were attached to the main two-story house. At the same time, a fountain was completely rebuilt in 2012 in front of the main entrance. Of the original buildings, the Stroganovs estate in Brattsevo preserved a gazebo made in the form of a rotunda. Its name "Milovid" is usually deciphered as "Temple of Catherine II." Modern tourists can also see the only surviving main outhouse in Bratsevo. Empire-style murals dating back to 1830-1840 also survived in the Stroganov estate. Around the old buildings, as well as during the life of their past owners, there is a landscape park. Two stone bridges have been preserved here, the territory is in a well-maintained condition.

Church in Brattsevo

Country estate
Once, before the Stroganov’s acquisition, the lands of modern Bratsevo belonged to the boyar B. M. Khitrovo. With this owner, in 1670, the Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin was built on the estate's territory. The temple in Bratsevo has survived to the present day, and today its doors are open for parishioners. What is noteworthy, the church has become the resting place of the most famous owners of the estate. Here lies the remains of Ekaterina Petrovna Stroganova and her “husband” Ivan Nikolayevich Rimsky-Korsakov. In Soviet times, the church was closed, and its bell tower and a number of adjacent buildings were completely destroyed. The temple was restored and re-consecrated only at the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Today, festive services, sacraments of weddings and baptisms are held here. The temple has a Sunday school for children and adults, as well as a variety of circles and training courses. Parishioners of the church are many residents of the capital. Brattsevo was once considered the suburbs, but today it is Moscow. M. Planernaya is one of the closest stations; if you wish, it is easy to get here from anywhere in the North-Western Administrative District.

The current state of Stroganov’s estate and park

Today, a complex of historical buildings in Bratsevo occupies a holiday home and a restaurant. The facades of the main building are painted bright yellow with a splash of green and white. The territory of the park is open for visitors to all comers. Everyone can admire the facades of architectural sights and walk along the well-groomed alleys. It is unusually beautiful here in the summer season: in front of the main house there is a fountain and bright flower beds are broken. The Stroganov restaurant organizes gala banquets, corporate parties and holds weddings with on-site registrations. In the landscape park year-round there are all conditions for outdoor activities. In summer, many people ride bicycles here, in winter - skiing and tubing. The Stroganovs estate in Brattsevo today is an interesting place for walking and exploring historical architecture. Against the background of an old mansion and rotunda pavilions, incredibly beautiful photographs are obtained.

How to get to Brattsevo?

Bratsevo Moscow
The old manor and park complex is located in the modern city of the capital. It is not difficult to get to it by personal or public transport. Once the village of Brattsevo near Moscow today, it is already Moscow. M. “Planernaya”, “Skhodnenskaya”, “Mitino” and “Volokolamskaya” are the nearest stations. From them to the Stroganov estate can be reached by land transport. From the Planernaya station - take 959 bus for 2 stops, and 3 stops for Mitino on the same route. From the metro station “Skhodnenskaya” you can take buses 43 or 267, go 6 stops. If you decide to get to Bratsevo from the Volokolamskaya station, you need to wait for route 777. You can also get to the landscape park by trolleybuses No. 70 and 70K or minibuses No. 492, 570, 707M, 1085.


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