Pension points - what is it? How are pension points awarded?

Recently, pension reform has undergone such a number of changes that it’s just right to get lost in numbers. To whom and how much should it be? Those who first asked this question immediately come across another very interesting definition: retirement points. What does this and what does it have to do with the amount offered by the state for old age? We will talk about this and not only today.

retirement points what is it

What is PKI and how to calculate a pension?

With the adoption of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, a new procedure for receiving money “for old age” has come into our lives. Now the number of banknotes you received to reach a certain age will depend not so much on the years worked, but on such a thing as pension points. What it is?

All the experience accumulated by a person at the time of the onset of hour X is converted into points. Their combination is called the individual pension coefficient, abbreviated IPK. Thus, the pension is calculated as follows:

P = F + H + B * Sat

  • P - pension;
  • F - a fixed amount established annually by the state;
  • N - the funded part of the pension for those with whom it is formed;
  • B - the number of pension points;
  • Sat - the cost of 1 pension point in the current year.

When it's time to retire

In order to start applying for a pension, an applicant must meet the following conditions:

  • reach the retirement age established by the state;
  • have seniority greater than or equal to the minimum;
  • to get the minimum number of pension points.

seniority pension points
If at least one of the conditions is not fulfilled, the citizen has two ways:

  • continue to work until all conditions are met;
  • apply to the Pension Fund for calculating a social pension upon reaching the required age (60/65 years for women / men, respectively).

Pension points are awarded for each year of work. Therefore, the later a person leaves to apply for a pension, the more points he will have. But there is also a minimum limit value. No points - no pensions. Today, the minimum score is 11.4, and in 2025 this value will reach as much as 30.

In the same way, the minimum experience will be proportionally increased. It is enough for those who retire in 2017 to work for 7 years, in the future this figure will be increased to 15 and in 2025 it will be just that much.
It is worth noting that such periods are also included in this period:

  • decree;
  • Military service;
  • disability periods;
  • Detention
  • time spent at the labor exchange;
  • another.

Fixed payment and its sizes

To understand how pension points are awarded, let's examine each indicator included in the formula separately.

The first number is F, that is, fixed payments. This is a certain amount established by the state and does not depend on any indicators of your labor activity. Since 2016, its size has been fixed firmly and amounts to 4 thousand 559 rubles. The inflation rate is fixed in the same way, by which this figure will increase annually. He is 1.04. That is, in 2017, the fixed part in the pension calculation formula is:

4 559 * 1.04 = 4 741 (we will drop the penny for convenience).

how to calculate retirement points
There are also several categories for which overprices apply:

  • invalids of the first group;
  • people whom “hit” for more than 80 years;
  • workers or living in the Far North region or region equivalent to it;
  • having a dependent family member who, due to health reasons, is not able to carry out independent labor activity.

How to count points?

So, retirement points. What it is is more or less clear. But how to count their number? It's not so easy here.

The second figure in our formula is H, or the funded part of the pension. Where did she come from?

For some time now, Russian citizens were offered to form their pension in two ways:

  1. Receive only an insurance pension and transfer 16% of the salary to its formation.
  2. Divide the pension into two categories. For this, 10% of the salary is transferred to the insurance part, and 6% is accumulated in a special account and make up the funded amount. This is our N.

accrual of pension points

Until 2015, Russian citizens were allowed to choose which pension they would have:

  • only insurance;
  • insurance + funded.

From the first month of 2015, an individual score can be calculated using the following formula:

B = (S / cm) * 10

  • St. - the amount of contributions transferred to the insurance part of the pension from earnings (annual). Its value depends on the salary and on what kind of pension a person chose.
  • See - the maximum possible amount of the insurance payment at the full (16%) rate withheld from the largest payable wage (base).

Calculation Example

Let's try to calculate pension points ourselves. That this is not so difficult, you can see the following example:

Salary of employee K. - 35 thousand rubles per month. This means that he earns 420 thousand rubles a year.

The maximum salary for calculating contributions to the Pension Fund in 2017 is 876,000 Russian rubles. The amount of contributions from this base indicator is:

876,000 * 16% = 140,160 rubles. This is our See.

Option 1

Citizen K. preferred to receive only an insurance pension. In this case, the amount of his annual deductions to the PF will be:

Sv = 420,000 * 16% = 67,200 rubles.

Now let's calculate the pension point for 2017:

B = (67,200 / 140,160) * 10 = 4.79

Option 2

Employee K. chose a mixed model for the formation of a pension, and therefore has both insurance and funded parts. In this case:

Sv = 420,000 * 10% = 42,000 rubles.

B = (42 000/140 160) * 10 = 2,997

It should be remembered that there is a maximum number of points that a future pensioner can collect in each specific year. In the first version of the calculations in 2017, this figure will be 8.26, and in the second version - 5.16. These indicators are proportionally changed every year and from 2021 will be 10 and 6.25, respectively. Even if you get a larger number in the calculation, only such indicators will be taken into account.

How to count the “Soviet” experience?

But what about those who worked for some part of their life in the USSR? How to calculate retirement points for Soviet experience? Everything is much more complicated here. The government proposes to convert all pension rights received in previous years.

how pension points are awarded

It happens like this:

  1. All pensions earned before 2002 are translated into financial equivalent. At the same time, the calculation is carried out according to the old scheme, taking into account the length of service and salary for any 5 consecutive years.
  2. This figure is multiplied (indexed) by 10%. For those who worked before 1991, for each full year of work experience an additional 1% is added.
  3. All contributions paid to the Pension Fund in the period 2002-2014. add up, and then multiply by the indexing digit. As a result, we get the so-called retirement capital.
  4. Now this amount is divided by the number 228 and by the price of 1 point established in 2015. By this date, one unit of the retirement point “cost” 64 rubles and 10 kopecks.

As you understand, it is rather difficult to independently calculate pension points for the experience gained in the Soviet years. But getting at least an approximate figure is quite realistic.

Bonus points

In the life of every person there are quite good reasons for not working. And the current pension legislation takes this into account. Additional pension points are calculated for non-working citizens in such cases:

  • a break in work in connection with caring for a disabled person of group I - 1.8;
  • each year of military service (by conscription) - 1.8;
  • 365 days of care for a disabled child - 1.8
  • a full year of caring for an elderly (over 80 years old) person - 1.8;
  • 365 days of caring for the first child - 1.8;
  • the same period for the care of the second baby - 3.6;
  • for the third and subsequent children - 5.4.

It should also be taken into account that the pension points added for childcare are calculated on the basis that the vacation is one and a half years. For example, a mother raising four children by the time of retirement will automatically have:

1.8x1.5 + 3.6x1.5 + 5.4x1.5 + 5.4x1.5 = 24.3 points.

To obtain the right to receive a pension, she will have to finalize quite a bit. Interestingly, mothers raising twins or triplets will receive extra points for just one baby. This is because in this case it is not the number of children that is taken into account, but the period of time that the mother did not work in connection with caring for them.

By the way, if a person worked part-time while on maternity leave, you can choose which points will go "offset": for work or for the child.

What is the current pension score equal to?

As mentioned above, since 2015, the monetary “value” of 1 pension point has been fixed at 64.10 rubles. But a month later this figure was indexed and amounted to 71.41 Russian rubles. Every year on February 1, this figure is additionally indexed by a special coefficient equal to 1.04. It is easy to calculate that in 2017, the value of one pension savings point is equal to:

74.3 * 1.04 = 77.3 rubles.

retirement points for Soviet experience
Now you have all the data for calculating the estimated pension. But if you do not want to rack your brains over all these calculations, know: there is another very simple way to calculate retirement points. To do this, go to the website of the Pension Fund of Russia, register in the “My Account” and use the pension calculator. After entering all the necessary data, in a few seconds you will receive a fairly accurate amount of your proposed pension.


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