Greek men: features of character, appearance and style in clothes

The men of Greece are known throughout the world for their bewitching voices and bodies of ancient gods. The iodine-rich sea air of this country with an abundance of seafood was reflected in the temperament of Greek men. Hellas lovers repeatedly took first places in the ratings of male sexuality.

Greek appearance of a man


The mentality of the Greeks inherited features that are clearly manifested in the legendary myths of ancient Greece. They are romantic, inclined to conquest and open.

Since Greece lives off the tourism business, it is full of Russian travelers. A frequently observed picture is how among the flirting Greek men, cold, underestimated by compatriots women from the Russian north reveal themselves, revealing seductresses and treacherous beauties.


There are similarities with the Russian mentality. Representatives of this country are mostly Orthodox Christians and are warmly Russian, they are hospitable and friendly. They are distinguished by a simple worldview, enjoy everything, no matter what they do. Their peculiarity is the ability to live "here and now", to abstract from everything that causes despondency and longing. Even just shortened from work, a ruined Greek man can go have fun with a noisy crowd, and this is in the order of things.

Mass laziness in this country is pure myth. In their free time, the heirs of Hellas are hardworking. Often working days begin at 5 in the morning. Greek men often themselves support the whole family, taking on all the traditional male duties, their wives do not work. This is especially true for men of high status - such always have non-working wives, engaged in home and children.

Dimos Anastasiadis

The situation with the crisis situation in the country changed somewhat. Then the female part of the population went to work in the most difficult periods of time.

A separate point is the emotionality of any Greek. Sometimes you can see two quarreling not for life, but for the death of men, but in fact it is they who are just peacefully discussing the weather. Possessing a heightened emotional intelligence due to the constant expression of their own feelings, the Greeks are very attentive interlocutors. Being in harmony with their own inner world, they have the ability to subtly feel the people around them and their emotions. So, in a conversation with them it may seem that they are listening so carefully, as if with their whole bodies. The Greek gaze will only go to the side if something extremely wrong happens. Well, either an interesting representative of the opposite sex passes by. Immersion in their own inner world of fishermen from Greece was sung and became legendary. This is not surprising: only people with such a developed emotional sphere can go into such a deep attractive thoughtfulness with the same return with which they indulge in all kinds of feelings.

Key to the heart

At the deepest levels of his subconscious, every Greek considers himself the heir to the gods and the rightful owner of the planet. At least the owner of shares in it. Therefore, a characteristic male trait - the need to be a patron - is especially developed among Greek men. At the genetic level, he seeks to teach, and his spirit comes to life when he is given such an opportunity. Conversely, he feels miserable when he feels that no one needs his experience.

Stafis Stevaktakis

A Greek man strives to become a mentor, and in his appeal something often masters. This is manifested in relations with the whole world. He can begin to teach the interlocutor anything, even if he does not understand this. And since women and communication with them, the male sex of this nation simply adores at any age, this happens very, very often. Even the gray-haired Greek will not miss the opportunity to take a long look to see off any representative of the fair sex, smacking her after. And you need to be prepared for this, you need to understand what is really behind it. In this feature hides a curious key to the male heart of any Greek. After all, he can suddenly find a woman, next to whom Zeus, the patron saint of the whole world, will wake up in him.


The Greeks do not always fulfill their promises. Some kind of carelessness in this matter is a characteristic feature of an entire nation. These people simply live in the present day and are distinguished by their carelessness in matters of the future. They are serene and philosophically calm in matters of life.

Nevertheless, the Greek nation loves prosperity. Any rest goes on a grand scale. It is considered normal to let all your monthly income go down the drain for one party. The Greek man will feed the entire bar at his own expense, will order wine and a sea of ​​snacks, and nothing that wakes up tomorrow with empty pockets. After all, his generosity will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time. And the Greek will never take up his head when recalling the money spent, the past and the future are not so important for him as a specific moment, the emotions from which will warm him for some more time.

Going to restaurants is almost the main expense in the life of any representative of this nation. Dozens of taverns are open in each village. Sometimes it seems that there are thousands of them, and this is an obvious excess per capita of the local population. Nevertheless, they all turn out to be filled in the evening. The Greeks do not like to gather home, as in taverns. Stuffy establishments are often literally jam-packed, but this does not bother anyone. An unaccustomed person will probably not understand where in such conditions a place to rest. However, such evenings, taking place in an atmosphere of emotional friendly communication, are a favorite place for the Greeks to hide from current problems. Greeks never spare money for food. However, until recently, average salaries allowed regular visits to taverns with tables full of delicious snacks.

Greek actor

It is possible that such national features led to a huge default in Greece. The Greeks simply continued to live, allowing themselves things beyond their means, without thinking about the important steps to level the economy. And at the same moment, the way they value every moment cannot but draw attention to these people who love life.

Gender relations

The Greek people are sensual. Even people of high status have only apparent restraint. This is not surprising, given that since childhood, everyone in the country was brought up not on classic cartoons, but on very adultery myths.

Hence the desire in communication to touch on the most intimate topics. Shameless stories, when and how much, are decorated with expressive details. One should not be surprised at the prevalence of such intimate conversations in Greek circles. They were never puritans.

The attempts of married handsome Greek men to seduce any woman are widespread. Fleeting novels are often twisted. Unlike the situation in our country, this usually does not lead to a split in relations with wives. Husbands, entering into fleeting relationships, add peppercorns to everyday life, but they do not get divorced from their wives. Greek wives are usually quite self-confident, like queens in a bee hive. They only negligently dismiss the adultery and say that the poor husband is not able to say no to the cat.

Typical representative of greek men

And often wives behave like men. There are sayings in Greek society in the style of “Speak to your husband’s horns and do not resort to witchcraft and potion.” Such is often the Greek scenario of a happy, full well-being of a family. Usually, the more a wife is prone to infidelity, the less her husband suspects her of cheating.

From ancient times, Greek society, even in patriarchal principles, respected the relative equality of the sexes. The entire female population of Hellas was educated. Girls and boys were taught the same reading and writing in the same schools.


The approach of the southerners from the inhabitants of the northern latitudes to the relations of the sexes in this sphere is very different. This fully extended to the emotional Greeks. They relate to the field of human sexuality in a special way. Strict concepts of sin did not get here, and sex is not considered forbidden, immoral. The Greeks say: "If God wanted people to not make love without the goal of procreation - he would make their physiology like animals - estrus strictly once a year." No moralizing the church was able to suppress their healthy attitude to their own bodies and the natural relationships of the sexes.

Sinfulness generally failed to take deep roots in the culture of Hellas. They have never had such “life in sin” concepts. So, female representatives do not change their names at the wedding. The children are left with a choice of any surname. Do not immediately understand whether the pair is painted. Regardless of marital status, a man and woman are called “husband” and “wife”. In Greek, these words have the same meaning.

Greek appearance

The Greek faces of men have the characteristic features of a nation with large features with a wide bone. The Greeks are stocky, their bodies are characterized by increased hairiness, swarthy.

greek man

All representatives of the nation differ in the depth of planting eyes and thick hair. The typical Greek appearance of a man is broad-shouldered, stocky, with increased sexuality and knowing his own worth. All Greeks are proud of their origin, everyone considers himself almost a direct descendant of Zeus himself.

The Greek profile of this country’s men deserves special attention. The classical understanding of beauty is associated precisely with the national features of the Greeks. The reference Greek nose in men is absolutely straight, flowing straight from the forehead. There is practically no hollow on the bridge of the nose, there is only a barely noticeable bend. World-renowned Greek nose in men is reflected in all antique frescoes and sculptures. Such features of appearance, as it was believed then, were possessed by the gods.

Greek clothing style for men

Design motifs from ancient Hellas, the country of the gods of Olympus, are still responding to the latest collections of fashion designers. The Greek nation from ancient times glorified the beauty of the human body. There was a real cult in good shape. The clothes of this country emphasized the exciting curves of the figure of both sexes, although bright colors were not peculiar to her.

Lengthening the silhouette of the robe often resembled majestic temples of white color with their strict outlines. The Greek clothing of men was spacious - they were capes, raincoats, and under them were loose pants with shirts. However, these days no one else wears such things; they are uncomfortable and impractical. Modern men in Greece wear European-style clothing. Although many wear national costumes at ancient Greek festivals.

greek clothes

Even with the inherent hot climate in the country, they have always been multi-layered and voluminous. They always had a lot of folds, where knives were hidden. The Greeks were in constant wars all their history, instantly transforming from peasants full of peacefulness into brave armed partisans.

The most beautiful Greek men

Men of this nationality around the world are recognized as the most beautiful on the planet. Their masculine beauty was given to the laurels of primacy by Italians and Hispanics. They are the most popular in the male modeling business. Just look at the photos of Greek men with the reference appearance of this ancient nation to personally verify the validity of such judgments.


The distant ancestors of modern representatives of this nation gave the world a lot of sonorous names. Ancient traditions are still preserved in the country. So, sons are never called the name of the father. However, children are often called after grandmothers, uncles, and so on. The classical names of Greek men, and now common throughout Greece, will be very familiar to the Russian ear.

Male model from Greece

Older generation

Representatives of the Greek nation generally respect old age. There are much more pensioners in the country than in Russia. Their faces are usually overwhelmed with serene calm and tranquility so that it becomes clear - they get a well-deserved rest. Great is the life expectancy in Greece - it reaches 80 years. The presence of a Mediterranean climate, healthy food, sun and a light attitude to life, obviously, does its job. They have a lot to learn.

The main indisputable authority in the family belongs to the mother; she actually represents Hera along with Athena. Family ties are very strong. So, weekly lunches with mothers are traditional. Sons are devoted to them all their lives, fulfill all their requests, listen to advice. It is clear that the search for the bride is carried out by the Greeks with a focus on those qualities that the mother showed. Most often, families are created at the age of 30 years. The Greeks do not deny themselves the pleasure of living a happy free youth and have fun.


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