Cadastral value of the apartment. Market and cadastral value of the apartment

Until recently, all real estate transactions in the Russian Federation were carried out on the basis of two price values: inventory and market. However, the first, as a rule, does not correspond to reality, and the second is formed without the participation of any state structures. For this reason, it was decided to introduce another concept - the cadastral value of an apartment. It is this value that will determine the amount of taxes and fees associated with both alienation and the use of real estate.

cadastral value of an apartment

What is it for?

As mentioned above, primarily for the payment of taxes related to the sale, acquisition or use of an apartment. Previously, the inventory value of objects determined by the BTI was used for this purpose. However, as practice has shown, in most cases it was significantly lower than real. And this led to a shortfall in certain amounts of the budget.

In addition to paying taxes, the cadastral value of the apartment is used when inheriting, registering a mortgage at the bank, determining mandatory payments when making a transaction to exchange or donate real estate. In general, this value is fundamental for calculating any characteristics expressed in monetary terms associated with a given object.

Who and how determines it

Many citizens who first encountered the need to specify a specific amount often have a question about how to find out the cadastral value of an apartment and how it is determined. It is established by a special state body. It is called the Federal Service of Cadastre and Cartography. The cost itself is not constant, and is systematically reviewed, as a rule, upward. This is due to the fact that earlier it was close to inventory, and therefore, significantly differed from the market.

In determining it, several factors are taken into account. Firstly, this is the average market price per square meter in the region. Secondly, the year the house was built. In addition, the formula by which the cadastral value of an apartment is determined includes other factors.

how to find out the cadastral value of an apartment

Where can I find her?

There are several ways to clarify this indicator by the property owner. The first and perhaps the simplest is to look in the cadastral passport of the apartment. This document is issued by the relevant state body at the location of the real estate. Any citizen of the Russian Federation can apply to the Cadastral Chamber, where they will be issued the appropriate certificate. If during the past few years any action has been taken with the apartment, including its alienation, the document may be in the hands of the owner, so you just need to look at paragraph 8, where the price is written. However, if the passport was received before 2012, this information is considered invalid, so it is better to clarify it in another way.

cadastral value of the apartment where to see
The cadastral value of an apartment can also be obtained upon request at the Federal Registration Service. This is done on the official website of the institution. There is a special form, after filling in which the citizen receives the information of interest. The more accurately real estate information is indicated, the faster the cadastral value of the apartment is found. Rosreestr provides information in a printable format. However, a certificate obtained in this way is not considered official.

A document suitable for presentation to a notary's office or other bodies can be taken at the Cadastral Chamber. The authority issues a certificate 5-7 days after the preparation of the request, subject to the provision of a full package of necessary documents.

What should I go to the Cadastral Chamber?

When writing an application for obtaining a certificate, you must have a certificate of ownership of real estate in the original, a floor plan, an explication and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If the representative of the owner addresses the Cadastral Chamber, a power of attorney is required to carry out this action.

cadastral value of the apartment
According to the established standard, the certificate must be ready after 5-7 working days from the date of application, and it is issued free of charge. In case of urgent need to obtain a document for an additional fee, the request is issued in an expedited manner. Then the result will be issued on the day of treatment.

If the owner does not have the explication for the apartment (a detailed explanation of the plan with the date of the last inventory of the object), you must contact the BTI.

What to do if the cost is too high

Due to the fact that in most regions this indicator significantly differed from the real price down, it has been revised over the past 2 years. This is done so that the market and cadastral value of the apartment is at least approximately the same. As a result, it turned out that in some settlements for a number of objects it exceeded the real price.

If a citizen, having applied to the appropriate authority to clarify the cost of his apartment, has received a certificate in his hands and does not agree with the information indicated in it, he has the right to challenge it. To do this, you must file a lawsuit with the courts. And if it turns out that the cadastral value is calculated incorrectly, its value will be revised. However, the process can take a lot of time. So when carrying out an urgent transaction, owners, as a rule, do not dispute anything and pay taxes on the entire amount.

cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow

How to determine the market value of an apartment

Intending to sell his property or mortgage it in a bank, the owner, as a rule, wants to proceed from its real price. The cadastral value of an apartment, although it should correspond to it as much as possible, does not always reflect reality. Therefore, in order to determine how much money to ask for your home or how much loan can be offered at a bank against his bail, the owner must contact an independent appraiser. He will determine the market value of the object and, if necessary, issue an appropriate opinion, which can be presented to both the potential buyer and the bank employee. True, for the implementation of such an examination will have to pay.

When applying for a mortgage loan, you must also remember that each bank has its own certified experts, and they may not take into account the conclusions of others.

market and cadastral value of the apartment

Regional Odds

Since housing prices can vary significantly even within the same federal subject, not to mention the size of the country, when determining the cadastral value of a particular apartment, its location is primarily taken into account. So, for example, the cost per square meter in the capital, even according to Rosreestr, is up to half a million rubles, and in a small city this value can be at the level of 20-25 thousand.

The cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow or any other city is quite easily determined by the owner independently. To do this, you can use the special online directory that Rosreestr serves. By entering the exact address of the object or part of it in the search box, the user receives the result in the form of an interactive map. And by clicking on a specific object, he can see all the information about it, including the cadastral value. This is very convenient for those who do not currently need an official certificate, but at least approximate information is needed for calculating costs in the future.

The effect of cadastral value on the tax rate

There is a definite connection between these two parameters. In the event that the total price exceeds the permissible legislation of 300 million, the mandatory payment to the budget will be doubled. For this reason, the cadastral value of the apartment is so important. Where to see its significance, far from all owners understand. Often, they resort to paid services of specialists, while they could easily cope with the task on their own simply by visiting the official website of Rosreestr.

The cadastral value of real estate is the main price indicator of an object for state bodies. It is taken into account when paying taxes and fees, carrying out operations on the alienation of property and its registration as a pledge. You can recognize it in several ways, and most of them will be absolutely free.


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