The direction of foreign policy of Alexander 1 (briefly). Foreign policy of Alexander 1

Briefly, the foreign policy of Alexander 1 is known to many. Of course, because this is the same Russian emperor who at one time managed to defeat Napoleon. However, many prefer to stop at this, not knowing how much this person brought for the country. His skillful diplomacy and cunning, concern for the homeland can serve as a real example for modern Russian politicians.

Third Anti-French Coalition

Seething revolutions France at the end of the eighteenth century was an adversary for almost everyone. The monarchs were afraid that the republican infection would not visit their homes, and therefore waged many wars against the peddling state.

briefly foreign policy of alexander 1

Alexander's father, Paul, successfully participated in the first two coalitions against France. However, for his son, the beginning of his journey in foreign policy began with a great failure.

While Napoleon stubbornly gained power and turned his state into a powerful empire, the Third Anti-French Coalition from Russia, England and Austria gathered. She should have prevented the Corsican’s plans from becoming a reality.

Unfortunately, the Austrians, despite the support of the Russian army, began to lose quickly. Not looking at Kutuzov’s demand not to give a decisive battle, Alexander 1 met Napoleon’s army near Austerlitz, which ended with the grand victory of the French emperor and the strengthening of France as a potential world mistress.

In short, the foreign policy of Alexander 1 after this incident has changed dramatically.

Union of enemies

The wise Alexander 1 saw in Bonaparte that many did not notice - the absence in this man of the very thought of losing. It was clear that now this Corsican with eyes burning with thirst for conquest could not be defeated. Need to wait.

The direction of foreign policy of Alexander 1 has changed dramatically. He broke off relations with Great Britain and personally met Napoleon on rafts in the middle of a river near the city of Tilsit.

foreign policy of alexander 1 briefly

It seemed that the agreement concluded there created for the Russian Empire extremely unsatisfactory conditions for existence (recognition of all Bonaparte’s conquests, abandonment of a number of areas conquered from Turkey). However, in reality it was more than a profitable world. There are at least two reasons for such an agreement.

  1. Alexander 1 got the opportunity to focus on domestic politics, which also needed his presence.
  2. In fact, such an agreement gave Russia peace of mind and untied its hands in everything related to the eastern part of the world. If everything went according to plans, two superpowers would remain in the world - the Western Empire with Napoleon at the head and the Eastern Empire with Alexander 1.

It is worthwhile to distract from diplomacy and figure out what was the domestic policy of Alexander 1 (briefly, to understand further events).

Politics inside

The reign of the son of Paul 1 forever changed Russia. What new things did the domestic policy of Alexander 1 bring? This can be summarized in four main directions.

  1. For the first time, the Russian emperor decided to discuss the issue of abolishing serfdom - one of the pillars of the Russian legal system. He even ordered the preparation of three projects. However, not one of them was realized. But the fact of working with this topic shows tremendous changes in the moral character of the country.
  2. Deep reforms of power have been carried out. This concerned the change of the state council, its final strengthening as the chief adviser to the emperor. In addition, many privileges were granted, and a single set of duties for the Senate was established.
  3. But the most important is, of course, the ministerial reform, which created eight ministries. Their heads were obliged to report to the emperor and bear full responsibility for the subject industry.
  4. Education reform, thanks to which literacy became available even to the lowest stratum of the population. Primary schools became free, and the hierarchy of secondary-higher educational institutions finally began to work completely.

Assessment of the domestic policy of Alexander 1 can be given objectively only on the basis of further events. Since all his reforms played a decisive role.

alexander 1 domestic politics briefly

Bonaparte's challenge

What is the Patriotic War of 1812 , probably everyone knows. Usually, when the foreign policy of Alexander 1 is briefly described, they only dwell on it. We only note the basic facts of this event.

So, it all started with the treacherous French attack on Russia. It was really unexpected, because before that, as already mentioned, an agreement favorable to the French was signed. The reason for the invasion was Russia's refusal to actively support the British blockade. Bonaparte saw in this a betrayal and unwillingness to cooperate.

What happened after must be called the greatest mistake of the French emperor. After all, he did not know that Alexander 1 and Russia were not going to just give up, like many states before. Kutuzov’s strategic talent, to which the Russian ruler was now listening, outplayed Napoleon’s tactics.

Soon, Russian troops were in Paris.

Alexander Domestic Policy Assessment 1

Other wars

You should not think that France was the only one on which the foreign policy of Alexander 1 was based. Briefly it is worth recalling his other conquests.

One of the achievements of Alexander 1 is the conflict between the Russians and the Swedes, which turned into a complete defeat of the latter. Thanks to the cunning and courage of Alexander 1, who ordered the troops to be transferred through the frozen Gulf of Bothnia, the Russian Empire acquired the whole territory of Finland. In addition, Sweden, at that time the only big player on the European field who tried to stay away from the France-England conflict, had to boycott Britain.

foreign policy direction of alexander 1

Alexander 1 successfully helped the Serbs in acquiring autonomy and successfully completed the Russian-Turkish campaign, which was one of the most important stages of the long confrontation between the Ottoman Empire and Russia. And of course, one cannot help but recall the war with the Persians, which made Alexander 1 a full-fledged Asian player.


Such is the foreign policy of Alexander 1 (summarized).

The Russian emperor annexed a lot of territories to the state: Transnistria (during the war with Turkey), Dagestan and Azerbaijan (due to the confrontation with the Persians), Finland (thanks to a campaign against Sweden). He significantly raised the global authority of Russia and made the whole world finally fully reckon with his homeland.

But, of course, how briefly the foreign policy of Alexander 1 would not be stated, his main achievement would be the victory over Napoleon. Who knows what the world would be like if Russia were conquered then.


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