Why doves do not sit on trees: reasons and interesting facts

Why don't pigeons sit on trees? On poles, cornices and roofs of buildings, on the ground, curbs and even on a person - please, as much as you like. So why do these city birds ignore tree branches, what are the reasons for this behavior?

Pigeons are sitting on the wall

Why don't pigeons sit on trees?

It all depends on the place of residence and species species. The natural habitat of rock pigeons, the wild ancestors of our city pigeons, is rocky mountains. They are houses on the rocks, and concrete buildings and bridges are a suitable alternative for them. There are other types of pigeons that have a tree house: vahiri in Europe, green pigeons in Africa, many species of pigeons in the tropics, and so on.

Why don't pigeons sit on trees?

Interesting questions

Worth considering:

  • Why do pigeons prefer to nest in buildings instead of trees?
  • Why do pigeons never sit on trees and always on man-made structures?
  • If pigeons are so common in cities, why do we never see dead pigeons?
  • Why don't pigeons sit on trees?

The fact is that pigeons can sit on trees, but the problem is that the city has more buildings than trees. In addition, buildings provide a safer place to nest, while trees often fall victim to rain and wind. Why pigeons do not sit on trees can be called a usual adaptation to changes, although this can cause evolution.

Do pigeons sit on trees?

In the wild, pigeons make nests on high rocky cliffs. Tall buildings remind pigeons of their natural nesting sites. It is quite interesting to observe that pigeons never make nests on trees, since we know that birds build their houses or nests on trees. But there seem to be quite a few possible reasons for this.

Do pigeons sit on trees?


Possible reasons why pigeons do not sit on trees are as follows:

  • In ancient times, people used pigeons to send messages through letters. The message was tied to their paws or to their back, and they simply flew back to their home. Given the fact that they have a large number of natural enemies, pigeons in urban areas prefer to make their nests or houses inside buildings rather than on trees to protect themselves.
  • The pigeons we see in cities are actually rocky pigeons. Therefore, as a home they are closer to buildings, cornices, bridges. Cities with their fast food options provide food for pigeons, unlike most rocky places. Modern pigeons in cities are not so afraid of people as real wild ones, and they have adapted to urban life.
  • There is little likelihood that they, during evolution, may have lost muscle strength in their legs and, therefore, cannot capture the branches.
Pigeon and numbers

Interesting facts about pigeons

There are many interesting facts about the modest pigeons, these feathered inhabitants, with whom we share our cities, suburbs, and if they are lucky, then bread crumbs.

  1. These are the first birds domesticated by humans. Human relations with pigeons date back to the dawn of civilization, and probably even earlier. Domesticated pigeons, also known as stone pigeons, were first pictured on clay tablets in the Mesopotamian period, dating back more than 5000 years.
  2. They do flips in the air, but no one knows why. Many birds are known to perform spectacular aerial acrobatics in pursuit of prey or to avoid being eaten by themselves, but few of these movements are more impressive than pigeons doing somersaults. No one knows for sure why some types of pigeons roll back somersaults in flight, although some suspect that this is done just for fun.
  3. They learned to ride the subway and are exemplary passengers. Train drivers say they have seen pigeons traveling regularly on the subway since the early 1990s, and that they are actually model passengers.
    Man and pigeons
  4. They recognize people who treat them well. Pigeons remember the faces they encounter. In one study on birds in central Paris, two researchers offered food to the birds or drove them away, respectively. When this was repeated for several visits, the pigeons began to avoid the pursuer when they were pulled to the feeder, even if they were dressed in different clothes.
  5. They see the world in a kaleidoscope of colors. Pigeons are known to have extraordinary vision and are able to distinguish between almost identical shades of color. People, for example, have a triple color perception system, while pigeon photo sensors and filters can distinguish up to five spectral bands, which makes the world a virtual kaleidoscope of colors for them.
  6. They are the only birds that can absorb water.
    Pigeon in flight
  7. One of them saved nearly 200 American soldiers. In 1918, in the last weeks of World War I, a group of 194 American soldiers was captured behind enemy lines and was fired upon both by the advancing German forces and their allies, who mistook them for enemy forces. Their only hope of receiving news of their predicament was the few carrier pigeons that they brought with them. When the first two birds were shot down, one dove named Sher Ami was the last hope for salvation. Although the brave bird was shot at several times after leaving the bunker, she survived and delivered a rescue note. For his valor, the pigeon was awarded the title of Croix de Guerra, the honor bestowed on foreign troops by the French army.
  8. They can fly at speeds up to 160 km per hour. Some pigeons can fly incredibly fast and long distances.
  9. They were the first pioneers in aerial photography. Soon after the pigeons left the news business, they entered the world of photography. In 1907, German pharmacist Julius Neubronner developed special cameras mounted on birds. Prior to this, such images could only be shot with balloons or kites.
    Pair of pigeons
  10. They are monogamous and seem to really love each other.
  11. They are also good parents. Both males and female pigeons equally participate in nesting, sharing responsibility for the incubation of their eggs to give others the opportunity to eat and relax. Do pigeons sit on trees? Instead of nesting in trees, pigeons prefer to form their families in the safety of rocky cliffs. In an urban environment, they prefer to hide in buildings.
  12. Little chicks are incredibly cute, but they are rarely seen, as their caring parents only allow them to leave after they grow up almost completely.
    Little dove in the palm
  13. Nikola Tesla loved pigeons, and he was a genius. In addition to his studies in the field of electricity, the famous eccentric inventor had a strong obsession with pigeons. As you know, he went to the park every day to feed them, and even took them home when he found the wounded. And one white bird, in particular, won Tesla’s love more than the others, and remained with him as a friend and pet until her death.
  14. Picasso also admired the pigeons and even named his daughter Paloma in their honor, which means pigeon in Spanish. As a regular in the street scene, the artist Pablo Picasso clearly drew great inspiration from feathered creatures at his feet. Pigeons are a frequent subject in his works.
    Why don't pigeons sit on trees?
  15. The attractive but extinct Dodo looked like a big puffy dove. DNA researchers say the dove is the closest living relative of the now extinct flightless Dodo bird.
  16. They are almost everywhere people are. Today, about 260 million pigeons live in almost every city in the world, living and interacting with people, perhaps more than any other animal on the planet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G2649/

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