Who is a legionnaire? How did this word form?

In historical, and even modern literature, the word "legionnaire" is sometimes found. Like many other interesting words, this term has come a long historical way, and the modern meaning of this concept is significantly different from the conditionally historical. So, who is a legionnaire and how did this word form?

Roman legionnaires - who are they?

The formation of the Roman Empire would not have been possible without a strong effective army that helped expand the borders of the state. And the main unit of the army of the Latins was the Roman legionnaire.

who is the legionnaire

The main combat unit, numbering from 4 to 6 thousand soldiers in different years, was called the Legion. Initially, the legion gathered only during the war, and its backbone was composed of free militias from among the Romans, Latins and Etruscans, who were then the main peoples of the Apennine Peninsula.

The expansion of the empire allowed the neighboring nations to experience for themselves who such a legionnaire is. The heavy tread of Roman soldiers was recognized from the northernmost latitudes of the European continent to the Persian limits in the east and to the origins of the Nile in the south. The legionnaires of Rome have for centuries become famous as reliable and professional soldiers who do not know defeats.

legionnaires of Rome

The structure of the Roman army

If you see this word in historical texts, ask who the legionnaire is in the context of the entire work. During the formation of the republic, only representatives of the main clans (curiae) could be legionnaires. In the heyday of republican rule, the legions included three varieties of troops. The heavy cavalry included the "golden" Roman youth. Young men from noble and wealthy families in full equipment, on thoroughbred horses showed valor and courage on the battlefields. Light infantry consisted of free poor citizens (slaves in ancient Rome could not serve in the army). The ranks of the heavy infantry entered the citizens who were able to buy a sword and armor.

Modern Legionnaires

After the fall of Rome, only priests and cranks who were interested in forgotten history could tell who the legionnaire was. Nowadays, this word has been revived. Now this is the name of the athletes involved in team sports and temporarily representing a foreign sports club. As you can see, the word abruptly lost its original meaning, ceased to denote a warrior. Now it is used in sportive terminology in all European languages.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26493/

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