The connection of psychology with other sciences and the stages of its development

The history of the development of psychology as a science was laid back in antiquity. The idea of ​​people that there is a soul in the human body was one of the main thoughts of ancient mythology. And the first doctrine of the soul is animism, which behind living people assumed the existence of invisible ghosts.

Such scientists as Heraclitus, Hippocrates and Democritus made their contribution to the doctrine of the soul, with the help of which the concepts of temperament and its types were introduced into psychology. The ideas of causality and regularity, put forward by ancient Greek thinkers, formed the basis of all future psychological science. Heraclitus’s formula: “Know thyself” meant the beginning of a person’s activity in the education of a rational being who knows how to control his feelings, needs and desires.

The history of the development of psychology as a science in the Middle Ages is associated with the struggle against paganism and the accession of Christianity and other world religious teachings on the globe. Ibn Sina, Thomas Aquinas, Leonardo da Vinci, linking the internal characteristics of man with the natural, developed the notion that the nature of man can be improved through targeted educational processes. The Age of Enlightenment introduces truly scientific concepts into psychology. Among them are the definition of reflex, thinking, will, intelligence. And, finally, in the 19th century, when perfect anatomical studies of man were carried out and it became clear that the soul does not exist in visible substance, the formation of psychology as a special science began.

A lot of time has passed since then. Psychology has become a hotel industry, without which a full study of the human essence is impossible. And he did not develop apart from other sciences. It is the relationship of psychology with other sciences that made it possible to make those scientific discoveries that today are considered fundamental in the field of studying the mental properties of man.

The connection of psychology with other sciences is determined by the adjacency of tasks. Let's start with biology. Man is a biosocial creature. And the first part of this term indicates that before you start to delve into the psychological details of a person’s existence, you need to familiarize yourself with his biological data, especially with the features of the central nervous system. And the second part of the term we are considering directly points to yet another close relationship between psychology and other sciences, among which the social sciences are in one of the first places. Psychology cannot develop without history, and it is precisely the achievements of historical civilizations that made possible the formation of the highest functions of the human psyche . Without tools and sign systems, mathematical or literal, it is impossible to imagine what would happen to a person.

Further, the connection of psychology with other sciences is clearly seen in the emergence of such a science as social psychology. A person outside of society is impossible. It immediately turns into an animal. His psyche can form and develop only in society. Therefore, sociology is another basis for the success of psychological research.

Man from birth is no different from his lesser brothers. His consciousness and thinking develops over time, under the influence of educational and educational processes. Therefore, another connection between psychology and other sciences is determined through its relationship with pedagogy, which is a science that is directly related to the formation of individual personality traits.

And, finally, the direct connection of psychology with other sciences is noted through its philosophical foundations, which were mentioned earlier. The nature of human existence and individual inner qualities are closely related. Therefore, a philosophical view of the essence of man is applied in psychological science.


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