How to make paper flowers with your own hands?

Paper is one of the most popular and affordable materials for creative crafts. Children from the nursery group understand the ways of working with colored paper. Making postcards for the holidays often requires the baby to know how to make a flower out of paper. First, they learn to properly place and stick parts on a sheet of paper, then they cut out the elements of the crafts themselves, draw the contours of the petals and the middle, use the method of folding the sheet several times.

Every year, working with paper is becoming easier and easier. There are many different options for making a flower out of paper. There are flat and voluminous crafts placed on a sheet of cardboard, or flowers on sticks that can be put in a vase. To get a beautiful and spectacular flower, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common methods of their manufacture.

In the article, we will introduce the reader to how to make flowers from paper with your own hands, what you need to get for work, how to create large and large flowers that can decorate any room. Examples and step-by-step instructions for each sample are provided. After reading, it will be possible to try first to make the proposed options out of colored paper, and then, knowing the basic principles of working with this material, come up with your own original flower.

Light flower from circles

This flower is made entirely of circles of different diameters. The largest yellow is a vase. It is folded so that the bottom is flat, and the sides after folding the paper inward have a trapezoid shape. The upper part remains semicircular. All folds remain inside, outside the vase looks solid. The sample clearly shows how to make a flower out of paper.

flower of the circles

The middle is a tiny yellow circle, and the petals are made of double-sided pink paper by folding circles. To do this, the opposite sides are bent to the intersection in the middle of the figure. You can simply crush the edges well by running a finger along the fold, then they will look voluminous. But you can also glue it, as on a sample. Leaflets are made of circles bent in half.

Gerbera eyelets

How to make voluminous flowers out of paper can be found in the article below. The petals are made of thin strips folded in half. You do not need to overwrite the fold, you should get a loop. You can immediately make a lot of petals and arrange them on different plates for convenience.

paper flowers

A bouquet begins to be made from below, from the stalk. First, a thin strip of green is glued and a carved leaf is next to it. Then gluing starts. They connect at a central point and are distributed evenly around the entire circumference. At the end of the work, the middle of the flower from contrasting colored paper is attached.

Double-sided hyacinths

The bouquet of the first spring flowers can be made on thin sticks, then they can be put in a vase and admired for a long time. Such an original bouquet can be made by a teacher at school on March 8. The following materials will be required:

  • PVA glue.
  • Double-sided bright paper in violet, pink, yellow, and lilac colors.
  • Green paper for the stalk and leaflets. You can use crepe paper.
  • Sticks - you can take plastic cocktail tubes, wooden skewers as a basis, in extreme cases, you can pick up thin and even twigs from a tree.

Now consider how to make a flower out of paper. First you need to cut strips of 6 cm wide from bright double-sided sheets. On one side, cuts are made, but not completely. 2 cm are left for stick sticking. When the strip is prepared, you need to round the edges with a pencil. Then begin winding blanks on sticks. An edge is attached on top to PVA glue or a glue gun. Then the stalk is wrapped tightly in a spiral. At the bottom, too, the edge is firmly fixed.

paper hyacinths

How to make a flower out of paper, you already know, now read how to wrap a stalk. Looks good crepe paper bright green. The work starts from below. A strip is cut out and wound in an upward spiral, reaching right up to the bottom of the flower. The edges are fixed with a glue gun.

Leaflets are cut separately from the rectangle. Its length is equal to the height of the leaf, and its width is 4-5 cm, so that it can be wrapped around the stem. Then, long sharp angles are cut into height, from the bottom 1.5-2 cm of sticking paper are left untouched. Then the pointed leaves slightly bend to the sides.

A bouquet of hyacinths can be made in the same color or in multicolor. It will turn out a spectacular gift for March 8th. He will not fade, so he will delight the look for a long time.

Quilling chrysanthemum

Such a magnificent beautiful flower is made by twisting paper strips. Now many needlewomen try their hand at quilling technique. Those who have worked with these strips understand that the paper should be fairly thick. For the inner part of the flower, a strip is narrower than the main petals. One side of the strip is cut into small β€œnoodles”. If you need to make a lot of such beautiful chrysanthemums, then it is better to purchase special scissors with several blades at once. With one press, several cuts are obtained. Work will thus be faster.

chrysanthemum quilling

How to make large flowers from paper by twisting yourself, we will consider further. For convenience, the wizard uses a special hook when winding, but if you do not have it, then it does not matter. You can build such a convenient tool yourself. You need to take any thin wooden skewer and split its edge on one side. When twisting begins, the edge of the strip is inserted into the slot, and then circular motions are performed. The paper must be pressed tight so that the winding is tight. If you need to make just one flower, then use a toothpick or knitting needle.

When the narrow middle of the flower is wound, then a wider prepared strip is glued to the flat part of the craft and the twisting continues further. After you have achieved the required volume, the edge of the strip is attached to the PVA glue to the last turn. Petals of a wide strip with their hands gently bend outward. Such a flower can also be glued on a card, and attached to a stick and put in a vase.

Layered daisies

How to make big flowers from paper? You need to draw a template, as in the photo in the article. This is a round center with beautifully shaped petals. First, the contours of each part are drawn on cardboard. Four identical elements will be enough to create such a large and beautiful daisy. But before gluing one onto the other, you need to bend each stalk in half along the center line. Then the flowers will turn out very spectacular.

multilayer daisy

When all four blanks are completely done, the flower begins. The parts are glued one on top of the other, but with an offset a little to the side. The flower from such a shift is more magnificent. At the end, a yellow circle is glued to the middle.

Calla lilies

A bouquet of such delicate flowers can be created quite quickly. You need to prepare square pieces of pink or white paper for the flower itself, green for wrapping the sticks and for the leaves. To make the center of the flower sharp, you need to use either a cotton swab dipped in yellow paint or twist it out of paper. Then it is attached to a stick and a pink leaf is placed on top of it.

paper callas

The square is placed corner down and wrapped around the base. Then work is carried out on the design of the stalk. How to do this, the reader already knows, we will not repeat. You can make flowers of corrugated paper with your own hands, they will also look great.

Big rose

Using a stencil drawn on sheets of cardboard, you can make such a magnificent rose. The more layers with petals will be used, the more beautiful it will be in the end. External - the largest, the rest are gradually reduced in size.

big rose made of paper

In the center are the smallest petals. Each petal must be carefully rounded. Use any cylindrical object. You need to act smoothly and carefully so as not to wrinkle the leaves. Paper for such a rose is better to take dense and glossy.

Dahlias according to the scheme

Such magnificent flowers are made according to the template, which is available in the photo in the article. Make several blanks of different sizes. The middle, as you can see, is slightly different in shape. The more details there are in the flower, the more beautiful it will look.

step-by-step instruction

Although this is a voluminous flower, it can also be placed on a postcard by adding a pair of carved leaves on the sides.

Combination Technician

Such a pretty flower is made of three elements. The largest dark detail is made according to the drawn pattern. This is a whole cut part. The middle white detail of the craft is made up of separately cut petals that are glued together with an overlap. And the middle is made in the technique of quilling. A strip of dark paper is cut into small β€œnoodles” and wound around a toothpick. After preparatory work, all prepared parts are fastened together.

beautiful flower

The article presents just a few simple options for making paper flowers. You can try to make them yourself. It’s easy to make them, and the products are interesting. The materials used are the simplest, not requiring a lot of money. To get started, you can practice on the usual white printed sheets A-4. Good luck


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