Samsung phones with a curved screen: an overview of models, the pros and cons

Everyone knows such a wonderful manufacturer of equipment as Samsung. This curved screen phone was first launched by this company. And it happened exactly in 2014. Then it was a big breakthrough. But contrary to expectations, global brands did not catch this trend, and curved screens became the "chip" exclusively of Koreans. It has been quite a while. Now the "limitless" screens for the entire smartphone are in fashion, but many users are still interested in "curved devices." What it is connected with is not clear. But if there is interest, then it is worth disassembling the most popular models with such displays. But first, some general information about the company itself and the features of the notorious display.

samsung logo

A bit about Samsung

This company was founded in 1938 in South Korea. At that time, the company was engaged in the production of rice flour. The manufacturer took up electronics in the 50s of the twentieth century. And things went so well that within a dozen years, Samsung merged with Sanyo and released the first South Korean black and white television. The company was engaged in the production of televisions until the 80s. In 1988, the first Samsung computer was developed. In the 90s, the manufacturer closely engaged in the release of mobile phones. And the first smartphones saw the light in the early 2000s. For all this time, the company has never been on the verge of ruin. This is a great achievement. The first Samsung phone with a curved screen (the price of which was quite high: about 60,000 rubles at that time) appeared in 2014. It was called the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. This device marked the beginning of the company's new line of smartphones. However, is such a screen needed? Let's try to figure it out.

samsung phone curved screen

Why do I need a curved screen?

According to Samsung marketers, a curved screen can greatly diversify the functionality of a smartphone. For example, missed calls and messages and other important information may be displayed on the side face. You can also unlock the device with a simple touch to the notorious face. And there you can display the clock. According to marketers, the Samsung smartphone with a curved screen is capable of much. For example, if the device is lying on the table with the screen down, then the user will definitely not miss the call, since information about the caller will be displayed on the side face. Of course, there is also a purely aesthetic side of such a display. It provides a visual 3D effect. In addition, with this design, you can fit a larger diagonal screen into the device without changing the dimensions of the smartphone itself. Very comfortably. However, what is more in such devices? Advantages or disadvantages? This is what we will try to determine.

samsung galaxy s8

The benefits of curved screens in smartphones

It's time to put all the dots on the "i" in relation to Samsung phones with a curved screen. The pros and cons of such a solution lie on the surface. You just need to decide what is plus and what is minus. Let's start with the benefits.

  • the device looks modern and unusual;
  • visually the screen is larger with the same size of the smartphone;
  • additional functionality of the side faces;
  • the user will definitely not miss an important call;
  • watching movies with such a screen is a pleasure;
  • such a screen is a sign of a flagship.

As you can see, there are not many advantages. And the latter is completely far-fetched. The iPhone, for example, does not have any curved screens, and it is considered the best flagship. However, we move on to the next chapter.

Disadvantages of a curved screen in smartphones

We continue to consider Samsung devices. A phone with a curved screen is not so cute. You will understand this after you familiarize yourself with the list of shortcomings that become apparent when using such a device.

  • additional functionality, in fact, is useless;
  • if such a screen is damaged, the repair will fly into a pretty penny;
  • these smartphones will never be cheap (complicated manufacturing process);
  • edges prevent normal use of the device (no one canceled accidental clicks);
  • watching a movie in full-screen mode is annoying (the image is darkened on bends);
  • hard to pick up a cover.

So you need to think about whether to buy such a smartphone. From him, after all, solid problems. It’s easier to get some beautiful device with 2.5D glass. Much more practical and beautiful. But many love Samsung curved phones. An overview of the best models will begin immediately.

chinese smartphone with curved screen

No. 1. Samsung Galaxy Edge S6 / S6 Plus

"The first swallow" in the camp of smartphones with a curved screen. This device at one time looked like a tidbit. At that time there was installed a top-end processor, an incredible display, a decent amount of RAM and much more. It was the first Samsung with a curved screen. The phone model from the Koreans instantly gained popularity. Queues lined up behind her. In principle, and now this smartphone looks quite appetizing. It is more powerful than a good half of modern phones from the middle price segment. It’s clear that he can’t keep up with the flagships, but he can still get around the “middles” in synthetic tests. And in terms of the quality of shooting the main camera (and the front camera) for it to this day there are no competitors from the middle level. Therefore, it was worth disassembling this device in such a review.

Samsung Galaxy Edge S6 / S6 + reviews

The Sixth Galaxy from Samsung is a phone with a curved screen of the first wave. What do the owners say about him? It should be noted right away that the reviews are mostly positive. Negatively, users respond exclusively to the proprietary interface from Samsung with a bunch of preinstalled applications that cannot be removed. And the rest, users are happy with the phone. It works quickly and accurately, easily pulls all modern games, provides high-quality photos and videos, has excellent color reproduction and supports advanced communication standards. And Wi-Fi and "Bluetooth", according to users, and do work like a clock. In general, the smartphone is still capable of much. However, do not get hung up on rarities. It's time to consider other smartphones.

samsung phone curved screen Price

No. 2. Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Plus Edge

What other Samsung phones have a curved screen? The answer to this may be given by the name of the second wave model. "Seven" came out the next year after the "six" and made a splash. It was in this flagship that the company added additional functionality to the side face. Using such phones has become much more interesting. And the seventh Galaxy had incredible technical specifications at that time. In synthetic tests, this smartphone bypassed even the last iPhone. However, the main features of the device were a curved display and an advanced camera. It was they who made users stand in lines day and night. It is worth noting that to this day the "seven" is attractive in terms of purchase. There is support for LTE, there is an NFC chip. Other specifications are still relevant. Yes, and a smartphone costs almost three times less than modern flagships. About 30,000 rubles. An excellent device for work and entertainment. However, not all users agree with this.

Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Plus Edge reviews

There are much more negative reviews about this model. Many users consider the weakest link in a smartphone to be its battery. Most likely, many remember that a few days after the official release of Samsung, all the "sevens" had to be recalled due to explosions and battery fires. They were replaced with new ones, but the batteries still worked weirdly. It was a shock to Samsung. A phone with a curved screen has been compromised. Yes, and the flagship! For a long time the company was recovering from this blow.

The second reason for user dissatisfaction is the proprietary shell. She was clearly too heavy and not optimized enough. It’s good that in the next updates the company fixed all the defects. The rest of the reviews about the hardware, reliability and speed of the "sevens" restrained positive. However, let's move on to the following devices.

samsung curved screen phone model

No. 3. Samsung S8 / S8 Plus

Samsung Galaxy S8 is already in full swing promoting a new trend - the "limitless screen". Just then the fashion for frameless screens started. Technically, this display also has curved edges. Therefore, he entered this review. Last year's Samsung flagship is still too fresh to be cheap. Therefore, not everyone can afford it. But the device is really excellent. On board is the top-end Dragon 845, 6 gigabytes of RAM, a 512 gigabyte drive, an excellent camera, an excellent communication module, and much more. In synthetic tests, the device confidently overtakes all current flagships. But it was not so long ago. Just last year. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that now many people want to purchase this device. Especially the Plus model, which features a larger screen. What can I say, operating system updates are still being released for this device. And user reviews are exceptionally positive. See for yourself.

Samsung S8 / S8 Plus Reviews

Those who became the happy owner of the Samsung Galaxy S8, claim that the device is almost perfect. It works quickly and clearly in all conditions. Suitable for all tasks. It works perfectly with games (even such as the notorious tanks or PUBG Mobile). Watching videos on it is a pleasure. And users note simply gorgeous quality of photos, which provides the main camera of the smartphone. In general, the release of the “eight” at “Samsung” was calm, without incident. This is probably why the eighth “galaxy” is considered one of the most successful smartphones of the company. In general, users are very satisfied with this smartphone. And the curved screen does not interfere. Still would. He is now "limitless." Much can be forgiven for this. However, it's time to move on to the next smartphone model. And she is the most interesting.

what are the samsung phones with a curved screen

Number 4. Samsung S9 / S9 Plus

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 512GB curved screen mobile phone is the company's latest flagship. One could talk about ordinary versions, but the “Note” is interesting precisely for the screen. He is simply gigantic here. And completely frameless. For even more comfortable smartphone control, a stylus is provided here. The remaining characteristics of the smartphone are simply mesmerizing. At the moment, this is the most productive device in the world. Even the notorious updated iPhone can not be compared with it. And the camera allows you to receive high-quality images under any conditions, and also knows how to write video in 4K at a speed of 120 frames per second. Indeed, a unique device. It is not worth mentioning that it is equipped with all possible functionality. But the price for it is such that you definitely have to sell a kidney: about 120,000 rubles. Nevertheless, there are those who purchased it. Let's see what they say about this device.

Samsung S9 / S9 Plus Reviews

Almost all owners of this device note that the gadget behaves confidently when performing any tasks. It could even compile the Linux kernel if it supported it. The quality of photos is at the highest level, the video does not twitch (thanks to optical stabilization), the interface is finally finalized. But most importantly - there are no heaps of pre-installed applications from Samsung. All users agree that Chinese smartphones with a curved screen (and there are some) are not suited to the new Samsung. Even greater happiness would be a reduction in the price of this dream. But this is unlikely to happen in the next couple of years. Have to be patient. And now about those same Chinese smartphones. Some companies still released such smartphones, but did not separate them into a separate line and do not continue it.

Chinese smartphones

No matter how strange it may sound, manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom have released a couple of devices with a trending screen. The first Chinese smartphone with a curved screen is Xiaomi Mi Note 2. And it is to the ugliness reminiscent of the seventh Galaxy from Samsung. The same body shape, the same oblong button under the screen, the same rounded edges of the display. That's just the back panel is a little different. And only after the “national producer” other manufacturers from China picked up the baton. And among them the unforgettable “Huawei”.


So, now you know what Samsung phones have with a curved screen. Such a device has become a kind of business card of the company. And still there are a lot of people who want to purchase such a device. Well, they can be understood.


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