Samsung P5200 tablet: features and reviews

Choosing a modern tablet can bring a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the most popular models of these devices. And only then, based on your requirements, choose one or another option. For example, you should pay attention to the Samsung P5200. This tablet attracts many with its characteristics. But why? What is so special about it? And is it really worth paying attention to it? Maybe this model is simply well advertised? We have to find out about all this now. It would also be nice to understand what Samsung P5200 owners really think about this device. After all, reviews significantly affect the popularity of gadgets.

samsung p5200


Perhaps the most important point when choosing a tablet is its screen. So, the review of the Samsung Galaxy GT P5200 should start with this particular feature. Fortunately, everything is on top here.

The fact that the “Samsung” screen size is very good - 10.1 inches. This is enough to play normally, use the Internet, read books and watch movies. In addition, the Samsung P5200 has a high resolution display - 1280 by 800 pixels. This means that you can see a clear and high-quality picture on such a device. And even watch videos in Full HD.

The display is equipped with a capacitive multi-touch, which makes the tablet quickly respond to user commands. In addition, the screen is protected by a special coating from scratches and other damage. And even in the most clear or cloudy weather, the image will be clear and beautiful. All this thanks to the advanced technologies of Samsung.

System and processor

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the Samsung P5200 tablet is equipped with a good operating system and processor. Without these components, it’s generally difficult to imagine a good gadget right now. What specific features are customary to highlight here?

samsung galaxy p5200

Let's start with the processor. He is the Atom Z2560 version . Now this option is considered quite a good Intel product. In addition, there are enough cores for a gaming tablet - 2 pieces. And each has a clock frequency of 1.6 GHz. Such power allows you to run on the device even the newest games. And all this without harm to productivity.

The operating system of the Samsung Galaxy P5200 is not the newest, but acceptable - the “Android” version 4.2 is installed. If necessary, you can make a quick update. But to do this is only up to version 4.4. The above version of "Android" is not worth installing yet. Yes, and for tablet performance, this step is not particularly good. If the specifications and operating system do not match, you may experience a variety of crashes and malfunctions. And they, as you know, are able to force to refuse to buy even one who is literally in love with a particular gadget.


The next important characteristic is RAM. It is generally accepted that the more it is, the better. But, as practice shows, such a correspondence is not always ideal. And in this regard, Samsung P5200 reviews are not getting the best. Some analog tablets with respect to RAM show the best result.

Why? The problem is that this gaming tablet has only 1 GB of RAM. In most cases, this is enough. But this fact repels only many buyers. More preference is given to models with 2-3 GB of RAM.

samsung galaxy gt p5200

Nevertheless, the Samsung P5200 is considered quite a powerful model. The main thing is not to run many games and applications at the same time (no more than 10 windows). Otherwise, the amount of RAM will make itself felt. As a result, there will be a lot of various failures and malfunctions in the device. This, as already mentioned, makes you abandon gadgets.

So do not be afraid that you do not have enough RAM. It is enough for study, for work, for games, and for other entertainments. Just what is so necessary for many modern customers.


Free space on the phone / tablet also plays an important role. And this characteristic is constantly paid attention to. Samsung P5200 in this regard has a pretty good performance. True, there are better.

The thing is that after the purchase we will have access to 16 GB of space for personal data. But it is also worth considering the fact that in practice we will get only 14-15 gigabytes. The remaining space is spent on the operating system and device resources. In principle, for many this is enough. Especially if you do not plan to upload videos and movies in high quality to your tablet. So this indicator is worthy of attention. But not always. After all, a modern buyer wants to get the most out of devices. Sometimes you have to install many games, applications, as well as download "heavy" documents. And everything needs a place. Then 14-15 GB will be small. But this situation can be easily corrected. How exactly?

Memory card

You can connect an additional memory card to the Samsung P5200. The characteristics of this device have such an opportunity. Unfortunately, some analogues do not have this feature. And this also repels many potential buyers.

tablet samsung p5200

The format of the memory card for connecting is common - MicroSDXC. True, there is one caveat, and this is a limitation in volume. The maximum memory card rating is 64 GB. You can try to connect more, but better not. As many buyers assure, after such a decision, the tablet operating system will begin to fail. In addition, numerous malfunctions and critical failures may occur.

It is also not recommended to fill all 64 GB of data. Better to leave 1-2 gigabytes free. This will also avoid problems with the health of the gadget. After all, a tablet is a rather vulnerable device. But it is multifunctional. And sometimes it is more useful than a modern smartphone. So, it’s better to just play it safe so as not to cause unnecessary problems. This is easier than correcting what has already been done. Moreover, buying a modern memory card and following small rules is not such a difficult task. Sometimes picking a quality tablet is harder.


For any modern device, the camera is also important. And the better it is, the more popular the gadget will become. In our case, everything is very good. After all, the Samsung P5200 has two types of cameras. And both of them allow you to shoot in excellent quality.

For example, there is a so-called front camera. It is very convenient for selfie, as well as for video calls. Or for calls using Skype. She shoots with a quality of 1.3 megapixels. By modern standards, not so much, but for the front-end version is more than enough. In capable hands, even such a camera can take beautiful photos.

samsung p5200 specifications

There is a familiar for all, rear. She takes pictures with 3 megapixel quality. Also a little, but enough for a tablet. After all, it is usually more convenient to use a smartphone or an ordinary camera in order to shoot a video or photo in excellent quality. And the tablet is like that, an additional removing gadget. Few who use it as a main camera.


A tablet called the Samsung P5200 has a very good battery. And this is a huge advantage over analogues. After all, many buyers are looking for such a device that will be powerful and durable. And to "Samsung" this applies in full. So you can rejoice.

The thing is that the battery capacity is not very large, only 6800 mAh. But such a tablet works without recharging for about 14 days. And in standby mode, he will lie about 2-3 months. In principle, very good performance for a modern gadget.

The battery is fully charged within 2 hours. Very fast. And this fact cannot but please buyers. True, not everything is as good as it might seem. Often, the Samsung P5200 is a Chinese fake that runs out quickly and also works poorly and poorly. You need to buy this tablet only in trusted stores. Otherwise, there will be so many problems that you will regret your choice.

Common problems

Of course, all devices have their own problems. And tablets are no exception. What are the owners of Samsung most often tormented with? Do not be afraid, such problems, as a rule, are not critical.

samsung p5200 reviews

Many are interested in how to flash Samsung P5200. It is very difficult to do it yourself. So, you have to take the device to a specialized care salon.

Also, problems often arise with battery operation. It needs to be changed from time to time. Plus, it’s worth considering that the touch screen and multi-touch also begin to junk over time. However, before this starts, you can normally use the tablet daily for about 5 years. So, “Samsung” is a very worthy gadget that can please with its characteristics.

Price and conclusions

Well, here we have become aware of what is a tablet called Samsung P5200. Perhaps now many will be interested in its price. After all, the good characteristics of the gadget, as a rule, are not as cheap as we would like.

But in practice, a more or less normal picture is obtained. The Samsung P5200 tablet costs about 15,000 rubles. For a modern gadget, this is normal. Especially considering all the proposed characteristics. So, you can turn your attention to the device.

samsung p5200 chinese fake

But remember: if you need a superplate, and even a gaming one, then it will be better to look at other analogues. You can choose Samsung, but which will cost about 20 thousand rubles. Usually these tablets can be called gaming. Samsung P5200 will do for some applications and programs, but the latest news from the gaming mobile industry here still can’t be launched without harming the performance of the device.


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