Human body: scheme. What sciences study the human body?

The way the human body is arranged from the inside out has been of interest to people since antiquity. Even when the basic laws by which people lived were ecclesiastical, forbidding to study the structure of the body, there were scientists and naturalists who, contrary to everything, opened the corpses of animals and people and were engaged in the examination and study of all details of interest.

The craving for knowledge in this area could not be overcome. Therefore, over time, it was still found out how the human body works. The diagram, drawing of each organ and system were recorded by artists, testers, doctors, scientists, due to this, the multiple sciences that exist today exist.

human body scheme

Development of knowledge about the structure of the human body

Back in the 5th century BC , a man named Alkemon lived in Kraton. It was he who first expressed his desire to study the internal structure of living organisms, so he opened the corpses of animals. His main merit is the assumption of the relationship between the senses and the brain.

Later, from about 460 BC, a more conscious and intensive development of knowledge in the area under consideration begins. The following scientists made a great contribution to understanding what the human body (a diagram of its structure, topography of internal organs) was made:

  1. Hippocrates.
  2. Aristotle.
  3. Plato.
  4. Herophilus.
  5. Claudius Galen.
  6. Avicenna.
  7. Leonardo da Vinci.
  8. Andreas Vesalius.
  9. William Harvey.
  10. Casparo Azelli.

Thanks to these people, a general diagram of the structure of the human body was compiled. There was knowledge about the functional features, organ systems, tissues and their significance, as well as other very important things.

The 17th century was a period of stagnation for all sciences; this area also did not go around. But later, the scheme of the human body (the figure you can see below) was significantly replenished, refined and transformed thanks to numerous discoveries. A new technique has appeared that allows the study of microstructures, and the methods of experiment, observation, and comparison have been intensively applied. A special contribution was made by:

  • C. Darwin;
  • Schleiden and Schwann;
  • Descartes
  • Lomonosov;
  • Protasov;
  • Shumlyansky;
  • Pies
  • Lesgaft;
  • Mukhin;
  • Karl Baer;
  • Wolf
  • Pander;
  • Sechenov;
  • Mechnikov;
  • Pavlov and others.

    sciences studying the human body

Thus, the human body was studied in detail, the scheme has become complete and reflects all available organs and systems. Today, any student can consider both topography and a detailed description of each part of the body, study the functions performed and the internal structure.

General scheme "Man is a living organism"

If we talk about such a scheme, it should be noted what exactly it contains. Firstly, it can be presented in different ways. Some such drawings and diagrams contain only verbal descriptions, the classification of the internal structures of a person, reflect their relationship and the functions performed. Others, on the contrary, do not contain descriptions, but simply illustrate the topographic location of the organs in the body, show their relative orientation, the general plan of the structure. Organ systems are also reflected here. If you combine both options, then such a scheme will turn out to be too cumbersome, difficult to perceive. The second type is used more often.

Therefore, the scheme "Man - a living organism" includes an image of organs from the following systems of the body (if the full version of the whole body is provided):

  1. Cardiovascular and lymphogenous. Here is a detailed reflection of the scheme of bodies and channels of man.
  2. Digestive system.
  3. Musculoskeletal, or musculoskeletal.
  4. Reproductive.
  5. Excretory (genitourinary called the combined system of reproductive and excretory organs).
  6. Nervous and endocrine systems.
  7. Sensory, or sense organs and perceptions.

Thus, this scheme provides detailed information about the structure of the human body and the location of its organs. There are also many different tables and figures, schemes in which the detailed microstructure of any organ is reflected. All the features of the structure, functioning and location are described.

human lymphatic system scheme

If you combine all these drawings, you get a whole book. Such publications are called "Human Biology in Tables and Charts" and often greatly simplify the lives of schoolchildren, students and teachers. After all, they briefly, succinctly and clearly set out all the foundations necessary for a general idea of โ€‹โ€‹the structure of people.

Lymphatic system

A special role in maintaining a healthy state of the human body is played by the immune system. But what is he like? It turns out that this is the lymph circulation system, which is an important addition to the cardiovascular organs. In its composition - cells called "lymphocytes". They perform the role of a biological defender of the body from viruses and bacteria, foreign particles and all extraneous.

The human lymphatic system, the scheme of which is presented below, has a number of structures that make up it:

  1. Trunks and ducts.
  2. Capillaries.
  3. Vessels.
  4. The lymph nodes.

Together, they form a network that is open, unlike cardiovascular. Also in this system there is no central governing body. Lymphatic fluid (lymph) is a product of the vital activity of the intercellular space, which under low pressure moves through the vessels and nodes, capillaries, trunks.

human biology in tables and diagrams

During a disease, such as a cold, each person can feel an increase in the lymph nodes of his body. They are located under the lower jaw, in the armpits, inguinal region. Feeling them is easy enough. This is confirmed by the fact that it is in them that the main fight against the disease occurs. Thus, the main barrier to disease is the human lymphatic system. Its diagram shows how exactly all the structural parts are located and how they are interconnected.

Digestive system

One of the most important in the body. Indeed, thanks to her work, a person receives nutrients for growth, development, energy for vital processes. Without nutrients, it is impossible to move, grow, think, and so on. After all, every process requires energy, which is the chemical bonds of nutrient molecules.

human body pattern

The scheme of the human digestive system shows which organs this network is made up of.

  1. The oral cavity, including teeth, tongue, palate and the internal muscle of the cheeks.
  2. Throat and esophagus.
  3. Stomach.
  4. Digestive glands secreting secrets for digesting food.
  5. Intestine, consisting of several departments: duodenum, small and large intestine.

The cardiovascular system

It represents two circles of blood circulation, consisting of the main organ - the heart - and arteries, vessels, capillaries extending from it. The total blood volume of an adult is approximately 5 liters. However, the indicator varies depending on body weight.

scheme man living organism

The heart is the central organ that can rhythmically contract, pushing blood into the bed under a certain pressure. It consists of four cameras that are closely interconnected.

Human nervous system

One of the most difficult. Comprises:

  • brain;
  • spinal cord;
  • nerve cells;
  • tissues.

Almost every piece of the human body contains nerve cells. They perceive irritations, transmit pain, warning of danger. Their structure is quite peculiar. The brain and spinal cord include a number of sections, each of which carries out careful control over the work of a particular part of the body.

Sensory systems

There are five of them:

  1. Visual analyzer.
  2. Auditory.
  3. Musculoskeletal sensitivity.
  4. Olfactory organs.
  5. Taste analyzer.

    general structure of the human body

All of them together also make up the human body. The structure diagram shows what parts the sensor system is made up of, what features in the structure it has and what functions it performs.

Human excretory system

The following bodies are part of this system:

  • kidneys
  • bladder;
  • ureters.

Another name for this system is excretory. The main function is the elimination of metabolic products, the release of the body from toxic decay products.

Sciences studying the human body

There are several main ones. Although their number has grown significantly compared, for example, with the XVIII century. These are such sciences as:

  • anatomy;
  • physiology;
  • hygiene;
  • genetics;
  • the medicine;
  • psychology.

Physiology deals with the functioning of a system. That is, her task is to answer the question: "How does this happen?" So, for example, it was this discipline that examined the mechanisms of changing sleep and wakefulness, studied the characteristics of the higher nervous activity of a person.

diagram of human bodies and channels

Genetics and human hygiene

Genetics is studying the mechanisms of inheritance of certain characters, as well as the causes and consequences of changes in the chromosome apparatus of a person. Thanks to this science, people have learned to predict serious genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus, to control this process and, if possible, to intervene and change its course.

Hygiene helps answer the question: "Why do we need cleanliness and how to achieve health?" This science tells in detail about the rules of maintaining the cleanliness of oneโ€™s body, the significance of this process, and the mechanisms of immunity, which directly depend on the cleanliness indicator, the level of bacteria and viruses. This discipline is relatively young, but no less important than everyone else.

Psychology and medicine

Psychology is a very complex and subtle science that penetrates the consciousness and higher nervous activity of a human being. It is intended to explain the basic mechanisms of the psychosomatic system of people. There are a number of sections of psychology that deal with all social issues relating to people (the psychology of family relations, age, experimental, and so on).

Medicine is the most important science that deals with human health. Naturally, it closely borders with all other disciplines: physiology, anatomy, genetics, hygiene and psychology.

The basics of medicine originated with humanity. After all, unfortunately, people always hurt. At all times, bacteria and viruses, hereditary (genetic) diseases, and other ailments went along with them. Therefore, this science is one of the most important when it comes to preserving life and health.

There are many sections that add medicine into a single whole: surgery, oncology, hematology, therapy, dermatology, traumatology and others. All of them are narrowly specialized in specific problems, have their own methods of studying the problem and resolving it.

In general, all the sciences that study the human body are one. After all, their common goal unites - to study, consider, explain all parts of the body, learn to control every organ and every cell of the body.

Anatomy as a major science

Of course, the very first, historically established science of man and his structure is anatomy. It is thanks to the development of this discipline that people became aware of what organs are in the human body, how they are located there (topography), how they are arranged and on what principles their work is based.

Above, we examined the main historical milestones in the development of knowledge about a person. These are the stages in the development of anatomy. Those people whose names were named are the founders and fathers of this huge and important discipline.

The task of anatomy has always been one at all times - to study the internal structure and external morphological features of all organs and systems, as well as tissues. Not for nothing translated from Greek anatome - "dissection".


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