Independence Day of Russia: the history of the holiday and its features

Russian Independence Day holiday history
Today everyone knows about such a date as Independence Day of Russia. The history of the holiday began with the collapse of the USSR and the coming to power of Boris Yeltsin. On this day, festivities take place in all cities and villages of the country, and all Russians celebrate it, however, each in its own way.

Independence Day of Russia is the most important and significant holiday in our country. You can’t think that it arose on its own. Many simply forget about the centuries-old history of our country, about its path to the assertion of sovereignty. The independence of Russia is the result of hard work, huge losses that our ancestors suffered. They did not spare their lives so that we had a future, and therefore, Independence Day of Russia should become very important for each of us. The history of the holiday is quite interesting and for any Russian it will be useful to know it, because it is part of the history of our country. This is a symbol of universal unity and responsibility for the future and present of the Motherland.

When is Russian Independence Day celebrated?

Independence Day of Russia holiday
Across the country, this holiday is celebrated on June 12, since on this day in 1990 the authorities signed the Declaration of Sovereignty of the country, which served as the main impetus for the determination of Independence Day, which acquired national significance. It should be noted that June 12 is also the day of the popular election of the president.

Independence Day of Russia: the history of the holiday

This holiday in Russia appeared recently. It is celebrated throughout the country and has state significance, which was given to it by Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, the first President of the Russian Federation. Its history, as already mentioned, began with the adoption of the Declaration on the Sovereignty of Russia, which was signed back in 1990, on June 12, at the first meeting of people's deputies. This day later began to be called Independence Day. The authorities of the Russian Federation proclaimed the sovereignty of the country so that every citizen would feel confident in his future and had an unshakable right to a decent life, free development and use of the language.

By the way, the first attempt to establish a holiday of national importance was a little awkward and not entirely successful. Surveys conducted among the population at that time showed that people did not understand why this day was needed at all. For many, Independence Day was just another weekend in which they could go about their homework or just relax. Of course, festivities also took place, but without much scope. In 1998, in his speech, B. N. Yeltsin decided to get rid of this attitude to Independence Day once and for all and proposed to make it Day of Russia. The holiday officially received its new name only in 2002, on February 2, then the new provisions of the Labor Code entered into force.

when Russian Independence Day is celebrated

Today, one of the symbols of national unity and responsibility of people for their present and future is Independence Day of Russia. The history of the holiday should be known to every citizen of our country, because this day is a symbol of freedom, goodness and civil peace, which are based on justice and law.


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