How to configure satellite channels yourself

How to configure satellite channels? Installing an antenna is difficult without experience. But you can figure it out on your own. If you have patience and no desire to pay the installers for their services, then this instruction is for you.

These same experts were once without experience and knowledge like you. But they learned their craft. Make an effort and you will succeed. Moreover, having trained on your antenna, you will be able to provide services to your friends or relatives.

Be prepared for the fact that you may not succeed right away. Perhaps the first setup and installation of the antenna may take a week, but then all these actions you can perform in a couple of hours.

Satellite selection

Before setting the satellite channel settings , you need to decide which satellite you will receive them from. A huge number of such objects fly in space, and they all broadcast different TV channels.

satellite channel settings

In Russia, the signals of the following devices are perfectly received:

  • Hot Bird at 13.0 degrees east longitude (several Russian channels and a large package of adult channels);

  • Express AMU1 at 36 degrees c. d. ("Tricolor TV" and NTV +);

  • Express AM6 at 53.0 degrees c. d .;

  • Yamal 402 at 54.9 degrees c. d .;

  • Express AT1 at 56.0 degrees c. d. ("Tricolor TV Siberia" and NTV + Vostok);

  • ABS 2 at 75.0 degrees c. d. (MTS TV);

  • Horizons 2 & Intelsat 15 at 85.0 degrees c. d. ("Continent TV" / "Telecard")

  • Yamal 401 at 90.0 degrees c. d .;

  • Express AM33 at 96.5 degrees c. d.

Of course, there are other satellites, but these are in demand due to the large number of Russian-language channels. At all other facilities there are no Russian channels or they are, but in very small numbers.

The mentioned ones have both open channels and paid ones. In the list above, all paid packages were indicated in parentheses. Please note that Tricolor TV and NTV + are broadcast at 36 and 56 degrees, but are called a little differently. The channels and frequencies there are slightly different. Moreover, the encoding used is also different.

The satellite, located at 56 degrees, is most oriented towards the eastern part of Russia. And packages located at 36 degrees - to the European part.

If you do not plan to buy cards for paid viewing or use sharing, then you need to choose such satellites, where many free channels are broadcast. For example, a multi-feed consisting of satellites at positions 75, 85 and 90 will be an excellent option. All these signals can be received on one antenna, since they are located close to each other. You can catch many open Russian channels on them.

setting up satellite channels yourself

If you have a large antenna (with a diameter of 180 centimeters) at home, then you can hang a couple more heads along the edges. But from scratch without experience, it will be difficult for you to do this. First, catch at least something with the head in the center (as shown in the figure), and then make additional mounts to receive other satellites.

The choice of equipment to view

To configure satellite TV channels and further viewing you need special equipment. A complete set can always be bought in specialized stores. If you want to watch NTV +, MTS TV, Tricolor TV or something else, then equipment along with the receiver can be bought there.

If you do not plan to watch paid channels, use sharing or watch only open channels, then it is better to buy in a store that is not connected with these television providers.

Satellite dishes and heads are almost the same everywhere. But there is one difference. Some channels are broadcast at frequencies with circular polarization, and some with linear. In the heads for circular polarization, a special plate is installed inside, which refracts the signal.

tuning satellite channels

Satellite tuners are also different. It is advisable to take modern ones that support the latest generation of digital television. With older models, many channels are not accepted.

Antenna installation

Satellite channel settings are made only after the antenna is assembled.

It needs to be fixed as firmly as possible. Otherwise, with a strong wind, it will shift. A change in position at least a couple of millimeters will greatly change the signal quality.

satellite TV channel settings

Of course, first you only need to fasten the legs strongly, and not the entire antenna. Otherwise, it will be motionless.

When attaching the antenna, you need to choose a position so that it looks in the direction where one or another satellite is located.

Now you can find many programs that help determine their position using GPS. You only need to point the antenna in the direction that the phone tells you.

Satellite Channel Setup

channel searches using a detector

Self-tuning of the satellite dish channels is carried out using a satellite receiver or special equipment. An example is shown in the figure below.

If you do not plan to do this in the future, then there is no need to spend extra money. It is better to use the receiver that you bought for viewing. He also catches signals very well.

channel searches using the tuner

You need to open the frequency table of the channels of the satellite you need and drive the required value into the receiver.

If you have a modern model, then fresh and working frequencies should be programmed in its base, which greatly facilitates the search. No need to manually drive so many numbers.

tricolor frequencies

After you have entered the frequency, flow rate, indicated the polarization, you will need to move the antenna and head until the signal quality is as high as possible. If the signal quality is poor, your picture will disappear or have various interference. And in bad weather you will see only a picture of Malevich. Therefore, you need to try to achieve the maximum signal level.

As soon as you get the best signal, you need to start the search so that the channels are fixed in the database. The principle of operation of all receivers is the same. Only the design changes. In addition, there are always clues.

setting up satellite channels on a TV

Setting up satellite channels on a TV

The settings of satellite channels on the TV can be done in the same way. Only the receiver uses the built-in, not external. But there are some disadvantages. Built-in receivers in the TV can not open paid channels using sharing or any firmware. You will have to watch only open channels or buy an official card.


Before setting up your antenna, think and learn many times where and which channels are broadcast. Please note that many of them are duplicated on all Russian-speaking satellites. Therefore, it makes no sense to catch them all to one.

reception of satellite channels

Enjoy your viewing!


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