Snowdrops from beads - a step-by-step master class

With the advent of the first thawed patches, the first tender flowers also appear. They, the harbingers of the coming spring, literally grow out of the snow. Therefore, they are called so - snowdrops. An almost exact copy can be woven from beads. A bouquet of these white flowers will decorate the house every day and remind you of the awakening of nature. It remains only to create them with your own hands.

Necessary materials

Snowdrops from beads
In order to make snowdrops from beads with your own hands, you will need:

- white translucent beads No. 11 15 g;

- light green beads No. 11 5-10 g;

- dark green beads No. 11 10-15 gr;

- wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm 2-3 meters long;

- threads for winding wire.

It is also worth immediately thinking about a stand for a bouquet of snowdrops. It can be a vase or a basket, or you can make a stand from alabaster. But more about this will be discussed a little later. As for any other work from beads, you will still need nippers and a special organizer.

Flower petals

Weaving of snowdrops from beads begins with its smallest part - a petal. For each flower they will need at least 3 pieces, and it is advisable to make at least five flowers in the bouquet. Thus, a total of 15 petals will be needed.

1. For one petal, take a piece of wire 40 cm long and collect one light green bead on it. And then, using the parallel weaving technique, the next row is already 2 light green beads. In the third row, string 1 white, 1 light green and 1 white bead.

2. All subsequent rows are woven from white beads with parallel weaving, but only the number of beads in them changes. 4 row - 5 pieces, 5 row - 6 pieces, 6 and 7 rows - 7 pieces, 8 row - 6 pieces, 9 row - 5 pieces, 10 row - 4 pieces, 11 row - 3 pieces.

3. From the 12th row, lime beads are again used. So, in this and subsequent rows there will be 3 beads, and in the last only one. The ends of the wire have not yet been fixed, since they still have to be woven together with other petals.

4. In exactly the same way, make 2 more petals for each flower, only you need to weave up to 13 rows. This is necessary so that they can be combined into one snowdrop from beads. The connection pattern is also performed by parallel weaving technique.

The compound of the shamrock petals

Snowdrop bead pattern
After all 3 petals are ready, it remains to weave them together. That petal, which consists of 14 rows, is considered the first, and 2 others - the second and third. So it will be easier to understand the sequence of how to make a snowdrop from beads.

1. To connect 2 petals, you need to pass a piece of wire of the second between 12 and 13 next to the first. Then, on it, dial 2 light green beads and weave with parallel weaving the 13th row for the second petal.

2. Then pass the wire between 13 and 14 next to the first lobe. It remains only in the 14th row to collect one light green bead. 2 petals are connected.

3. Now it remains to add the 3rd β€œincomplete” petal. Connect it with the second, skip one of the pieces of wire between 12 and 13 next. Next, thread the free end of the wire from the third petal between 12 and 13 next to the first petal.

4. Put 2 light green beads on the remaining free end. Then thread one end of the wire between 13 and 14 next to the first, and the other between the same rows of the second lobe. Pull the wire so that a ring is obtained. It remains only to weave the 14th row of the third petal, consisting of one green bead. This shamrock is ready.

Flower core

Snowdrop Bead Weaving
To make snowdrops from beads look more like real ones, they still need to weave the middle. It will resemble a flower in its structure, but the technique of its implementation is slightly different. In total, they will need 1 piece for each flower.

1. Take a length of wire 30 cm long and type on it 4 white, 1 light green and 5 more white beads. Place them in the center. Then the end of the wire, where 4 beads are collected, pass through the 5th bead on the other tip. Tighten the loop.

2. For the second petal, dial at one end of the wire 5 white, 1 light green and 4 white beads. Now you need to thread the end of the wire through the very first dialed bead. Make a loop.

3. Repeat all the same operations on the other side of the wire. The result is 3 small petals. Connect them so that they are tightly in contact with each other. Now you need to thread this flower in the middle of the snowdrop. Twist all the pieces of wire together.

The first flower for the bouquet is ready. Other snowdrops are also made from beads in the same way. The master class at this stage does not end, you still need to make flowers leaflets and a stand.

Leaflets for flowers

How to make a snowdrop from beads
For each flower you need to make no more than 1-2 sheets. Their manufacture is perhaps the easiest part in all the work. On one leaf you will need to take 70 cm of wire and a little green beads of a darker color than for sepals. For its manufacture, the familiar parallel weaving technique is used. In the first row there will be 2 beads, in the second - already 3, from the 3rd to the 32nd - 4 pieces in each row, in the 33rd row - 3 beads, 34th - 2 pieces and in the 35th - only one. Fix the wire, and on this one leaf for the snowdrop is ready. A bouquet of 5 snowdrops will need to be made from 5 to 7 pieces.

Flower assembly

Snowdrops from beads, master class
Now, to make snowdrops from beads from disparate elements, you need to collect everything in one bouquet. And they start with one flower. To do this, wrap the wire remaining from the weaving of flowers with green threads to a length of 10 cm. Instead, you can use a floral ribbon of the same color. Sometimes they also use alabaster, which is then coated with paint.

Then attach a leaf of beads and wrap the stem a few more centimeters. In the same way, make the remaining flowers, and then combine them into a common bouquet. It can be left like this, or it can be put in a vase or basket of a suitable size. And, of course, you can make a stand for a bouquet with your own hands.

Stand for snowdrops

To make such a stand from alabaster with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

- alabaster;

- PVA glue;

- some water;

- 2 small cans (one for mixing the mass, the other for the mold);

- plastic bag;

- brush;

- paints.

Snowdrops from beads, photo
1. In a jar mix in equal proportions alabaster, PVA glue and water. The mass should turn out by consistency like thick sour cream.

2. Lining the jar, which will serve as a form, with polyethylene. This is to ensure that the finished stand was easy to remove. Fill the container with alabaster mass until it has hardened.

3. Place approximately in the middle a bouquet of snowdrops and with your hands give the mass the desired shape. You can make small tubercles to look like thawed patches. Leave for a day until completely dry.

4. It remains only to paint the stand. You can use light blue and green shades to look like a spring meadow. Around the bouquet, make a dark spot of the earth that appears. Remember to remove the stand from the jar.

After the work is completely dry, it remains only to varnish the stand. Thus, we obtained snowdrops from beads, the photo of which was at the very beginning of this master class.


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