How to find out debts to bailiffs?

If in the near future you plan to travel outside the country on vacation or on official business or want to take another loan, then you should check to see if you have any debt to the bailiffs. This must be done, even if you are confident in your infallibility in financial matters.

Where does the debt come from

Do you think that debts to bailiffs are formed only by irresponsible people, malicious violators and deviators? You're not right. Actually, becoming a debtor is very simple. Forgot to pay some services, did not make the mandatory tax deductions on time, delayed payment of a bank loan, refused to pay child support at least once - and that’s it: hello, debt!

debts to bailiffs
In cases where your debt reaches a certain size, the case is referred to court. And if the creditor manages to prove the validity of his claims, the decision will not be in your favor. In especially critical cases, everything may end with a list of property belonging to the debtor. Of course, a person who has material claims against you cannot independently take back your acquired assets even after a court decision. This is the work of a bailiff.

You will not be able to influence this process, but you can find out your debts to the bailiffs, as well as how they were formed, and if you do it regularly, you will be able to avoid many unpleasant consequences, which we will discuss below.

What is the threat of debt

Of course, at first glance it all looks like a bad horror story for children. Surely each of you can immediately name one or two acquaintances who regularly do not pay, for example, parking fines and speeding. And no one comes to them to describe a TV or a car.

look at the debt to the bailiffs
Indeed, the FSSP (Federal Service of Bailiffs) has enough work to run after each individual debtor, especially since it can be very difficult to find many of them. Nevertheless, debt to the bailiffs can bring a lot of trouble. For example, when you suddenly decide to relax somewhere on the warm Mediterranean coast, you, along with a suitcase and pleasant thoughts about the rest, can be “wrapped” at customs. Moreover, of course, no one will return the money for the unused ticket to you, because the trip was disrupted through your fault.

This is because there is an all-Russian database of debtors for which restrictions are imposed on crossing the state border until full payment of the debt. Until 2013, a ban could be imposed on a person even if his debt was 100 rubles. Today, this amount has been increased to 10 thousand. Do not think that this is a lot, taking into account possible fines and penalties, such an amount can accumulate quite quickly.

Debts to bailiffs: how to find out and what to do

In order to be on the “shameful” list, you need a court decision on bringing the case to enforcement proceedings and your stubborn reluctance to pay a fine (debt). However, there are misunderstandings when, as a result of a system failure, an absolutely innocent person falls into this list.

check debts to bailiffs
To avoid such misunderstandings, you should independently verify the absence (or presence) of your surname in the "debt" database. This can be done by contacting the territorial office of the FSSP at the place of residence. This is where the difficulties begin. The fact is that this institution accepts citizens only twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and even then not all day. In addition, no one has canceled the queue.

On the other hand, a personal visit to the executive service will not only check the availability of debt, but also find out where it came from. This can be very important in those cases when you are sure that there are no “sins” behind you.

The internet will help you

However, one can check the debts to the bailiffs differently using the Internet. To date, the bailiff service is probably the most highly organized and systematic. Therefore, in order to see the debt to the bailiffs, it is enough to visit the official website, which hosts the all-Russian database of debtors. To do this, you will have to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Go to the official website of the bailiff service - - and open the section “Database of Enforcement Proceedings”. Such a large orange button is located on the left. Next, a special form will open in which you can search for an individual, legal entity or by number of enforcement proceedings.
  2. The next item is the choice of the region that interests you. This can be done by opening the drop-down list in the line "Territorial bodies". If you select the "All Regions" item, the search will be conducted across the entire Russian database.
  3. Now you need to enter the rest of the data: last name, first name, middle name and full date of birth for an individual or the full name and address of a legal entity. If you know the number of the enforcement proceedings against the person you are interested in, you should use the third tab.
  4. After all the data has been entered and verified, click the "Search" button, after which a window with a captcha will open, which must be entered, thereby proving that the request is made by a real person.

to learn the debt to the bailiffs
That's all, the result will be obtained immediately. If you see the inscription: "Nothing was found by your request", this can mean two things:

  • you have no debts;
  • the bailiff service has not yet managed to enter data about you into the all-Russian base.

If the debt is still found, a sign will appear on the screen, which will show all the information about each debt that you have: the amount, number and date of the enforcement proceedings, the name of the bailiff conducting your case and his contact details.

Check debt with your phone

In some regions of Russia, you can check debts to bailiffs by contacting the FSSP by phone, but this way you can only find out about the fact of presence or absence of debt. For more information, you still have to personally visit the FSSP branch.

Nevertheless, some users can still find out if there are debts to the bailiffs by phone, however, for this you need not a stationary device, but a smartphone or tablet. For owners of these gadgets, there is a mobile app for finding debts. True, one can check in this way only the absence of fines of the traffic police, tax and court debts.

To access the data, you need to download and install the application on your device, register and enter passport data and SNILS in your account.

When the fine will be transferred to the FSSP

According to article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the offender has 70 days to pay the fine, 10 of which are given to appeal the protocol and 60 to pay the debt. After another 10 days, information about the debt will be transmitted to the bailiff service. Thus, the total term provided to the debtor for an amicable solution to the issue is 80 days.

Things are slightly different with the transport tax - it must be paid before 01.11 of the year following the reporting year. So, for example, the tax for 2015 must be paid before 11/01/2016, unless otherwise provided by the federal law of your region. Failure to pay this type of tax also leads to a meeting with the bailiffs.

How to collect debts

debts to bailiffs
If you have outstanding debt to the bailiffs, the latter can apply a variety of measures to you.

For example, if you are officially employed, the fine may be deducted from your salary. Collection may also be levied on personal property, cash, bank accounts, including foreign currency, available securities.

The most extreme measure may be forced eviction from the premises with its subsequent sale in repayment of debt. Of course, in this case, the amount of debt should be very large.

One of the most effective measures is also considered a restriction on travel abroad.

How can I pay off a debt?

It is not enough to know the debt to the bailiffs, in order to avoid trouble, it also needs to be paid off. This is not difficult to do: first of all, you can find out the amount of debt and the details of the FSSP, and then make a payment at any nearest bank. And you can never leave your house at all using the online service.

Checking the availability of debt using the website, you can see that in front of each amount that you owe, there is a "Pay" button. Click on it and select a payment method, they are quite diverse - Qiwi, Webmoney, payment by credit card or using a mobile phone account. Also on the site you can create, print an invoice for payment and use the services of the bank.

be careful

debts to bailiffs how to find out
In conclusion, I want to say that information on successful payment of a debt can appear on the network only a couple of weeks after payment, even if you provide a receipt to a bailiff. Therefore, if you know about the presence of debt, it is worth taking care of its repayment in advance. And even better - just periodically check the presence of your surname in the "black list" of debtors in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.


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