Tsarskoye Selo: how to get there? Excursions to Tsarskoye Selo

Tsarskoye Selo, like many other ensembles in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, is a monument of landscape gardening art and architecture of world significance. The whole city is included in the list of objects protected by UNESCO.

royal village how to get

Historical suburbs

History is in every stone, and millions of people know what the Royal Village is. How to get to it is a matter of paramount importance for visitors. The suburbs of the northern capital are no less famous than the historical center of St. Petersburg. In a beautiful series of palace and park ensembles located in the vicinity of the city and must be visited, there are such pearls as Pavlovsk and Strelnoye, Oranienbaum (Lomonosov) and Peterhof (Petrodvorets), Kronshtadt (originally Kronshlot) and the Penata estate (house-museum I. Repin). The city of Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo) is not the last in this list.

Its history is unique, the architecture is perfect. Much has been written about this, but to understand the incredible popularity of the route, you just need to remember at least how much each stone is saturated with the memory of Russian poets, writers, philosophers.

Tsarskoye Selo and Russian literature

“Here Pushkin was born inspiration, and grew up in melodious silence. Here Lermontov rode on a soiled horse to squadron training ... "and" ... Tyutchev walked slowly, wandering like a shadow, Vladimir Solovyov ... "You can endlessly talk about the role of Tsarskoye Selo in the lives of Fedor Tyutchev, Nikolai Gumilyov, Innokenty Annensky, Olga Berggolz, Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky. Separate words deserve the role of Tsarskoye Selo in the life of Anna Akhmatova. What can we say about A.S. Pushkin if his name is given to the city? Since school years, few have been acquainted with Ilya Repin's painting “Pushkin at the Lyceum Examination in 1815.” It depicts a young poet reading his poems to Derzhavin. The memory of the poet is immortalized by the legendary monument created by R. R. Bach, established in 1900, which in itself can be the reason for the excursion to Tsarskoye Selo.How to get here in this case? You can get the answer at the tour desk, which provides individual routes to individual objects of the city-monument.

Literary Tours

Pushkin royal village

Even if many visitors know everything about the architectural and historical objects of the city, for lovers of literature, especially poetry, a suburb called Tsarskoye Selo will remain an inexhaustible treasure for a long time. How to get to Pushkin is described in detail in any guide to St. Petersburg and its environs. There is a family of routes under the general name “Tsarskoye Selo Literary”, the epigraph to each of them may be the words of A. Akhmatova “There are so many lyres hanging on branches ...” Study tours for schoolchildren under the title “Let's go to Tsarskoye Selo ...” are organized here (A. M. Gorodnitsky). Such excursions provide for individual delivery of visitors.

A bit of history

For the first time these territories were mentioned in 1501 under the name Staritsa on maps compiled for Boris Godunov. How Tsarskoye Selo the estate arose in 1710 in the form of a personal estate for the favorite, who later became Empress Catherine I.

Tsarist village in St. Petersburg
Its most significant object is the Catherine Palace. It is interesting that initially (1717-1723) it, the decoration of the entire ensemble, was built by Johann Friedrich Braunstein, whose dates of life are unknown, and many works adorn St. Petersburg until now, preserved almost in its original form. The most striking of them are the objects of Peterhof: the Marley Palace, the Hermitage Pavilion, the large conservatory in the Lower Park and other significant objects. But either because of a bad memory of himself (he was an intriguer, he was expelled from Russia in 1728), or the original version did not fully correspond to the tastes of Catherine II, the Empress and the Russian Autocrat from 1762 to 1796, but the palace was completely rebuilt. From 1743 to 1756, Rastrelli worked on his image, which has survived to this day.

The main attractions of Tsarskoye Selo

The list of historical and architectural objects without a brief description occupies half a page of typewritten text. Tsarskoye Selo in St. Petersburg in 1992 received the status of a museum reserve. So, in this territory there is a special regime for the protection and use of included facilities. The most significant are the Catherine and Alexander parks, the Great Catherine and Alexander palaces, the Hermitage, Grotto and White Tower pavilions, the Arsenal and the Admiralty, the Chinese theater and village. Interesting is the Gothic Chapelle Tower, the Military Chamber and the Children's House. Also on this territory is an object dating back to a completely different era - the Romanov’s subway, the remains of the construction of the metro, the idea of ​​building of which arose even under Catherine II. Much can be said about Fedorovskiy town, which began to be built in 1913 in the Russian style, which was so popular during the reign of Nicholas II. Each of the above monuments has dozens of its mini-objects worthy of being the purpose of an excursion to Tsarskoye Selo. Although the language does not dare to call the world famous Amber Room a mini-object. Her beauty, uniqueness, the history of abduction, search and recovery became the reason for writing more than a dozen volumes.

A route familiar from childhood

For many visitors to the Tsarskoye Selo suburb, "How to get there?" - The question is quite simple. The most common route is by minibuses K287, K545, K347 or by bus No. 187 from Moskovskaya metro station.

excursions to the royal village
There are bus stops at the Kupchino metro station and on Vitebsky Prospekt. Given the popularity of the destination, minibuses depart at intervals of 10-15 minutes. You can use the train from Vitebsk station.

Admirers only increased

Peter royal village how to get

Even in revolutionary times, when the northern capital was called “Peter”, Tsarskoye Selo, how to get to it - all this always interested people, because the true beauty is clear to all segments of the population. Soviet years occupy their place in the history of the city. Since 1918, it was renamed the Uritsky Children's Village, completely nationalized and turned into a museum. In 1937, the city received a new name - Pushkin in connection with the 100th anniversary of the death of the poet. After the occupation and destruction of the city, after its looting (the Amber Room that was never found, for example ), Tsarskoye Selo was restored for a long time. During the years of Soviet power, all significant objects were restored, new complexes were built (Railway Station Square), which fit into the general architectural ensemble. Facilities were erected to improve the ecology of the city. Always, at all times - both tsarist and Soviet - this district of the historical suburbs of St. Petersburg enjoyed the special love of the inhabitants of the northern capital. The influx of visitors on weekends is so huge that there are recommendations: for educational purposes, this object is better to visit on weekdays.

It should be noted that all routes leading from St. Petersburg to Pushkin are being actively reconstructed and new ones are being built. All this is connected with the approaching round date (180 years) from the day of the death of the poet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26571/

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