Village Vishnevka, Krasnodar Territory: reviews, weather, recreation, beach, photo

So cozy nowadays Vishnevka has a rather rich Soviet past. In these picturesque places, members of the Government of the USSR had a good rest. In addition, there were two boarding houses at Moscow State University, one of which was later reconstructed into a private rest house.

The village of Vishnevka (Krasnodar Territory), reviews of which are left by residents of different regions of our country, is located between Tuapse and Lazarevsky. Here you will not be disturbed by noisy night clubs and a huge concentration of vacationers. Those who come here are looking for peace and measured calm rest. The cost of accommodation and meals in the village of Vishnevka in the Krasnodar Territory is one of the most affordable on the Black Sea coast.

cherry Krasnodar region reviews

Well-developed infrastructure allows you to easily and quickly get to the main resort towns that are located nearby, and have a good time there.


The village of Vishnevka in the Krasnodar Territory, reviews of which are increasingly received by many travel agencies, is located at the mouth of the river of the same name, in the north of the Lazarevsky district, ten kilometers from the regional center of Lazarevskoye and sixty-five kilometers north-west of Central Sochi.

weather in vishnevka of the Krasnodar Territory

The village is crossed by the Dzhubga-Adler federal highway, and the railway line of the North Caucasian Railway also passes here. There are two railway platforms in Vishnevka - the Central Committee of the railway and Sputnik. The village is bordered by three settlements: in the east - Kalinovka, in the southeast - Makops and in the north-west - Magri. Vishnevka is located in a coastal narrow strip, it is surrounded by mountains and ranges on three sides. The terrain is mostly hilly. On average, heights are about forty-five meters above sea level. In the vicinity of the village, the rivers Vishnevka, Vodopadnaya, Shuyuk, as well as small spring rivers flow.

Description of the village

Geographically, this modest in size and population settlement, located on the Black Sea coast, belongs to Sochi. Vishnevka is a very colorful village: it is surrounded by greenery and offers a full beach holiday. The fruit and vegetable farm located on this land is exceeding the plans for the delivery of grapes grown here, so if you have the opportunity, try the local wine.

cherry photo village and beach

It is better to stop to rest in Vishnevka in the Krasnodar Territory (reviews of tourists confirm this) in the private sector. Today it is a justifiable choice: comfortable and economical. Rest in Vishnevka involves not only being on the beach. Very close to the village is Sochi National Park, and five kilometers away is a picturesque waterfall, with a touching name - "Tears of Laura."

Rest in these places will cost inexpensively. Prices in Vishnevka are quite affordable, especially when you consider the quality of relaxation and the magnificent nature. The village stretches along the coast for several kilometers, located mainly along the Black Sea.


Weather in Vishnevka of the Krasnodar Territory has a good rest. The climate here is subtropical, humid. The average annual air temperature is + 13.5 Β° C. In summer, the weather in Vishnevka in the Krasnodar Territory does not differ in sweltering heat: the average July temperature is around + 24 Β° C. In winter, the air does not cool below + 6 Β° C. About 1,400 mm of precipitation falls annually, most of which falls in the winter.

Boarding houses

On the territory of the Lazarevsky district there is a boarding house "Petrel", which belongs to Moscow State University. It was built in 1963. Previously, it belonged to the Sochi Resort Management. Private boarding house "Helios", also located in the village, used to be part of the "Petrel" and had a not too original name - "Petrel-1". An interesting fact: in 1904-1927, where the Petrel is today, academician V. M. Bekhterev lived from time to time


Looking at the photo of Vishnevka, the village and the beach, an attentive reader will notice that there is no equipped promenade here. Its role is played by a small concrete hill, with a guard post and rather bulky frame canopies where you can rent a sunbed. This minimal infrastructure has remained since Soviet times.

village vishnevka Krasnodar Territory

A small structure next to the canopy, made of blue corrugated board. Equipment for various water attractions is stored there.


Local beaches have comfortable and beautiful slopes. The beach in Vyshnevka for relaxation near the sea is divided into two parts and is called "Petrel 1" and "Petrel 2". Entrance to both beaches is free. Its total length is about five hundred meters, with a width of about twenty meters. Pebble beach with a flat bottom and very clear water, which is largely due to the small number of vacationers.

There is a minimal set of water attractions: tablet, parachute, banana. Attractions are held after a set of the required number of people wishing to take part in them. Holidays in Vishnevka can be diversified by a kayak ride - a small plastic catamaran that can be rented here.

What to see?

The main attraction of the village can be called the Laura’s Tears waterfall. It is quite high, even considered one of the largest in the vicinity. Its height is about sixteen meters. Those who wish can swim in its cold waters.

entertainment in cherry

This is a very nice place - Vishnevka. The photos of the village and the beach that we posted in this article will help you understand that there is no large selection of entertainment, as well as attractions, here. this is also noted in the reviews of vacationers. But this does not mean that you will be bored on vacation. At any time, you can take the train and visit the large resort centers located on the coast - Lazarevskoye, Sochi, Tuapse. Here you will get great pleasure from walking along the beautiful promenades and parks, visiting water parks and dolphinariums, the oceanarium and many entertainment venues.

And you can go on a one-day excursion to Abkhazia, stopping by in all the main cities and sightseeing: the mountain lake Ritsa, Mount Athos, Stalin's dacha, etc.

Doing sports

For lovers of outdoor activities, entertainment in Vishnevka can be supplemented by sports activities. The boarding house "Petrel" has a well-developed infrastructure for sports: football, volleyball and basketball courts, well-groomed and modern tennis court. Fans of outdoor activities can enjoy their favorite sports, paying a nominal fee.


The village of Vishnevka has long been chosen by divers. Although there are no specialized schools here, diving enthusiasts come here regularly. During the war years (1941-1945) two ships sank in the area of ​​the beach - the Azov warship and the Joseph Kosior cargo ship. Divers dive to them and explore their remains.

cherry beach

Kitchen in Vishnevka

In the village right on the seashore, you can quite densely eat in the local dining rooms. The bill for lunch or dinner will not exceed two hundred and fifty rubles. In addition, a delicious and fragrant barbecue will cost you 250-350 rubles.

The boarding houses have good themed cafes with dishes of European, Caucasian and Russian cuisine and with designer interiors. The average bill in them is from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Cherry can be considered a budget resort village, where you can relax. Its infrastructure has changed little since Soviet times. The exception is only modern buildings. And despite this, holidays in Vishnevka are becoming more and more popular every year among Russian tourists who regularly visit these places.

Guest houses, hotels and hostels in the village

In the village, perhaps, one of the lowest prices for accommodation on the Black Sea coast. Here you will definitely be offered to settle in the private sector. Budget proposals - from the federal highway at the entrance to the village. To rent a room, it is enough to walk along the streets, and offers will sprinkle like from a cornucopia. Prices start at two hundred rubles per room in May, and toward the peak of the season they rise slightly.

cherry Krasnodar region reviews

For those who want more amenities, reviews recommend choosing guest houses or mini-hotels, where guests will be offered a separate room, in which regular cleaning and replacement of bed linen and towels is carried out. You can use the shared kitchen. In this segment, the cost ranges from 500 to 600 rubles in the low season.

There are several good hotels in Vishnevka. These establishments have swimming pools, recreation areas, and standard and deluxe rooms. These include the hotel "Cherry", "Atlant", SM Royal Hotel. Prices start at nine hundred rubles.

The village of Vishnevka in the Krasnodar Territory: reviews of vacationers

According to everyone who was vacationing in Vishnevka, this is a great place for a relaxing family vacation with minimal cost. For those who are interested in nightly entertainment, it will be boring here, even taking into account the opportunity to travel to larger tourist centers. Those who crave peace and solitude cannot find a better place on the coast.


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