Phone "Lenovo A606": reviews and specifications

Chinese manufacturers do not cease to please their fans with new products on the mobile device market. True, instead of the next smartphone, created using new technologies, the budget segment was replenished with a cheap Lenovo A606 phone . The reviews of the owners in the media assure others that in the price category up to 5,000 rubles, the novelty simply has no competitors. It remains only to get acquainted with the characteristics of a mobile phone and find out why a Chinese smartphone is so good.

Lenovo A606 reviews

First meeting

The Chinese have never pleased buyers with rich equipment. The usual white box with the image of the phone on it has miniature dimensions. Inside it, the user will find: charger, headphones, battery, manual and gadget "Lenovo A606". Customer reviews claim that the stereo headset in the kit is a miracle, because most manufacturers have long ceased to supply smartphones with them.

phone Lenovo A606 reviews

Pleased with future owners and appearance with build quality. It's nice to feel a massive phone in your hands, not a piece of lightweight plastic. The build quality cannot be faulted - not a single flaw. All joints are smooth, there are no bevels, and even the battery cover does not creak. By the way, the back cover has a rubber coating. This affects the usability - the phone not only does not slip out of your hands, but also perfectly holds on any surface.

Most important component

Let it be considered that performance and communications are important characteristics for the Lenovo A606 smartphone , user reviews say the opposite. The quality of the liquid crystal display is a priority. Then the manufacturer behaved quite strangely. The matrix in the 5-inch phone is installed modern - IPS, but the screen resolution is only 854x480 pixels. This is a very low figure for the device of the XXI century.

As for the sensor, everything is not good with it, as the user would like. It recognizes no more than two touches, and ghostly clicks may occur during operation. The device does not have a protective glass and easily collects dirt from the fingers, so the owner needs to monitor the cleanliness of his hands in the process of using the smartphone. Alternatively, you can stick a protective film on the screen.

Real camera

Many users believe that the manufacturer acted unreasonably when he supplied his product with a low-quality display and turned the Lenovo A606 smartphone into a digital camera. Owner reviews attributed the functionality of the camera phone to the advantages. The sensor is 8 megapixel. Moreover, it is implemented at the hardware level (no software interpolations). Auto focus works perfectly, both in sunny weather and in poor lighting. True, in the dark there are problems with exposure; the camera cannot correctly select the ISO. An additional 2-megapixel device located above the display has the usual characteristics and does not attract users.

smartphone Lenovo A606 reviews

Future owners will also enjoy the work of the camcorder. After all, not every smartphone from the budget class is capable of shooting in FullHD format (1920 × 1080 dpi) at a speed of 15 frames per second. In the process of shooting a video, tracking autofocus demonstrates perfect performance. By the way, sound is recorded in stereo.

Platform performance

Phone "Lenovo A606", reviews on the speed of work is twofold. On the one hand, users note that 4 cores in the system, operating at a frequency of 1300 MHz, and 1 gigabyte of RAM do an excellent job with many demanding programs. But fans of dynamic toys assure others that this smartphone has no potential for performance. Indeed, half of the RAM is taken over by the services of the Android operating system running in the background, and the Mediatek MT6582 processor for games is rather weak.

Lenovo A606 customer reviews

The integrated Mali-400MP2 video adapter also does not inspire confidence, however, in the AnTuTu testing program, the smartphone managed to score 17 thousand points, bypassing more expensive competitors. As for non-volatile memory, its volume is 8 gigabytes. True, this figure exists only on paper. In fact, only 4.8 GB is available to the user, everything else is occupied by the firmware and Android programs.

Strange multimedia work

The branded video player built into the Lenovo A606 phone has positive reviews from all owners of devices from this manufacturer. The program supports all known formats (audio and video). In addition, support for FLAC, MPG, DivX, H.264 is implemented at the hardware level. That is, the device can easily play the MKV file in FullHD resolution. That's just the liquid crystal display of the smartphone will not be able to display all the beauty of a high-quality picture.

Lenovo A606 specifications reviews

Once again, the Lenovo company ignored the requests of fans and did not realize the support for subtitles and the ability to change the soundtrack in its proprietary video player. Negative reviews in the media about this are understandable.

Work autonomy

The low platform performance and low screen resolution are offset by the battery life of the Lenovo A606 smartphone. Owner reviews are quite predictable. A 2000 mAh battery on a single charge in standby mode can last 8 calendar days. As for video viewing, the battery can be discharged in 6 hours of continuous viewing at maximum brightness. But with listening to music in general, the situation is incomprehensible - with the display turned off, the battery worked for two and a half days.

Users may experience problems with charging the device. The fact is that the power supply is pulsed and supplies a large current to the smartphone. On the one hand, the battery charges quickly (up to two hours from scratch). And on the other hand, the smartphone’s power controller may fail, because voltage constantly jumps in our outlets.

Wireless technology

Yes, support for full 4G LTE is a nice bonus for all owners of the Lenovo A606 smartphone. Reviews of owners on the Internet are only positive. Also, users have no complaints about the work of GSM and EDGE. Mobile networks work like clockwork. It only bothers the presence of only one slot for installing a SIM card, because all well-known manufacturers have long been releasing devices designed to install two cards of mobile operators.

Lenovo A606 reviews

Owners have no questions about the operation of wireless Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules, as well as to the GPS module, which perfectly copes with its task of global positioning. Many users are also pleased with the additional functionality implemented in the device: accelerometer, proximity and light sensor. Let it be a trifle, but still nice.


It is clear that the potential buyer had a double opinion about the Lenovo A606 smartphone. Reviews, price and technical specifications in the aggregate will still prevail when choosing a decent device in a budget class. But still, before buying, you decide on the functionality, because the mobile phone is not able to please everyone at the same time. It is not designed to work with resource-intensive games, and it has obvious problems with the colorful picture on the screen. It will appeal more to undemanding customers who are looking for an inexpensive smartphone with great functionality and the ability to work on the Internet.


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