How to choose a navigator for fishing? The easiest navigator for fishing

Any responsible fisherman or hunter in one way or another calculates their capabilities in terms of orientation on the ground. As a rule, fishermen deal with familiar places, but everything happens once for the first time, and undeveloped territories require appropriate training. If earlier compasses and folk methods of determining parts of the world helped in orientation, today these functions are performed by the navigator for fishing, which is provided with a wide range of additional options. However, as practice shows, excess functionality seriously increases the price tag of the device, but there are few real benefits from it. Nevertheless, the basic features are worth considering.

The principle of the navigator

navigator for fishing

Modern navigation devices work in conjunction with satellite systems. It can be GPS or GLONASS. The first system is considered the most reliable and widespread, therefore, manufacturers are guided primarily by it. The principle of operation of the device consists precisely in determining coordinates with orientation to the signal from satellites. By the way, the ability to receive a signal from several satellites in difficult conditions is one of the most important characteristics of the gadget. Moreover, a conventional navigator for fishing does not have to have a heavy-duty sensor, since in most cases such models are used in open areas where water surface prevails .

A different approach is required for universal models that are planned to be used not only on the river or lake, but also in the forest. In this case, the interference factor is amplified, therefore higher requirements are imposed on the signal. When the signal is caught, the device adjusts the direction of movement of the fisherman accordingly. It should be noted that the navigator for hunting and fishing should initially be set to the point of destination. This can be an abandoned car, a base or another point that you need to come to after the completion of the fishing or hunting process.

Criterias of choice

navigator for hunting and fishing

The choice of a simple model leads to a limited consideration of the characteristics and capabilities of the navigator. The main parameters of choice include the amount of memory, battery life, display size, protective qualities of the case. Other parameters may be included in this list, depending on needs, but it is basic and necessary for an optimal purchase in each case. For example, the minimum screen size may be 2.2 inches, while the matrix itself will provide a black and white picture. As for memory, the usual navigator for fishing has built-in modules for storing information. Consideration should be given to the fundamental support for the ability to save routes, as well as various graphic files. The most important characteristic is the duration of battery life, which is determined by the power supply system. The power source can be a lithium-ion battery or AA or AAA batteries.

Design features - what to consider?

navigator for forest and fishing

Externally, the device resembles a mobile phone. The simplest models are executed in the form factor of the classic “tube”, which facilitates the physical handling of them. Multi-function devices can take the form of a compact tablet. This option is advantageous in that the user has the opportunity to more accurately and quickly determine the route by deploying a map through online services. But such a navigator for woods and fishing can be suitable only if there are no strict restrictions on weight and dimensions. This is the most inconvenient option in terms of physical handling. The opposite of such models is a compact device with a small screen. Using this gadget you can find out a minimum of information about the current location, but in terms of ergonomics, mobile navigators can be called optimal for use in fishing and in the forest.

Manufacturer's Reviews

Most avid tourists, anglers and hunters associate portable navigation systems with Garmin products in the first place. A wide range of this manufacturer allows you to choose a model for any task. Navigators of this brand combine good functionality and performance. From the initial segment, the eTrex series can be distinguished, representing compact devices that are balanced in characteristics. Among the trustworthy manufacturers it is worth noting the company Globalsat, which produces small and reliable devices. For example, the simplest navigator for fishing in this line is represented by the BU-353 module, which can be used as an additional module, while taking up a minimum of space.

simple navigator for fishing

Price issue

Budget and modest devices are estimated at 1-1.5 thousand rubles. For this money, you can get a small gadget that will be equipped with finger batteries and a black and white miniature screen. And you should not think that such models significantly lose to functional tablet counterparts in terms of quality of work. If we are talking about products of the same Garmin level, then such models sometimes provide higher quality reception. If you need a simple fishing navigator with advanced features, you should already count on 3-4 thousand. Compact models are also presented in this segment, but they will be distinguished by the presence of high-strength coatings in the hull, a color screen and the function of saving routes.


the easiest fishing navigator

A lot in choosing a navigator depends on its operating conditions. If you need a means of determining location in an open area, then you can safely take a typical portable model with minimal functional capabilities. Using such a navigator for fishing is not difficult - as a rule, it is equipped with an ergonomic design and basic optional features that do not impede management. However, if you need an apparatus for work in a forest, you should provide a more powerful power filling in terms of signal reception. The same applies to the materials of the manufacture of the structure, among which there should be dirt and moisture resistant coatings.


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