Messina, Sicily: description, attractions, reviews

Messina (Sicily) is a beautiful ancient city and the โ€œsea gateโ€ of the island, where the port is located, through which it is connected to mainland Italy. Here you can see many attractions, admire nature, immerse yourself in the history of the island and its ancient settlements.

Messina Sicily

Messina's story

Tourists wondering where to go to Italy will definitely want to visit Sicily and the small towns located here, among which Messina stands out for its quiet streets, ancient churches and ancient history.

About the origin of the settlement on about. Sicily locals can tell many legends. One of them tells about the creation of the island by the god Neptune, who separated it from the continent in a fit of anger. Having examined the beauty of a corner of the earth created by the sea autocrat, other gods also began to visit here, and once Saturn, seeing a green island strewn with flowers, founded the city of Zanclรฉ, which was later renamed Messana and then Messina.

In fact, the city was founded by colonists from Greece in 730 BC. e., although earlier there was a more ancient settlement. The nearby Etna volcano, its eruptions and frequent earthquakes, periodically destroy houses.

In 1908, as a result of a terrible earthquake and tsunami, Messina was almost destroyed, 60 thousand inhabitants died, the city turned into ruins. Some of the inhabitants were rescued by Russian sailors, whose fleet these days was in port. In honor of these events, a monument to Russian sailors who saved the lives of Messiahs was unveiled in the city.

about sicily

Also, great destruction and fires occurred on the island during the bombing of World War II in 1943. Through the efforts of the authorities and residents for several decades, buildings and architectural monuments were restored.

Sicily on a world map

Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea with an area of โ€‹โ€‹25 thousand square meters. km, where 5 million inhabitants live. Since 1947, Sicily gained autonomy and is Italy's largest administrative region. Due to its advantageous position at the intersection of trade routes since ancient times, the island was often conquered by various peoples: the Sican tribe, the Indo-European tribes of the Siculs and Elimites, then the Greeks and Carthaginians moved here, later the Romans forced them out.

During the Middle Ages Sicily alternately fought by the Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs and Normans. Over the years, 7 European dynasties have been replaced on the island. In 1860, a popular uprising broke out here led by Garibaldi, and a year later Sicily became part of the united kingdom of Italy. The last military battles took place in 1943, when the troops of the allies of Italy landed on the island.

The cities of Sicily (Palermo, Syracuse, Messina and Corleone) have ancient historical roots. Sicily on the world map is located in the south of Europe and is proud of its natural, archaeological and architectural attractions, as well as beautiful landscapes, especially in the area near the volcano Etna, where the Alcantara Natural Park operates.

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Port of Messina

Messina (Sicily) is located in the north-eastern part of the island in the bay of the Ionian Sea, on the shores of the Strait of Messina , surrounded by the Peloritan Mountains. Thanks to its existence, for more than one millennium, the town has important strategic importance for Italy, is rapidly developing and rebuilding. In times of peace, it served as a catalyst for the development of local trade and communication with mainland Italian ports, and in the military, there was a naval fleet.

Near the entrance to the port in a narrow part of the peninsula there is a medieval fort, built on the orders of Charles 5th instead of the monastery of St. Salvatore. Despite the destruction after the earthquakes, the defensive structure is an impressive sight.

The upper part of the port building, which is located in the bastion of the ancient Fort San Salvatore, is decorated with the Madonna on the globe - a gold-plated bronze statue that depicts Madonna della Bella, the patroness of the city. It was made by sculptor T. Calabro, designed by F. Barbaro, installed and consecrated in 1934 by Archbishop A. Peso on behalf of Pope Pius 11th. The figure of the Virgin with her right hand gives a blessing to the city of Messina, and with her left holds a Holy Letter dated 42 BC. e.

sicily on a world map

Today, only small merchant ships and beautiful private yachts are chartering here.

Between Scylla and Charybdis

The Strait of Messina, separating the mainland of Italy from Sicily, was considered for centuries one of the most dangerous for the passage of ships. There are two powerful whirlpools, known since ancient Greek times and described in Homer's poems "Iliad" and "The Adventures of Odyssey."

The width of the strait is 3.5 km, two powerful funnels are formed due to the rotation of water masses at great depths at current speeds during high and low tides up to 10 km / h. Scylla and Charybdis in the Strait of Messina have scared sailors for many centuries, but modern ferries carry residents and tourists quite freely and safely.

Things to do in Messina, Sicily

Due to its small size, the entire town can be bypassed in almost a day. Although it has many interesting historical places:

  • the existing Cathedral, the Church of Santa Maria Annunciata (St. Virgin), the Dome Cathedral, the dilapidated church of Via Santa Maria Alemana;
  • source of Orion and the fountain of Neptune;
  • Monte di Pieta Palace;
  • Dzanka Palace and others

Tourists who visited Messina and other cities of Sicily always have positive reviews, they are impressed by the beautiful southern nature, high mighty mountains, among which the famous volcano Etna stands out. Small towns on the island, although they are subject to periodic destruction due to natural disasters, are stubbornly rebuilt by the inhabitants again to impress with their antiquity and monumentality.

Messina Cathedral

In the center of Messina is the Cathedral , built in 1197 and repeatedly rebuilt, as a result of which various architectural styles are mixed in its architecture and decorative elements: Gothic, Baroque, etc. The Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed by earthquakes (1254, 1783, 1908). and a fire in 1943, when the building was destroyed by fire almost to the ground.

Rebuilt by Archbishop Piano, it was reopened only in 1947. The Cathedral was built of sandstone, which can change color at different times of the day, depending on the height of the sun, acquiring either light pink, then bronze, or gold shades. The lower part of the building is decorated with a horizontal strip of marble, the upper is masonry, light penetrates through 5 Gothic windows.

sicily reviews

Its interior is a delight for all art lovers, because frescoes, bas-reliefs, sculptures were created by famous Italian painters and masters, and then reproduced according to preserved drawings. A part of the frescoes of the 17th century also survived. The cathedral has an organ that has become famous for its size throughout Europe, second only to Milan.

Near the cathedral is a bell tower 90 meters high (1783), at the top of which there is an astronomical clock created in 1933 by order in Strasbourg. The mechanism of this watch is considered one of the most complicated in the world. Every day, the clock strikes at noon, and graceful golden statuettes placed around dance, which is visited not only by tourists, but also by local residents.

Messina Fountains

The city has a lot of fountains representing various styles of art: ancient and more modern. One of them is located in the center of the Duomo square, next to the Cathedral, is the Orion fountain , created in the XVI century by J. Montorsoli, one of the students of Michelangelo.

According to myths, Orion is the son of Neptune, king of the sea and patron saint of the city. The fountain was erected in honor of the great event - the construction of a water supply system, through which water is supplied to the city houses of Messina.

The Neptune Fountain decorates the area of โ€‹โ€‹United Italy, the sculptures of which are made according to the originals of the master Montorsoli (exhibited in the Regional Museum of the city).

Messina Sicily Attractions

Churches of Messina

The original church of Santa Maria Annunziata is one of the most ancient monuments of Messina (Sicily). Built in the 12th century on the site of a pagan temple, it is an example of a mixture of architectural styles, combining North Norman forms, an Arabic dome, arches and columns of the Byzantine style, and oriental ornaments. This temple remained almost in its original form, since no earthquakes and military bombing affected it. However, recently after another earthquake, the church settled into the soil by almost 3 m.

In the XVI century, a monument to Don Juan of Austria was installed in front of her, who defeated the Turkish troops near Lepanto (1571).

Messina city

The Church of St. Mary of Alemann was built by the Teutonic Knights on the orders of Frederick of the 2nd Swabia to provide a resting place for knights who visited the Crusades in the Holy Lands. An infirmary was set up here, then a warehouse, but after restoration work was carried out, it was restored in all its original splendor.

It is located in the center on the street of the same name. Inside the basilica is divided into 3 parishes with three semicircular apse. Aisles are divided by six-pointed capitals, decorated with figures of monsters and floral motifs.

The Church of St. Francis of Assisi is one of the ancient religious buildings of Messina, built in 1254 on the donations of wealthy noblemen of the city. She suffered from the earthquakes of 1783 and 1908. and the fire of 1884, but after restoration was restored by engineer A. Marino. The exterior of the building is impressive, thanks to the medieval apses with a power outlet and two magnificent portals that were saved after the earthquakes. Inside, it represents a basilica with a wooden ceiling. In one of the side chapels, a statue of the Immaculate Conception of the 17th century, made of silver, has been preserved.

Scylla and Charybdis in the Strait of Messina


Monte di Pieta Palace was built in the 18th century according to the project of the Jesuit architect N. Masuccio, who set out to create a residential building opposite the church of Santa Maria della Pieta, built on the ruins of the church of San Basilio. The building is located in the old part of the city, after the earthquake of 1908 and the military bombing of 1943, it left the lower floor, and from the church there is only a facade with alternating windows and niches and a baroque balcony. The courtyard opens onto a gentle slope, which was decorated with a staircase leading to the cemetery of the church of Santa Maria della Pieta.

Thanks to the restoration work, the building has become a symbol of ancient messianic architecture and is often used for cultural events and holidays of the city.

Dzanka Palace , which is today the town hall, was previously one of the palaces decorating the harbor of Messina (Sicily). After the destruction of 1908, a neoclassical palace was restored in its place, which received its name in honor of the architect A. Dzank. The interior of the building is decorated with numerous works of art dedicated to the historical dates of the city and memorable events, as well as part of the ancient Greek wall.

Messina Sicily

Sicily Travel Reviews

Magnificent landscapes and sunsets, mountain peaks and craters of volcanoes, tropical vegetation and the restored architectural monuments towering among it and the ancient ruins of settlements - all this awaits tourists coming to the island. The answer to the question of where to go to Italy was their decision to visit the island of Sicily, on which the picturesque Italian cities are located: Palermo, Catania, Syracuse and Messina.


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