Leica cameras: photos, history

The legendary camera, which has changed forever the concept of photography, is now simply called a "watering can." It was the device created under the Leica brand that became the first unit in the world to expand the horizons of photography. And it was this model that replaced the bulky booths with a black cloak, which modern residents can only see in historical films. Oscar Barnak invented it, and if in those days he had not met Ernest Leitz, there is a high probability that the world would not have seen this brilliant invention. Many have heard about how good Leica cameras are , the story of their creation is truly unique.

Creator Biography

Oscar Barnak did not graduate from schools, he did not have a higher education. He always dreamed of becoming a good artist. But at that time, the profession would not have earned him a decent income, so his parents insisted that he get a more “mundane” profession. The son obeyed the advice and enrolled in a local mechanic workshop. For many years after training, he traveled to Germany with the aim of gaining experience and accumulating knowledge. But he could not forget the art and began to engage in landscape photography. But for this business it was necessary to have a strong physique and good health. After all, in order to take photographs, you need to transfer a lot of equipment: starting from the camera itself and ending with cassettes, which were then used as a film. Therefore, wanting to continue to do what he loved and at the same time make it easier for himself, he began to think about creating a lightweight camera. His plans were to create an aggregate that he could easily carry anywhere with him.

The story of the first light camera

Having met Ernest Leitz, Oscar received an offer from him to go to work for him in 1910. At that time, Ernest had a laboratory of optics and microscopes. Having shown his skills, the inventor immediately headed the department involved in the study of video and cinema. During this period, he was visited by the idea of ​​creating an aggregate in which instead of cassettes film will be used. Having created the first two cameras, Oscar presented one of them to his leader Ernest. Despite the fact that the boss and fellow inventor simply remained in a state of euphoria from the received gift, he was in no hurry to put the model into mass production. Just a significant event took place in history - the First World War, in connection with which the company temporarily mothballed its work.

leica cameras
They resumed production only in 1924, and without delay under the leadership of Leitz the first Leica cameras were released. Ernest himself came up with this name, which stands for the abbreviation Leitz and Camera. A year later, "Watering Can" was presented at the fair, which was held in the city of Leipzig. But people reacted to the novelty with considerable suspicion and skepticism, because in those days it was hard to imagine that such a small unit could produce a truly high-quality image, everyone was used to something completely different. But doubts were short-lived, and by the end of the year more than 1,500 new cameras were sold.

First models released

The excitement encouraged the inventor, and he seriously thought about improving his invention. His imagination, experience and skills helped him design fifteen types of cameras with his own hands. Leica Standart cameras became the first model in which it was possible to change lenses. After that, Leica II, a small format rangefinder camera, went into production. And after that, the world saw the Leica III model, on which it was possible to set any exposure time. In addition, Oscar also invented a new film format, the size of which was 24 × 36 millimeters - it could be easily displayed through a spiral tank.

digital cameras leica
It is worth noting that at first the cameras did not have a label, but the name of the owner of the laboratory. Despite the fact that Oscar died in 1936, the popularity of his invention did not decrease at all. But the peak of popularity of this camera fell at the end of the fifties. It was then that the most perfect and wonderful Leica M3 model was released. At least that's what connoisseurs of similar technology and collectors think.

Leitz's contribution to brand value

Leitz took the invention of his comrade very seriously, and therefore he never skimped on financing the project and always looked for the best specialists to continue this business. He himself ensured that his employees had remarkable vision, because all the models were assembled exclusively by hand. In this regard, the company was almost always one of a kind, and the brand did not have worthy competitors. Thanks to the skills of Ernest Leitz, ordinary Leica cameras have become a series of legendary reference cameras of all time. He not only produced general models, but also tailored cameras specifically for the needs of each profession. So, for the military there was one model, for reporters - another, and for astronauts - the third. There were also exquisite cameras, which are now very much appreciated by collectors - they had a gilded case and lizard leather inserts. In 2013, a model of 1955 was presented at one of the auctions, and it was bought for $ 2 million.

The most famous models of "Watering"

Many famous personalities have in their collection a model of this legendary camera. Leica compact cameras are simply indispensable for lovers of true photo masterpieces. So, for example, Henri Cartier-Bresson has a “Watering Can” under the number 750,000. The Watering Can number 980,000 is in the possession of US President Eisenhower. And Queen Elizabeth II in the collection has a model with her initials. With the help of cameras released by Leitz, the most famous photographs were taken, such as “Kiss in Times Square”, “Portrait of Che Guevara”, “Banner over the Reichstag” and much more.

The most sought after modern model

At the moment, the number of products created under the "Watering can" label can hardly be counted. Despite almost a century of history, the company not only did not reduce output, but also continued to delight its fans with interesting models. Leica cameras continue to expand the list of released models.

compact cameras leica
Like, in principle, that’s all, the company smoothly switched from film to digital photography. And this is not surprising. Modern people have ceased to appreciate film cameras. Plus, nobody is interested in paper photography anymore, everything is now spinning on the Internet. And with ordinary film, uploading photos to your hard drive is not so simple. Therefore, Leica film cameras have lost their former popularity.

"Digit" or film

The "number" provides many advantages and greatly simplifies the ability to use photographs. In addition, with its help you can instantly see the final result, rather than wait for the film to appear and not worry that during the scan the image will lose its quality. But still, digital photography offers, rather, pipelined creation of images, no one cares about the beauty of one frame, moreover, nobody is interested.

film cameras leica
Indeed, a dozen pictures can be taken on a digital camera right away, and at least one of them will certainly be of high quality. At the same time, the legendary company is still trying to do everything so that the beauty and genius of the shots matter to photographers. That is why the most popular Leica M Monochrom camera was created.

Leica m monochrom

Now no one remembers that before cameras could only take black and white photos. The modern market is simply filled with color aggregates, so it was a shock for everyone when the new Leica masterpiece, the M Monochrom SLR, came out. This is a modern digital camera that takes exceptionally black and white pictures. Why make a model in which there are no standard color functions?

leica reflex camera
Everything is very simple: the company is still the most legendary and most revered among amateur photographers. Over the years, for her, not only the quality of the pictures was a priority, but also the importance of each individual frame. And having made a unique black and white model, they only emphasize the importance of the beauty of the captured frame. But that is why Leica cameras are gaining not only positive, but also negative feedback, because many modern consumers do not understand the meaning of this masterpiece of photography.


In appearance, Leica digital cameras of this model are not much different from their predecessors. Unless the rewinding coil is now gone, and instead of a film, a digital memory card is installed. In addition, this model is still compact and comfortable. And, as in the old days, many believe that in such a small case it is impossible to fit truly high-quality components that allow you to make large-scale excellent pictures. But, as always, Leica is amazing and makes the impossible possible.


Leica M Monochrom does not have any of what a modern consumer is used to seeing. It does not have a built-in flash, you can’t shoot a video on it, you will not set autofocus during shooting, and you won’t even make high-speed serial shooting. On this Leica camera, you can take photos only b / w and only with manual sharpening. This full-frame rangefinder camera is not suitable for everyone, because it needs to be felt, with its help you need to create and create brilliant masterpieces. It is not at all suitable for ordinary clicking frames just like that. This camera does not turn black-and-white pictures systematically, its matrix, in principle, is not able to perceive color, so even after placing the photo in common photo editors, working with color will be impossible.

cameras leica reviews

Externally, the model does not have any identification marks, no series, no logo, but it is guessed right away by connoisseurs. After all, it is created from ferrous metal, black plastic and black volcanic leather. Everything is simple, elegant, excellent. The viewfinder, which is located in front, does not have modern frills, it is standard, optical. The only change is the display of shutter speed on it.

Using Leica M Monochrom

The principle of shooting has remained the same. To capture the frame, you need to look into the lens, manually sharpen and press the button. It is worth noting that the sharpening ring moves very smoothly and without problems. The sound made by the camera during the shooting remains a pleasant element; it is still unique and is no different from other models of the Lake. This camera is ideal for outdoor, non-stage shooting, as in the old days.

cameras leica story
After all, this company produced equipment that war correspondents and newspaper photographers loved so much. It is also worth paying attention to the absence of noise even at high ISO values. In short, this camera is designed to delight real photographers who can appreciate every frame. Therefore, when wondering which Leica camera to choose, think about why you need it at all and what you will do with it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26639/

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