Usb car charger for phone: description, reviews and photos

Many motorists for the phone want to choose a quality USB charger . Models differ in rated voltage, conductivity and ultimate resistance. A standard charger consists of an adapter, an expander, and a trigger.

The cable for models is used with a usb connector. Some modifications are made with rectifiers. They also have a diode display system. An average model costs about 300 rubles.

usb car charger for phone

Homemade modification

Making a USB car charger with your own hands is quite simple. The trigger is more appropriate to select a single-pole type. The maximum voltage parameter for it is required to be no more than 12 V. A USB port is used to connect the model to the plug. The transistor for it is used in binary type.

The rated resistance in the circuit must not exceed 20 ohms. Before connecting the expander, a zener diode is installed. If we consider modifications to 2 A, then they have a tetrode. Most often, this element is used with a beam filter.

Choosing a good model

How to choose a car charger for your phone? First of all, the buyer must pay attention to the compatibility of the model. If we consider phones with batteries for 800 Ah, it is more appropriate to select models for 12 V. They use expanders of both capacitive and operational types. On average, the overload parameter fluctuates around 2 A.

Filters must be installed inverting type. They handle voltage overloads well. Devices with display systems are considered very useful. Specialists recommend direct triggers to be watched with individual adapters. If necessary, they can be replaced.

micro usb car charger

Manhattan USB device description

The specified USB car charger for the phone (photo shown below) is in great demand. Compatibility with the Samsung and Algie models is. The trigger in this case is a transition type. The capacitor is used with a contact diode. Thus, jumps when charging the phone are rare. The plug is quite durable.

If you believe the reviews of experts, then the charger has a high-quality filter. If we talk about the shortcomings, it is important to mention the low level of output voltage. The threshold resistance indicator is 13 V. The model has no protection system. For Lenovo series phones, this device is not suitable. The maximum battery capacity is allowed at 1200 Ah. A user can buy a charger of this series at a price of 330 rubles.

DIY usb car charger

Customer Reviews for Charging Grand-X CH-11

This is a high-quality and inexpensive LED car charger - USB 4v1 ammeter (tester 3.1A). Customer reviews say that it is great for the Samsung and Algie models. In this case, the adapter is used with an electrode capacitor. Failures in it are rare. Batteries up to 400 Ah recharge very quickly. The rectifier in the model is used of the beam type.

The output conductivity parameter is not more than 30 microns. There is no damper in the charger of this series. If you believe customer reviews, then for Lenovo phones, the model fits well. Permissible minimum temperature level is 15 Ā° C. You can buy a model nowadays at a price of 290 rubles.

Grand-X CH-13 Charging Parameters

The car charger (micro USB) of this series is very popular. In this case, the adapter is used without a rectifier. If you believe the reviews of experts, then problems with capacitor overloads are extremely rare. The display system of the charger is not provided. Over the expander, the model has a lining. The adapter can be twisted if necessary. There is only one USB port in the device.

Power surges are also rare. Allowable maximum temperature level is 45 degrees. For Samsung and Lenovo phones, the device is great. Models with batteries up to 800 Ah recharge very quickly. However, it is important to mention the flaws of the model. First of all, experts say that she often overheats the adapter. The charger housing is very sensitive to sub-zero temperatures. You can buy this model in the store at a price of 340 rubles.

Grand-X CH-24 Charging Reviews

This car phone charger (USB) is made with a dual port adapter. The modelā€™s direct expander is designed for an overload of 1 A. The protection system for the charger is used in the SK20 series. According to customer reviews, the model is perfect for Lenovo and Nokia phones.

Among the features of the modification, it is important to mention a reliable zener diode. There is no diode display system in the device. The permissible temperature level is at least 20 degrees. The dinistor in the device is used with a converter. You can buy this charger at a price of 280 rubles.

1a micro usb car charger network

Description of the device Nokia DC-4

It is an inexpensive and versatile 1A micro USB car charger (network). The expander is used with one port. The output conductivity parameter is 30 microns. If you believe the reviews of experts, then problems with overheating of the expander are rare. For 300 Ah batteries, the device is great.

Failures in the capacitor are observed infrequently. The filter is not installed on the model. Directly the port is attached directly to the adapter. The threshold resistance of the charger is 20 ohms. A user can buy a model for 350 rubles.

Customer Reviews for Charging Nokia DC-5

The car charger for phone (USB) of this series is made with one port. The modelā€™s filter is of magnetic type. For phones "Sony" and "Lenovo" model fits perfectly. She also has compatibility with Nokia devices. The permissible indicator of battery capacity is 1300 Ah. If you believe the reviews of experts, then problems with overheating of the expander are rarely observed.

The protection system is used by the SK20 series. The permissible temperature level is a maximum of 15 degrees. This charger is not afraid of high humidity. The modelā€™s tetrode is used with a converter. The zener diode in the model is missing. You can buy the specified car charger for the phone (micro USB) in the store for 300 rubles.

how to choose a car charger for your phone

Charging parameters Defender ECA-01

The model is very popular. The zener diode in this case is used with one port. The expander is made quite high quality, it is difficult to damage. The filter is applied channel type. The output conductivity parameter of the charger is 33 microns. The maximum resistance of the model is at 40 ohms. The tetrode in this case is installed without lining. The adapter on the model does not disconnect. The output under the plug is pretty high quality. It is also important to mention the compact size of the device and good design. The user can buy a model on the market at a price of 290 rubles.

Charger reviews for the Defender ECA-03

This USB car charger for the phone reviews, as a rule, gets a positive character. According to experts, the model is ideal for 300 Ah batteries. She has a magnetic filter. Impulse noise from the battery is not afraid of him. The protection system is used by the CP20 series. The trigger is applied discrete type.

The permissible temperature level is a maximum of 40 degrees. The zener diode is not used with this charger. The quality of the usb port is high. If we talk about the cons, it is important to mention the absence of a diode display system. For Samsung phones, the model is not suitable. You can buy a charger of this series at a price of 340 rubles.

led car charger ammeter usb 4in1 tester 3 1a

Description of the device Defender ECA-05

The USB car charger for the presented phone series has many advantages. First of all, buyers choose it for a high overload parameter. The output voltage of the model is 12 V. The protection system in this case uses the KS20 series. The permissible temperature level is at least 20 degrees. The extender on the charger is a digital type. Unfortunately, there are no filters for the model.

If you believe the reviews of experts, the capacitor rarely overheats. The zener diode in the model is missing. Thus, impulse noise sometimes significantly interferes with charging the phoneā€™s battery. For the Samsung and Lenovo models, the model fits well. There is no compatibility with Nokia phones. The converter on the charger is used with an adapter. The USB port in this case is used with a lining. You can buy the specified charger at a price of 280 rubles.

Gemix GC 1203 Charger Reviews

The USB car charger for this phone series receives different reviews. Some believe that the model has a small overload parameter. For 800 Ah batteries, the device does not work well. It is also important to mention that the model is not compatible with Sony phones. She uses a trigger of a single-pole type. Filters are normally located behind the expander.

The signal conductivity parameter of the charger of this series is 30 microns. The security system of the model is good. The output impedance is 35 ohms. Problems with trigger overheating are rare. For 800 Ah batteries, the device is great. The model has a diode display system. You can buy the specified USB 2A car charger in the store for 290 rubles.

usb car charger

Gemix GC 1245 Charging Parameters

USB car charger for this phone series is very popular. First of all, buyers talk about its compactness. It is also important to note that the model has compatibility with the phones "Algie", "Nokia" and "Sony". The trigger in this case is a discrete type. The output conductivity of the charger is 22 microns.

If you believe the reviews of experts, the filter overheats infrequently. The adapter for the model is designed for two usb ports. The output voltage parameter of her is 15 V. The overload indicator is at least 1 A. The protection system of the charger is used by the KS20 series. You can buy this model for only 250 rubles.

Gemix GC 1256 Charging Reviews

The charger of the presented series has several advantages over other models. First of all, it is important to note that he uses a pass filter. Impulse noise to the device is not terrible. The protection system is used by the KS20 series. The rectifier is used of the electrode type, and its maximum output conductivity is 40 microns.

If you believe the reviews of specialists, then malfunctions in the expander are rarely observed. The output voltage of the modification does not exceed 10 V. There is no short circuit protection system. The user can buy a charger of the presented series at a price of 400 rubles.


If you choose an inexpensive model, then definitely you should stop at Defender ECA-01. The specified charger is compatible with many phones. The model also uses a high-quality protection system. However, it is important to consider the low output voltage parameter. If you choose a model with two ports, then you should give preference to the modification of the Grand-X CH-11.


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