Astrakhan region: attractions, interesting places

The subject of the Russian Federation, located in the southeastern part of the Russian Plain, is the Astrakhan Region. Sights of this region are quite diverse. Tourists will be able to see the natural, historical, architectural monuments. Numerous museums will tell about the lifestyle of the Russian people. It is amazing that you can get to know traditional life firsthand by visiting villages. As for nature, this is a separate issue. In the region there are reserves, national parks and a nature reserve. There are many monasteries, cathedrals, temples. They are visited annually by a large number of pilgrims.

So, let's go on a tour of the most popular attractions of the Astrakhan region.

Baskunchak Lake

Baskunchak is a salt water lake. It is located below sea level by almost 20 m. Administratively refers to the Akhtuba region. On the map it can be found at the following coordinates: 48 ° 10 ′ north latitude and 46 ° 53 ′ east longitude. It is separated from the Caspian by 270 kilometers. The lake is located on the north side of the sea. Mother Volga River flows only 53 km from Baskunchak. Included in the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky reserve. In length, it stretched for 18 km. Its width averages 13 km. Baskunchak Lake is shallow. The highest indicator is a mark of 3 m. Water salinity is 300 g / l.

Baskunchak is a lake with healing properties. The largest influx of tourists occurs in July-August. They take mud baths, which include healing clay. Its deposits are located along the entire coastline. Water (brine) also has healing properties. The air in this region is unique. It is filled with bromine and volatile.

Astrakhan region attractions

Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky reserve

The state nature reserve "Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky" covers an area of ​​almost 19 hectares. It is located very close to the border between Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. Administratively refers to the Akhtuba district of the Arkhangelsk region. The reserve includes two clusters - “Green Garden” and “Mount Bogdo and the surroundings of Lake Baskunchak”. The date of its creation is 11/18/1997. The purpose of education: the protection of semi-desert communities, the hollow lake, the highest mountain of the Caspian lowland, forest vegetation, as well as representatives of flora and fauna.

Currently inhabited by:

  • almost 50 species of mammals;
  • more than one thousand insects;
  • a little more than 200 birds, of which 30 are listed in the Red Book of the region;
  • 12 species of reptiles;
  • only 2 species of amphibians;
  • about 30 spiders.
    Baskunchak Lake

Big Bogdo

The highest point of the Caspian lowland is Mount B. Bogdo. Its peak has a height of almost 150 m above sea level. The relief is represented by underground and terrestrial karst forms. There are grottoes, funnels, beams, caves. Only the last about 30. The largest is considered a cave with a length of 1.5 km. Thanks to the expedition organized in 1854, deposits of sulfur, gypsum, limestone and various clays were found.

Big Bogdo is a mountain worshiped by Buddhists. Pilgrims come here every year. It is also the only one in Europe where the remains of skeletons and sedimentary rocks, which belong to the first geological period of the Mesozoic era, lie directly on the surface. Considering that there are numerous niches, indentations, cornices, caves on the southwestern slope, a characteristic sound is formed during the winds. It was because of him that the locals nicknamed the mountain - “Singing Rocks”.

big bogdo

"Lady with a dog"

The sculpture "Lady with a Dog" was installed in 2012 on the city promenade of Astrakhan. It is made of bronze. Represents a woman in a dress, the style of which corresponds to the fashion of the XIX century. Next to her is a little dog looking somewhere into the distance. An umbrella hangs on the woman’s left hand. In her, she holds a small bunch of flowers. It’s difficult to immediately understand that she is a character in Chekhov’s work. Indeed, at that time, almost all women dressed in a similar way. Their entertainment was walking along the promenade. However, the sad expression, posture, pensive and waiting look corresponds to the image of the heroine of the work.

Together with the pedestal, the sculpture weighs 650 kg. Opposite it is a hotel bearing the same name.

Bogdinsko Baskunchaksky State Nature Reserve

"We won!"

"We won!" - a monument that was erected in honor of the soldiers who liberated their native land from German occupiers. These were the soldiers of the 902th Infantry Regiment. It was installed in the city of Akhtubinsk on Lenin Square. Its grand opening took place in 2010. Why are camels immortalized in the monument? This question is often asked by tourists. In the second year of the Second World War, the Nazis began to approach the Volga. There was a big shortage of equipment for the transport of the wounded, ammunition, food. That is why it was decided to use camels for these purposes. In Astrakhan, at that time, the 902th regiment was formed. According to some reports, on his balance there were about 20 camels. However, scientists were able to trace the history of only one team. Their name was Bear and Masha. The animals passed with Sergeant G. Nesterov to Berlin itself. After the war, camels were identified in the Moscow zoo.

we defeated the monument

St. Vladimir's Cathedral

The Astrakhan region (religious attractions are also here) is a subject where there are two main religions. Many temples, churches and mosques have been erected on the local territory. But the most important among them is Vladimir Cathedral. Its construction began in 1895. The City Duma became the initiator. However, due to interruptions in funding, they were able to complete construction work only in 1902. It is located in the central part of Astrakhan.

The project was developed by a large group of professional masters. The building of the cathedral was built in the Byzantine style. Both inside and out, the finish is very rich and amazingly beautiful. The height of the cathedral is 50 meters. Currently, it has been given the status of a monument of federal significance.

The reserve Ilmenno-Bugrova

The Astrakhan region is rich in natural monuments . The attractions that Mother Nature herself created are unique in their kind. Ilmenno-Bugrova Nature Reserve must be visited during the tour. It was created in order to preserve the landscape of the area. The relief in the reserve is hilly. This is precisely what makes it unique. Sand and clay hills are located both transversely and in a straight line. There are small formations, whose length is about 10 meters. But there are those whose length reaches 20 km. About 20% of the entire reserve is occupied by water bodies. They are formations with fresh and salt water. Most of them are overgrown with reed vegetation. In some places, its height reaches 3 meters.

About 300 species of medicinal, ornamental, and food plants grow here. Some of them are in extinction. You cannot call rich fauna. The reserve is inhabited mainly by mammals, amphibians and reptiles.

sculpture of a lady with a dog


The Astrakhan region, the sights of which will interest any traveler, will please with variety. In addition to reserves and monuments, there are many more interesting things here. For example, cactus field, lotus lake, majestic mosques, interesting museums. Come, do not regret it!


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