Iceland Tourism: Travel, Attractions, Popular Vacation Destinations

There is an amazing island in the north of the Atlantic Ocean, on which so many natural attractions are collected that it could be completely declared to UNESCO. The island state of Iceland spreads over an area of ​​just over 103 thousand km 2 , part of which is occupied by volcanoes, geysers, lakes, forests and waterfalls.

Since this is a maritime country, the main industries that generate revenue for the state are the fishing and processing industries.

People live along the coast, so a trip to Iceland saves time on its full study.

Capital of Iceland

Reykjavik is the northernmost capital of the country in Europe and home to most of the country's population. The city was founded by the Viking Ingolf Anarson in 874, who, after turning to the gods with a request to indicate where to build a new settlement, threw 2 sticks into the water. Where they nailed to the shore, there grew the first farm, which became the basis of Reykjavik.

tourism iceland

The hot springs surrounding the city became the reason for its name, which is translated from Icelandic as “smoking bay”. There are several features of the capital that distinguish it from others:

  • Firstly, the city is recognized as the cleanest on the planet, and this is due to the fact that it does not have a single production. As guests of the city note, the air there is so clean that people who come from large cities and industrial areas are dizzy.
  • Secondly, in 2000, it was recognized as the most cultural capital in the world, as defined by UNESCO.
  • Thirdly, the inhabitants of the city are so accustomed to each other's honesty and decency that they do not close the doors of houses and cars.
  • Fourth, it is the only city on the planet where the parliament lasted more than 1000 years and did not disband during periods of war or crisis.
  • Fifthly, the weather in Iceland, namely in Reykjavik, offers to sightseeing without fuss and fainting from heat stroke or freezing. On the hottest summer day, the temperature rarely rises above +15, and in winter the average is -6 degrees.

These are far from all the hallmarks of the city. For example, its old architecture is most often converted farmhouses with outbuildings, from which shops, bars and museums are made. To feel its beauty, purity and originality, you can find out what tours to Iceland offer tour operators, and purchase those where maximum attention is paid to Reykjavik.

National parks of the country

There are three national parks in Iceland, one of which, Thingvellir, is included in the list of natural world heritage by UNESCO. Although it is the oldest in the country, its area is only 5,000 hectares. Next to it is the youngest Vatnajokull natural park, which was organized in 2008, seems to be a giant. It occupies 12% of the island and is the largest in Europe.

Travelers who prefer ecological tourism to all the other beauties of the world (Iceland has something to brag about in this regard) should definitely visit here. The most famous object of the park is its eponymous glacier. Its dimensions are simply amazing. It covers an area of ​​8100 km 2 , and its thickness ranges from 400 m to 1 kilometer.

The most amazing thing is that there are still 7 volcanoes underneath it, which make it “cry”, resulting in the formation of amazingly beautiful caves with hot springs and lakes located on the surface. A trip to Iceland is unlikely to be forgotten if you swim in one of the underground sources, as the local population does.

trip to iceland

The third national park is located in the west of the island and has the unpronounceable name Snajfedlsjökull. This is also a glacier, but much smaller. Not only he is interesting, but also the villages that are sheltered near him. To see a real fishing village that has preserved its old traditions, to visit an open-air museum, go fishing with local fishermen, eat fresh seafood dishes in local restaurants - these are active people choosing such tours to Iceland.

Blue Lagoon

Another natural phenomenon that has no equal in Europe is the Blue Lagoon geothermal complex. Azure-colored water, steam smoking above it, equipped wooden platforms, bridges, stairs to the source and emerald rim from moss growing along the shore - all this makes the vacation truly unforgettable.

The source water has healing and antibacterial properties, has a good effect on the immune system, it contains silicon, quartz and trace elements from algae. The resort operates year-round, as the source temperature is always +16 0 or higher.

trips to Iceland

It is important to remember that visiting many natural sites in the country is paid, so you should know the prices in advance. Hundreds of thousands of people visit Iceland every year, and visiting hot springs brings a good income to the country. For example, an entrance to the Blue Lagoon for an adult will cost 30 euros. For children under 13 years old - free of charge, disabled people and adolescents from 14 to 18 years old are given a 50% discount.

Famous volcanoes

Often operators, offering tours to Iceland, advertise it as a country of ice and fire, and in general this is true. Part of the country is covered by glaciers, and the other by active and extinct volcanoes. There are famous among them.

Another attraction with the unpronounceable name Eyyafyadlayokyudl awaits guests in the southern part of the country. Its height is 1666 m, and a crater in diameter reaches 4 km.

For 200 years this giant was asleep. During this time, it covered with a glacier, until in 2009 its activity began, which lasted until May 2010. During the eruption of the volcano, hundreds of thousands of tremors were noted. For example, in March, only for a day they counted 3000 with a power of 1-2 points.

The Eyyafyadlayokyudl volcano immediately became famous, since its 3 eruptions, which occurred with some interruption, ejected ash to a height of 8 to 13 km, which meant it fell into the stratosphere. All flights in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and parts of the UK were suspended, for example, only on April 15, 2010, a total of 6,000 flights were canceled in these countries.

tours to iceland

Today Eyjafjädlajökull is a tourist attraction that many tours to Iceland offer to visit. Particularly impressive is the helicopter flight over his crater.

No less popular with tourists is the Laki volcano, which consists of 115 following each other for as many as 25 km of craters. Some of them are active, others have been sleeping for more than one hundred years. His most famous eruption was the "explosion" of 1783-1784. He destroyed 20% of the country's population, almost all cattle. Due to emissions of gases and ash in Europe, hunger came. Today it is visited by 8,000 people a year on a jeep tour. You can choose such trips to Iceland, although you should remember about safety when visiting such places and be sure to use the services of a guide or guide. For the safety of both volcanoes and people, Icelanders have specially equipped paths with decks that are best avoided.


Iceland tourism is associated primarily with the natural attractions of this country, and waterfalls are one of their manifestations. There are so many of them that not even all have names. Iceland is best in summer, when glaciers begin to melt, and water flows increase significantly, which affects the power and beauty of waterfalls.

The most famous of them - Gudlfoss - consists of two steps, one of which has a height of 21 m, and the other - 11 meters. There is evidence that they once wanted to build a hydroelectric power station on it, and the legend that the daughter of engineer Toumas threatened that he would throw himself into his waters if his father destroyed this natural beauty.

It is not known what prevented people from disfiguring this natural object, but today thousands of people come to stand at the observation decks near this magnificent miracle and enjoy its power.

prices in iceland

For those who travel around Iceland by car, there is a unique opportunity to live near such a miracle. The Skogafoss waterfall overthrows its waters from a 60-meter height, and a campsite is located not far from it, where you can comfortably park to enjoy the stunning views of this handsome man.

Tourism in Iceland is famous for extreme sports, which people often miss in everyday life. A visit to the 196-meter Glimur Falls is a prime example. This miracle of nature has a natural arch on one of its steps, and caves are located nearby, some of which include trips to Iceland. A trip to this natural beauty will cost an average of 70 euros, this amount also includes a visit to extinct volcanoes.

Iceland Rivers

Since there are waterfalls in this country, then there are rivers that give birth to them. They are absolutely unsuitable for shipping, as they have countless rapids, but are a real joy and challenge for rafting enthusiasts. This sport is one of the most popular in Iceland.

The longest rivers in the country are the rivers with unpronounceable names - Thiourssau (230 km) and Jökülsau-au-Födlum (206 km). They begin in the glaciers, and if the first flows into the Atlantic Ocean, then the second into the Greenland Sea.

When tourists think about what to see in Iceland, one of the interesting events will be a visit to the Elfusau River, which is famous for its width at the confluence of the Atlantic. It reaches 5 km, making it the deepest and most salmon-rich river in the country. Its spills are a truly magnificent and often dangerous natural phenomenon.

Iceland Resorts

Iceland tourism has nothing to do with the understanding of the word "resort" to which travelers are accustomed. There are no beaches with hot sand and warm sea, but still thousands of people come here every year to spend time at local resorts and improve their health.

All of them are associated with thermal springs, which, like nothing else, perfectly affect the human body, launching programs for self-healing and increase immunity.

Western Iceland is the most popular due to the huge number of attractions. There are mountains, the air of which has an invigorating effect on visitors, and geysers, and glaciers, and forests, and lakes full of fish, and bird markets, and geothermal springs, and whales. The latter was chosen precisely for the western part of the country for recreation and food.

weather in iceland

If the weather in Iceland allows, then travelers will find Langisandur - the golden beach. Located in the west, the most ancient settlement of the country Reykholt is famous for its outstanding sons. Snorri Sturluson lived and worked here , composing in the 13th century the most famous sagas of Iceland. Once upon a time there lived the great Vikings, whose exploits were immortalized in the history of the Icelandic people. Here you can meet a motley tourist audience - climbers, fishing enthusiasts and those who like to explore the fjords and admire their beauty.

Country customs and people

To fully appreciate the beauty of this country and its traditions, you need to know when Iceland is most hospitable. The season for tourism here is from July to October. It is during this period that the island is warm, less moisture and all the famous festivals and national holidays of the country take place.

And what will help to better know Icelanders, if not participation in one of the festivals? Musical meetings are especially popular. If earlier it was mainly folklore groups, then since 1980, for example, in Reykjavik they began to conduct rock (Iceland Airwaves) and jazz festivals Reykjavik Jazz Festival.

By tradition, all Icelanders know how to knit, even men. Their traditional fleece sweaters and jumpers are still considered the warmest and are popular all over the world.

The peculiarity of the people of this country is their friendliness towards foreigners with complete internal closeness. It is difficult to obtain citizenship here, and emigrants must change their name to traditional Icelandic.

Like hundreds of years ago, they lead a calm lifestyle, rarely leave the borders of their country, and they are rather indifferent to their own sights.

Hotels and cuisine of Iceland

You should be aware that prices in Iceland are high compared to other European routes. Here, excursions, souvenirs, food, and accommodation are all quite expensive. If you choose hotels in Iceland, then the cost of living in them depends on the place. In the capital, it will be from 3000 to 12000 rubles. per day, in other cities - from 2000 to 11600 rubles. per day. Cheaper will cost a room at the local, which can be rented on the Internet.

Iceland season for tourism

Iceland's traditional cuisine can be tasted in any cafe and restaurant, as they prefer to treat guests with hearty and simple food, but if desired, you can find Asian food and fast food. The most popular dishes are shark and whale meat, lamb, dried fish with special sauces, and sweet dishes include buns.

Amazing Facts About Iceland

This country may surprise even experienced travelers:

  • Many tourists mistakenly think that Iceland “dies” in the winter from the cold, but in fact in the settled part of the country the temperature rarely drops below -6 degrees.
  • Residents of the country do not have surnames, but simply add the name of the father to the name with the ending of a son for boys or daughter for a girl.
  • Every Icelander, except for the main profession, masters a creative specialty, such as a designer or artist.
  • The Icelandic language has not changed for more than 1000 years.

This country was created to surprise, so it’s worth changing the next warm shore to its cold and unique beauty.


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