Admiral Lee Song Sin: biography, military career

The famous Korean admiral Lee Song Sin, who lived in 1545-1598, is one of the main national heroes of his country. He led the fleet during the war with Japan. The strategist and tactician is also famous for not losing a single battle (there are 23 naval battles on his account).

early years

Future Admiral Lee Song Sin was born on April 28, 1545. He was a native of the capital of the country - Seoul. The child came from the Lee family. His ancestors were among the Korean military nobility. In 1555, the boy’s father was arrested for supporting repressed opponents of the government.

Because of what happened, future Admiral Lee Song Sin moved to the province and for a long time received the status of politically unreliable. Now the official’s career was closed to him. The young man decided to devote himself to the army. In Korea, the military were considered people of the second estate. They were inferior in influence to the bureaucrats.

In 1576, Lee Song Sin passed the exam and became an officer in the Korean army. He was sent to serve in a small northern fortress. His duties included protecting the country from attacks by neighboring nomadic tribes.

Admiral Lee Sung Xing

Admiral's appointment

Thanks to his talents and abilities, Lee Song Sin became the admiral of the Korean fleet in 1591. At this time, the top of the country was preparing for the approaching war with Japan. In the army, urgent reforms were needed. Soldiers and sailors were distinguished by weak discipline. This could play a fatal role in the event of a military conflict with neighbors.

Therefore, Admiral Lee Song Sin began to introduce new orders in the Navy. A system of punishments and rewards. If a soldier or officer came across a violation of the charter, he was subjected to public punishment. Such rules made it possible to quickly rid the army of unprofessional personnel. Many of them fell into high positions due to kinship and nepotism. Now in their place were capable soldiers. Barriers to the poor who wished to serve their country and climb the career ladder disappeared.

Admiral Lee Song Sin arranged for the supply of weapons and clothing for privates. When the officer just became the head of the fleet, he had to change outdated and simply rotten ships that had been idle for many years in ports. The army’s budget was now replenished by deductions from private trade, which allowed to quickly put the fleet in order. For the first time in many years, exercises at sea were organized.

Admiral Lee Sun Xing Biography

Tactician and Reformer

Thanks to years of mastery of strategic prowess, Korean Admiral Lee Song Sin has become an expert in battle tactics. His army reforms touched not only organizational issues, but also the very structure and composition of the fleet. The admiral was aware that the future was in remote combat. Therefore, he increased the number of shooters and gunners. With the beginning of his command, new types of weapons appeared.

Behind the advent of the revolutionary Kobukson ships, Admiral Lee Song Sin also stood. The naval commander personally changed the design of the old models and suggested starting to build a new type of vessel. Due to their appearance, these ships were also called “turtles”.

For greater security, the frame was covered with metal plates. The length of the vessel was about 30 meters. A frightening dragon head was mounted in front. The ship had high running characteristics. The design provided for two masts and two sails. The ship was maneuverable - it could turn literally while standing still.

Korean Admiral Lee Sung Sin

The beginning of the war with Japan

In 1592, the Japanese army launched an invasion of Korea. This event was not a surprise. The year before, the Japanese ruler asked Korea for permission to pass troops. His goal was China. However, the Koreans refused to let in a foreign army. Seoul was afraid of "guest" violence or a retaliatory attack from China.

When Japan was refused, the country began to prepare for the inevitable war. The diplomatic conflict was fueled by the ambitions of the island nation. The day before, Japan united under the sole authority of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Now he wanted to conduct a successful military campaign in order to consolidate his own influence in his homeland.

Admiral Lee Sun Xing Cinema

Brilliant victories of the Korean fleet

In April 1592, Admiral Lee Song Sin was appointed the leader of the entire Korean fleet, which opposed the Japanese attack. The Imjin Wars - that is what historiography later called the conflict between neighbors. Lee Song Sin needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of his own reforms, which he had carried out several years before the start of the confrontation.

The first serious test for the fleet was the naval battle at Tanpo. At the beginning of the war, the admiral made kobuksons his main striking force - ships of a new type, shortly before being adopted by him. In the first battle, the Korean fleet sank 72 enemy ships. Subsequently, the admiral continued to smile good luck. He did not lose a single battle.

The plans of the Japanese command were foiled. It was estimated that half a million people would invade Korea. In fact, the figure was much lower. In addition, the army, which nevertheless ended up in Korea, was cut off from the supply of equipment, provisions, etc. Admiral Lee Song Sin made a huge contribution to the strategic defeat of the Japanese. A film about this national hero, shot already in modern times, picturesquely talks about how the famous naval commander made key decisions and defeated the enemies of his country.

admiral lee sun xing movie


Thanks to the victories of Lee Song Sina, the Japanese agreed to start negotiations. In Tokyo, they wanted to take time to regain their strength and try to attack Korea for the second time. Soon, the Japanese command was extremely lucky.

At the highest echelons of Korean power, they were afraid of the popular love that Admiral Lee Sung Sin enjoyed. The biography of this commander was impeccable. If desired, he could get rid of any competitors at court. While the diplomats of Korea and Japan were trying to reach a peaceful settlement, intrigues plunged in the capital against the admiral. As a result, he was imprisoned on false charges and demoted to sailors.

Won Gyun

Instead of Lee Song Sina, his court rival Won Gyun was appointed commander of the fleet. The new admiral did not shine with the talents and organizational qualities of his predecessor. At this time, the news of the disgrace of Lee Song Sina encouraged the Japanese authorities. In 1596, Korea was again declared a war.

Due to strategic mistakes by Won Gyun, the Korean fleet suffered several significant defeats. Many ships were sunk, others became completely unsuitable for service. At the Battle of Chilchongnian, Won Gyun died.

Admiral Lee Sung Xing Imjin Wars

Last victory and doom

At this critical moment, the Korean king was more than ever in need of the talent possessed by Admiral Lee Song Sin. Cinema about this national hero shows his fall and return to the system as it was in reality. In 1598, he was reinstated with the rank of admiral and released from prison.

The Korean fleet, injured in several unfortunate clashes, was a miserable sight. Despite this, Lee Song Xing was not going to give up. He collected the remains of the ships and led them to attack the Japanese.

The decisive battle of the Imjin war took place on December 16, 1598. The Korean fleet sank 200 Japanese ships, won and finally saved the country from foreign invasion. However, Lee Song Xing died from a stray bullet fired by the enemy. The tragic death made the admiral only legendary in the eyes of the inhabitants of his country. Today in Korea there are many monuments dedicated to the national hero.


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