The largest plane crashes in Russia

Unfortunately, plane crashes in Russia are not a rare occurrence. For 25 years of the existence of the modern state, planes crashed for a variety of reasons, from technical malfunctions to crew errors.

The crash of the Tu-134 in Ivanovo (1992)

Aeroflot passenger plane flew to Ivanovo from Mineralnye Vody. He crashed while landing, collapsing in a village not far from the airport. No one died on earth. There were 84 people on the plane - all of them became victims of the disaster that happened on August 27, 1992.

The Tu-134A was launched in 1977 and almost the entire lifetime was assigned to the airport of Ivanovo. Despite the fact that the ship had already flown over 26 thousand hours, it was in good condition. The investigation showed the main reason for the fall was the wrong decision of the crew commander. He incorrectly calculated the approach. Air crashes in Russia often happen by mistake of one person, and this case is no exception.

At the same time, airport dispatchers also worked negligently, who gave the crew incomplete information about the growing deviation from the correct course. Air crashes in Russia, as a rule, lead to lengthy investigations. In the case of Ivanovo, the pilot's error was calculated thanks to the decryption of the black boxes.

The crash of A310 near Mezhdurechensk (1994)

The tragedy in the sky over the Kemerovo region happened because the pilot put his young son at the helm. This case remains unique in the history of air travel. The child inadvertently set the plane in the wrong course. The ship received a roll, due to which the pilot lost control of the machine.

Due to the criminal negligence of the captain-father, all the people on board died (75 people). The plane crashed in the Siberian forest, and the wreckage was scattered within a radius of two kilometers. The search operation lasted several days. Due to the vast territory of the country, air accidents in Russia often happen in hard-to-reach regions.

The plane belonged to Aeroflot. After the disaster, the operating rules regarding the use of autopilot were changed. When the child was put at the helm, no one expected that the automation would fail. After the crash of the plane, the rules were toughened that concerned the permission to allow outsiders to enter the cockpit.

crash of Russia

The crash of Tu-154 near Irkutsk (1994)

On January 3, 1994, the Tu-154 operated a flight from Irkutsk to Moscow. Statistics of air crashes in Russia show that emergency situations rarely occur due to equipment failure. However, the tragedy with the Tu-154 happened precisely for this reason. Just a few minutes after takeoff, the left engine became defective.

The plane has not yet managed to fly far from Irkutsk. In a critical situation, the crew decided to return back to the airport. However, it was too late. The plane crashed into a dairy farm. Killed all 125 people on board. The largest air crashes in Russia include the tragedy near Irkutsk.

The engine failed because the machine was outdated. The technique can last for decades, but regular parts updates are required. In the case of the fallen Tu-154, this did not happen. In addition, the commission found out that a broken engine more than once refused in less critical situations. After the incident, precautionary measures were strengthened throughout the country. The requirements for compliance of the equipment with all necessary standards have been tightened by an order of magnitude.

air crash in Russia for 10 years

The crash of Tu-154 near Khabarovsk (1995)

This tragedy happened due to the fact that the plane collided with a mountain. Killed all the people on board (98 people). Plane crashes in Russia often happen due to roll. During the approach, the crew did not notice the occurrence of an emergency. When the pilot realized that the situation was critical and tried to correct it, it was already too late. The car gained high speed and crashed into Mount Bo-Jaus.

Pilots did not pay attention to the roll because they were distracted by preparations for landing in Khabarovsk. Rescuers managed to detect the wreckage due to the landslide that was visible from the altitude of the search aircraft. Plane crashes in Russia have always had a great public outcry. At the site of the death of passengers and crew, a monument was erected.

The crash of Tu-154 on Svalbard (1996)

As a rule, Russian air crashes occur on its territory. However, on August 29, 1996, a tragedy in which 130 citizens of the country died occurred on the territory of Norway. The charter flight carried Artikugol employees. The plane flew to Longyearbyen - the administrative center of the Svalbard archipelago. During the approach, the ship crashed into Mount Opera. This place was very close to the airport where the Tu-154 flew (it was only 15 kilometers from the destination).

The death of 130 people became the most significant in the history of flights of Norway. The list of "The largest air crashes in Russia" also includes the fall of this side. After the loss of the aircraft, Artikugol decided to close the polar village where the workers lived, most of which crashed during the accident.

air crash in Russia

The crash of Tu-154 near Irkutsk (2001)

This tragedy leads the list of air crashes in Russia that occurred within the borders of the state. Passenger flight flew from Yekaterinburg to Vladivostok. According to the route, the ship was supposed to make a stop in Irkutsk. It was here that the plane fell into a tailspin and crashed at the airport.

Immediately after the disaster, a criminal case was opened, and an investigation began with the participation of aviation experts. The plane crashed on July 4. In December, a report was prepared stating that the crewโ€™s mistake was the cause of the tragedy. It was possible to find out with the help of black boxes. The crash of recent years in Russia often happened precisely in Irkutsk. For example, after another five years, Airbus fell here.

The crash of Tu-154 over the Black Sea (2001)

Modern air crashes in Russia most often occur due to crew errors or equipment failure. However, the case over the Black Sea is very different from the rest. On October 4, 2001, the Tu-154 crashed right into its waters. Initially, a version of the attack was put forward. Not even a month has passed since the two planes were sent by extremists directly to the twin towers in New York.

However, the investigation revealed that the reasons for the tragedy were different. While the Tu-154 flew to Novosibirsk, military exercises were underway on the Black Sea . They were attended by Russian and Ukrainian troops. The commission for a long time examined everything related to the exercises. Finally, it was concluded that an anti-aircraft missile fired by the Ukrainian military in the Crimea hit the plane. Before this event, Russia's largest air crashes have never been associated with such excesses. The tragedy claimed the lives of 78 people.

the largest air crashes in Russia

Accident A310 in Irkutsk (2006)

According to statistics, the latest plane crashes in Russia most often happened with Tu aircraft. However, on July 9, 2006, the Airbus A310 crashed in Irkutsk. This happened during the approach. The plane could not stop on the runway and, already on the ground, at high speed collided with the garage buildings.

The largest air crashes in Russia, as a rule, lead to the death of all passengers on board. This time, 63 people survived, while the remaining 125 died. The tragedy happened due to the fact that the left engine unexpectedly changed the operating mode and literally threw the plane outside the landing strip. The investigation showed that the fault was the crewโ€™s mistake. Plane crashes in Russia over 10 years most often happened for similar reasons.

The error of a crew member (usually a pilot) can occur due to carelessness or lack of experience. Therefore, specialized universities are regularly tested by various commissions. Specialists make sure that graduates, leaving their educational institution, are psychologically prepared for various emergencies.

The crash of Tu-154 near Donetsk (2006)

In 2006, all residents of the country again recalled the largest air crashes in Russia. On August 22, a Tu-154 crashed over the Donetsk region, attributed to Pulkovo Airport. On that day, it was the largest tragedy in the history of Russian air transportation. 170 people were killed.

The plane, flying from Anapa to St. Petersburg, drove home vacationers on the Black Sea coast. The route ran through the territory of Ukraine. It was over the Donetsk region that the ship came under a thunderstorm. The crew realized too late that the plane was in a zone of great turbulence. However, the pilot asked the dispatchers to change course. However, at that moment when this was done, the maneuver was already useless. The plane was directly in the cloud, where the conditions for the flight were simply impossible. In the end, the ship banked and began to dive to the ground.

The crew managed to send an SOS signal, but the pilots failed to straighten the corkscrew. So the list of air crashes in Russia has replenished. Today, on the site of the death of passengers and crew is a church. Because of what happened in Russia, a day of mourning was declared.

largest air crashes of Russia

Accident of Boeing-737 in Perm (2008)

On September 14, 2008, an Aeroflot-Nord aircraft (a subsidiary of Aeroflot) operated a Moscow-Perm flight. Onboard there were 88 people, including the Hero of Russia, General Gennady Troshev. Also, officials and functionaries of the Sambo Federation were on the plane (an important competition was to be held in Perm).

The statistics of air crashes in Russia show that most of them occurred during the approach. The case in Perm was from this number. The plane crashed ten kilometers from the airport. It crashed directly onto the railroad lines, due to which communication on the Trans-Siberian Railway ceased for some time. The investigation showed that the tragedy happened due to the fact that the crew, including the aircraft commander, lost orientation in space.

list of air crashes in Russia

Accident A321 over the Sinai Peninsula (2015)

All the latest plane crashes in Russia fade before what happened in the sky over Egypt in the fall of 2015. The plane was heading to St. Petersburg. It flew home tourists who rested in Egyptian resorts. The ship was above the Sinai Peninsula when an explosive device went off on board . Due to what happened, depressurization occurred. The plane crashed in the desert. Killed all 224 people on board.

Air accidents in Russia, as a rule, lead to the institution of criminal cases related to negligence. This time, the FSB began investigating the tragedy. A few weeks after the incident, it became known that the explosion was due to a planted explosive device. Representatives of ISIS took responsibility for the attack. Explosives were flown due to a security error at an Egyptian airport. However, the version that someone helped the terrorists is not ruled out. The investigation has not yet been completed.

recent crash in russia

Plane crashes in Russia are always associated with a considerable number of victims. However, the death of 224 people became the largest in the history of the country. Today, both Russian and Egyptian special services are engaged in the investigation.


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