Subwoofer for computer. All you need to know

When choosing a speaker system for your computer, special attention should be paid not only to satellite speakers. In many ways, the subwoofer for the computer is responsible for the sound quality . Acoustic systems have a regularity - the frequency of sound is inversely dependent on the size of the speakers themselves. This means that the larger the speaker, the lower the frequency it emits. Fortunately for all lovers of high-quality sound, engineers found a fairly simple solution to this problem: they made a separate speaker system created specifically for low frequencies. Thanks to this, speaker systems can be very compact.

The computer subwoofer is a separate system that reproduces low-frequency sounds . And, if this system sounds perfect - the listener will not notice the difference between the sound of individual sounds against the background of the speaker system. That is, it feels like the subwoofer is not playing at all.

Active subwoofers, which are assembled together with a built-in amplifier, are widely used today. Some cheap subwoofers have a built-in speaker amplifier. Unlike active ones, passive subwoofers are found in Hi-Fi and Hi-End class systems and are connected to the amplifier separately.

The subwoofer for the computer provides better sound quality thanks to the bass reflex, but certain conditions are necessary for its use. The installation of such subwoofers is recommended to be performed in those cases when the satellite speakers practically do not reproduce low-frequency sounds, that is, bass.

A computer subwoofer requires particularly careful tuning. This is done in order to avoid the so-called "failures", that is, situations in which the high frequencies reproduced by the subwoofer do not coincide with the lower limit of the frequencies that the satellites produce.

You need to have enough knowledge to adjust the output power of the subwoofer. It should not be weaker than the power of satellites more than twice. Because of this, situations often arise in which a high-quality and powerful subwoofer cannot realize its potential due to weak satellites, since you have to put its power at the lowest level.

After acquiring a powerful and high-quality speaker system, you should figure out how to connect a subwoofer to a computer. To do this, you must have the computer itself, a speaker system with a subwoofer, an amplifier-receiver and, of course, a complete set of wires at hand. The wires must be selected in accordance with the connectors. After the speakers are placed, it should be connected to the receiver, the connector of which is located on the rear panel, the passive subwoofer, at the same time, is connected in the same way as ordinary speakers, and only then the receiver is connected to the PC.

Modern motherboards have six connectors, each of which is indicated by its own color: green, yellow, black and gray - correspond to the center, side, front speakers and subwoofer. But there are situations when a computer has only three outputs, or six outputs, but the speaker system has the form more than 6.1. In such cases, the PC itself offers the choice of the type of connection that corresponds to the connector, otherwise you need to configure the sound driver yourself, the interface of which is in the control panel.

Before buying a speaker system, the question always arises: how much does a subwoofer cost for a computer, which is almost impossible to answer. The lower border of prices is quite low - in the region of a thousand rubles, but the upper border is not visible edge. If you really appreciate the high-quality sound that the speaker system perfectly conveys as a whole, then you should not save on the subwoofer in any case.


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