Evidence of human origin from animals. The new theory of human origin

Evidence of human origin from animals undeniably confirms Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory. The system of views on anthropogenesis, which began to form in ancient times, underwent significant changes over time.

Biology: the origin of man

Aristotle also believed that the ancestors of the species Homo sapiens are animals. The scientist Galen agreed with this opinion. Between humans and animals, they placed monkeys. Their teaching was continued by the famous taxonomist Karl Linney. He isolated the corresponding genus with the only kind of "reasonable man." Jean Baptiste Lamarck suggested that it was precisely speech that was an important factor in anthropogenesis. The most significant contribution to this doctrine was made by Darwin, citing conclusive evidence of the origin of man from animals.

evidence of human origin from animals

Anthropogenesis occurred in several successive stages. These are the oldest, oldest and first modern people. Moreover, there is evidence that they coexisted with each other, actively competing. The most ancient people did not build dwellings, but knew how to make tools from stones and had the beginnings of speech. The next generation is Neanderthals. They lived in groups, knew how to make clothes from hides and tools from bones. Cro-Magnons - the first modern people, lived in self-built dwellings or caves. They had already learned pottery, began to domesticate wild animals and grow plants. The evidence of such evolutionary transformations is the results of paleontological excavations, similarities in embryology, anatomy and morphology of humans and animals.

Finds of paleontologists

Scientists have long been interested in this topic. The origin of man from animals is primarily proved by their fossil remains found by paleontologists. Among them there are species similar to modern ones, and their transitional forms. For example, Archeopteryx is a lizard bird. For humans, these are autralo and dryopithecus. In general, fossil finds suggest that the organic world has become more complex over time. The result of this development is modern man.

Charles Darwin

Evidence of biogeography

The fact that man descended from a monkey is also evidenced by the evidence of a science that studies the distribution of vegetation and animals over the Earth. It is called biogeography. Scientists have established a certain pattern: species isolated in the isolated territories of the planet are very different from others and are found only within a specific area. The process of their evolution seems to be suspended. Such species are called relict. Examples are the platypus in Australia, the hatteria in New Zealand, and the biloba ginkgo in China and Japan. Anthropogenesis also has this kind. This is one of the most interesting mysteries of nature - Bigfoot.

man descended from a monkey

The similarity of embryonic development

Embryology also provides evidence of human origin from animals. They are based primarily on the fact that different species have similar features of embryonic development. So, the embryos of all chordates are similar in anatomical and morphological structure. They have a chord, neural tube and gill slits in the throat. And already in the process of development, each of them acquires individual characteristics. In humans, the neural tube is converted into the spinal cord and brain, the chord into the departments of the skeleton, and the gill slits heal, allowing the lungs to develop.

human origin topic

Comparative Anatomical Evidence

The internal structure of organisms is also studied by biology. The origin of man from animals proves the common features of the structure of man and animals. Some organs are homologous. They have a common structure, but perform different functions. For example, these are the forelimbs of a bird, fins of seals and human hands. A person also has rudimentary, underdeveloped organs, which in the process of evolution have lost their functional significance. These are wisdom teeth, coccygeal bones, the third eyelid, muscles that move the auricles and set hair in motion. If abnormalities occur during embryonic development, these organs can develop sufficiently. Such phenomena are called atavisms. Their examples are moscovosity, the appearance of a continuous hairline, the underdevelopment of the cerebral cortex, the appearance of a tail.

new theory of human origin

The similarity of karyotypes

Genetics also indicates that man descended from a monkey. First of all, this is a diploid set of chromosomes. In anthropoid apes it is 48, and in representatives of the species Homo sapiens - 46. This is conclusive evidence of the origin of man from animals. And the 13th pair of their chromosomes is similar. In addition, the similarity of the amino acid sequence in the protein molecules of humans and chimpanzees reaches 99%.

Step to evolution

Charles Darwin formulated the biological and social factors of human evolution . The first group includes the struggle for existence, natural selection, and hereditary variability. On their basis, social factors develop - the ability to work, a social lifestyle, meaningful speech and abstract thinking. So thought Charles Darwin.

biology human origin

At the same time, modern man has acquired such features, thanks to which he reached the pinnacle of evolution. This is an increase in the brain and a decrease in the facial part of the skull, chest, oblate in the dorso-abdominal direction. The thumb of a person’s hand is opposed to the rest, which is associated with the ability to work. An important change was the upright posture. Therefore, the spine has four smooth bends, and the foot is vaulted. This provides cushioning while driving. The pelvic bones have acquired the shape of a bowl, as it experiences the pressure of all internal organs. In connection with the appearance of speech in the larynx, cartilage and ligaments develop.

There is a new theory of the origin of man. According to her, a man descended from a Miocene monkey. Its feature is that before it appeared on earth, it lived in the water for several million years. Evidence of this theory is the ability of a person to hold his breath for a long time, and when inhaled to stay on the surface of the water. Recently, childbirth in water has become very popular. Proponents of this method believe that the baby is much more comfortable in the conditions in which he was during pregnancy.

In the world there are a lot of both supporters and opponents of the theory of the origin of man from animals. However, the evidence for this system of views on anthropogenesis is quite numerous and convincing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39191/

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